Weight Loss and Fitness Thread!



  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Just to balance things out - secret agent, you're fat nacker, why fight it? With the way the recession is going, you're best off aiming for a fatal coronary at 65 to avoid old age penury, so jam doughnuts and hard liquor are the way to go, while a year's subscription to lovefilm will see you unlikely to shift off the sofa any time soon.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:

  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    3lb off this week. Plus my back is better enough now to get a few long walks in this week.
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:

  • toutbruntoutbrun Washington, USAPosts: 1,501MI6 Agent
    If you eat sugar you're going to get fat. Basically.
    If you can't trust a Swiss banker, what's the world come to?
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Can we have a breakdown of what you're aiming to eat daily, secretagent?
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    Breakfast - poached eggs and whole meal toast or sugarless cereal. Plus a pint of water.
    Lunch - sandwich generally cold meat and salad.
    Dinner - pretty open really but not chips, fried food. Usually plenty of veg, white meat so stir fry, curry, casserole, roast or salad.

    Throughout the day some fruit, nuts, plenty of water, semi-skimmed milk.

    No chocolate, crisps, biscuits, 2lb steaks...
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:

  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Well that sounds alright. I'd have more for brekkie as you're a big lad, one sausage and one bacon, scoop of baked beans and your coffee. Bit of fruit juice. :)

    Thing is, the above you outline is a great diet, BUT... if you're fat or overweight, you won't be able to hack it imo. You'll need more food - just not crap like sugar and bad carbs - to fill that big stomach and not feel hungry.

    The above is a great food thing - but only for those who are slim anyway.

    To beat cravings, take Solgar's Chronium Piccolate capsules, one a day, from health food shops.

    Oh, fruit? Go easy on bananas, which technically is not a fruit anyway. My friends' flatmate went for a big run every morning, but has a smoothie she mixed of bananas, and couldn't figure out why she wasn't losing weight.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Ens007Ens007 EnglandPosts: 863MI6 Agent
    Well that sounds alright. I'd have more for brekkie as you're a big lad, one sausage and one bacon, scoop of baked beans and your coffee. Bit of fruit juice. :)

    Thing is, the above you outline is a great diet, BUT... if you're fat or overweight, you won't be able to hack it imo. You'll need more food - just not crap like sugar and bad carbs - to fill that big stomach and not feel hungry.

    The above is a great food thing - but only for those who are slim anyway.

    To beat cravings, take Solgar's Chronium Piccolate capsules, one a day, from health food shops.

    Oh, fruit? Go easy on bananas, which technically is not a fruit anyway. My friends' flatmate went for a big run every morning, but has a smoothie she mixed of bananas, and couldn't figure out why she wasn't losing weight.

    I'm with you in certainly recommending that thesecretagent eats more, particularly at breakfast time. Eggs are a good start, however I'd knock the breakfast sausage idea in to touch as they're literally pure fat & rubbish (it's hard to phrase that without smutty connotations springing to mind). I'd try & avoid cereals as they majority are processed and maybe go for porridge with some berries. Natural yoghurt is also a decent alternative.

    Where possible, try to eat little but often. This in itself is hard as our mindset is geared towards 3 x big meals a day. Lean protein sources such as chicken, turkey, steak, tuna / fish, eggs are great when dieting as they help to keep you feeling fuller for a bit longer. Carbs are not the enemy though ... we all need them to fuel our days and to help recovery after exercise. I would though try to control the input of them after 4pm as unless hitting the gym, as they are serving little purpose but to be stored. Wholemeal varieties of rice or pasta and sweet potatoes are great, along with plenty of veggies. Just remember it's about portion control and calories in Vs calories out.

    Another important factor is that good fats are essential in a diet - fish oils, EVO Oil etc etc. For a snack, try something along the lines of chicken breast with a handful of almonds or some berries with yoghurt.

    NP - Bananas as a post workout simple carb are quite common, so I'm bit surprised by your friend's story. Having said that, we're all different and maybe she's sensitive to these carbs or she's not eating the correct blend of other food types. Other factors such as stress cortisol could be a factor and there's plenty of research that is the hot topic of the moment via a respected training guru called Charles Poliquin, who has devised a series of tests to measure the body's sensitivity to a number of things. I'd certainly recommend looking up his Biosignature Test as it's quite interesting.
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Probably rubbish, but due to the moon cycle, July 3 is a good time to fast, and the few days after that for dieting, if you wanna lose weight.

