Robert Crais on James Bond

Le SamouraiLe Samourai Honolulu, HIPosts: 573MI6 Agent
I'm a huge fan of Robert Crais's Elvis Cole/Joe Pike novels. I recently stumbled onto an interview with Crais that included the following:
Who is your favourite recurring crime fiction hero/detective?
James Bond. Just I find him eminently entertaining. He represents to me a part of life that I’m completely unfamiliar with but fantasize endlessly - the suave and debonair but at the same time gritty and tough-as-nails super spy. I don’t write that stuff of course, but maybe that’s one of the appeals to me. For me it’s a completely different reality. I wish I were James Bond.
—Le Samourai

A Gent in Training.... A blog about my continuing efforts to be improve myself, be a better person, and lead a good life. It incorporates such far flung topics as fitness, self defense, music, style, food and drink, and personal philosophy.
Agent In Training


  • Mr BeechMr Beech Florida, USAPosts: 1,749MI6 Agent
    That's a neat take. Good find! That's some of the stuff I think we all really love about Bond, he is different from our reality, but desirable in many ways.
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