    No doubt there are some times it's easier to shed bulk than others, worth a try.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    Really need to cut down on bread. Tried switching to whole meal - but with wife and two kids the food gets eaten up quick, and my son won't eat white bread for some reason so I'm often left with white bread. With lunch on the go sandwiches are usually what goes, and with toast for breakie I had six slices yesterday. Porridge is good for breakfast with a little honey. But it's not all about losing weight, I'm getting fit too and marched out a fast three mile trek this afternoon, and just did a few free weights.
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:

  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    In my view, porridge is heallthy but not much cop for actually losing weight. If you have to do it, make with water not milk, or half semi-skimmed milk for a bit of the creamy vibe. Honey? Better with a bit of jam imo. And don't have too much of it.

    Bread is a killer, if you must have sourdough, they say it's more digestible, or maybe flatbread or nan stuff, pitta bread, that kind of hting. If you must have sandwiches, have toasties, I think it gives rise to less bloating.

    And I suppose you could check if you are tolerant to gluten by doing a blood test with the doctor some time.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Agent_MAgent_M lost in the speed forcePosts: 353MI6 Agent
    I'm off to become a certified "Training For Warriors" instructor next month which includes a lot of nutrition as it deals with elite level fighters and in my opinion a lot of the advice here is pretty good especially about the bread i recommend wraps instead of sandwiches but for breakfast try a wholemeal toasted english muffin with a tablespoon of peanut butter as the calories ect will keep you going longer into lunch portion size is also important and timing, it takes about 20 mins for your body to realize it's full so slow down, chew slowly, and pause between each mouthful. Put the knife and fork down even just to really waste some time.

    hope this helps

  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    The trouble is, in the army I lived on masses of fried food, but the physical exercise is vast, but it is also your job. Nobody normal would recreate this amount of exercise in their normal lives. I see really fit people running or in the gym, and they wouldn't last a day in an infantry regiment. Now I'm ten years older, and the weight has gained slowly, it's going to be tough to shift, but it'll come off in time.
    Some great tips there guys. Thanks. I think bread is my biggest problem, the top of my ten or so bad habits. But to be honest, the biggest thing is exercise. I used to do so much, then gradually less to none. I've been knackered in the five years we've had kids ( they really are tough work!) and any down time has become relaxing time. I literally just sag when they're not about. Just got to get into different habits.
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:

  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Cool tsa, but I disagree a little. I seem to be losing weight a bit now, and it ain't exercise, as in heading down the gym. I do a 1km run first thing in the morning before breakfast, it lasts just over 10 minutes, and that's enough really imo. Some say it works better after you've eaten as you have energy to run for more, but this if for fit folk who can run 5km or more no prob, and I sure ain't in that category. But 10 mins as I get out of bed, (2 mins stretching hamstrings etc beforehand of course) and it's fine, it's like just around the block.

    Other than that, it is down to the food you eat, and if you've got food addiction, well, lord knows how much exercise you have to do to run it off, probably 2 hours' worth frankly.

    Anyway, rather boorishly, I will offload all my tips some time this weekend so see what you think. But if cola, sugar and bread are your fix, you've nailed the problem, it's how you get off it. It's an addiction.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Hmm, I need to lose 4lbs in the next week or I'm a chump. I just need to shift it.

    But here's an odd thing. I am a bit slimmer and lighter, and can now fit into 32in trousers, though there's a muffin top, of variable size. But when I put a tape measure around my waist, at the belly button, it comes to 37in! WTF? So do I really have a 37in waist?
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • 7700777007 Posts: 502MI6 Agent
    edited July 2012
    Good advice in here for losing weight.

    Get your carbs early in the day. Don't eat before bed, you should go to bed kinda hungry. Drink a glass or two of water before every meal, and lots of water in general.

    Exercise. If you only have 30 to 45 minutes a day for exercise you should spend that all on cardio. Make sure it's good cardio. There's a formula online to find your target heart rate using your age and weight. Keeping your heart rate up into your target zone for 30 minutes or more should get you dropping pounds. Any kind of activity that gets your heart up there and staying there will do. Brisk/power walk is my go to. But do what you like ;jogging,biking, aerobics, etc.

    If you're having trouble with your diet, a program like Weight Watchers can help get you thinking in the right direction. I've used it in the past to help drop like 30lbs in 3 or 4 months. Every food has a point value. You add up the fat,carbs, and protein to get the foods value.Most fruits and vegetables are free. You'll get so many points allowed to eat each day based on your weight. Eat anything you want to reach your daily total. It's all about portion control. And you'll learn real quick not to waste your points on junkier things. And see how much more you can eat of low point stuff like chicken and turkey as opposed to beef and fattier foods.

    Also don't always worry so much about your scale weight. Use your mirror to see the changes in your body shape. A person can weigh the same on the scale as the did before, but still look thinner and more toned. Muscle weighs more than fat so you could be losing fat but not weight sometimes.You'll see the changes and feel them in the way your clothes fit.
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    Yeah, I'm not going to be a slave to the scales. I'm very big build, and also my waist is, and has always been ten to twelve inches smaller than my chest. So I've never had a belly, and thus never really looked fat. But I feel big and heavy at the moment. There was a rugby match recently in the village where I work where the local team, now with an ex world cup winning player playing for fun took on a top league team. I had a dozen or so comments from customers asking if I was playing. I haven't played for twenty years! So I think I'm going to measure as much as weigh and see what comes off. Also, I'm setting myself a benchmark tomorrow for a run. I'll time myself on a run until I'm fit to drop, take my pulse, then see how both the time and heartrate improves over time.
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:

  • 7700777007 Posts: 502MI6 Agent
    This is a great site to read for beginners all the way up to bodybuilders.


    Has the target heart rate calculator, videos, tips, and recipes.
  • HalfMonk HalfHitmanHalfMonk HalfHitman USAPosts: 2,348MI6 Agent
    Not a cure-all, but I'm having some success using the Lose It! app - http://blog.loseit.com/2011/07/25/lose-it-for-android/

    It's a program that tracks everything you eat (you can search, enter food manually, or use the included barcode scanner for store bought foods) and every bit of exercise. I have found the accountability goes a long way toward not overdoing it with food or booze, down 12 pounds in 3 weeks.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    This might help as a Motivational tool.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    FFS Secret agent, don't kill yourself. Maybe see a doctor before going on some massive run. You're not 25 any more and we don't really know how fit, unfit you are. We're just lobbing advice your way.

    Try a 10 min run for starters at least, or rather, at most.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • WildeWilde Oxford, UKPosts: 621MI6 Agent
    edited July 2012
    Yea, NP is right. Bodies are just like machines, you wouldn't try to break the land speed record in a hotrod which has been stored in a garage for 10 years.

    Get yourself serviced, take it gradually and you'll get where you want to be. You obviously have the metal determination which most people don't have, that matters immensely.
  • Ens007Ens007 EnglandPosts: 863MI6 Agent
    FFS Secret agent, don't kill yourself. Maybe see a doctor before going on some massive run. You're not 25 any more and we don't really know how fit, unfit you are. We're just lobbing advice your way.

    Try a 10 min run for starters at least, or rather, at most.

    ^^^^ x 2 ... wholeheartedly agree.
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Tips on getting a good night's sleep here. A bit obvious, but worth remembering.

    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    Got food poisoning, so lost 4lb in a day. Not recommended though. :#
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:

  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Global weight estimation thing, quite interesting, fleetingly.

    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Ens007Ens007 EnglandPosts: 863MI6 Agent
    Global weight estimation thing, quite interesting, fleetingly.


    Pretty much it's just a BMI comparison. IMO it holds no worth, as the likes of competitive bodybuilders, pro rugby players etc etc would register as being completely overweight / obese - despite having circa 8-12% body fat or even less.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    That weight estimation thing, Is a great way to make you feel bad about yourself. :#

    I'm goint to have to do something. :D
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • thesecretagentthesecretagent CornwallPosts: 2,151MI6 Agent
    Today is a case in point. I've lost about ten pounds now. I've got back to a bit of exercise and have dropped some bad eating habits. I've got a few hours off before going into work, and have just finished off bacon, eggs, toast... I cooked it and ate it without a thought! At no point did i think "Oh wait, I've dropped ten pounds, I don't do this anymore...."
    Talk about operating on automatic pilot... I even managed to eat the lot before thinking about it! 8-)
    Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. If you enjoy crime, espionage, action and fast-moving thrillers follow this link:

  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Erm, that's highly calorific but not really that damaging. What you need to avoid is sugar. Not fat. The fat you can burn off during the course of the day, at least Full English brekkie kinds of fat.

    Now if I buy a sandwich or wrap, I look at the sugar content, not fat content primarily.

    Anyhow, nice one on dropping 10 pounds.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
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