Real-life Garden of Death

Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,174MI6 Agent
edited September 2011 in General James Bond Chat
If you enter Aokigahara forrest below mount Fuji in Japan, you will be met by signs urging you: "Think of your family!" or saying "Life is a gift". This is because hundreds of people have commited suicide there since the 50`s, especially in the last few years. It started after two characters in the novel "A black sea of trees" went there to end their lives there and Aokigahara was also named the perfect place to die in he "The Comlete Book of Suicide". The forrest has been said to be the haunt of spirits and demons. Back in the 70`s there were so many bodies hanging from the trees the authoreties decided to clean the whole forrest of corpses yearly. In 2002 they found 78 corses there,but the forrest is very dense and they belive about one hundred people end their own lives there each year. Aokigahara forrest has become a morbid tourist attraction, and grave-robbers also search the forrest. But most dead bodies are found by lumberjacks. If they find a dead body they bring it back to the lumberjack camp. In the camp there is a special room for this purpose, containing just two beds. The corpse is put in one bed for a night. In the other bed a lumberjack sleeps together with the dead body. Superstiion says this will keep the lonely ghost from screaming and causing unrest during the night.

This is remisent of Flemmings Garden of Death in YOLT, and I`m curious to know if he knew of this forrest or simmular sites when he wrote it. Sadly there are no old castles with a mysterious European couple in the middle of the forrest (as far as I know...)


  • Mr BeechMr Beech Florida, USAPosts: 1,749MI6 Agent
    That is creepy and rather horrifying. I don't know much about that...
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,174MI6 Agent
    Yes, it is. Personally I find the the American custom of putting heavy makeup on the dead and displaying them in open coffins creepy too, so it`s all in the eye of the beholder. I believed the Garden of Death in YOLT to be one of the best Flemming elements still unused in the films, but I thought the idea of suicde candidates traveling to the garden unrealistic. Turns out I was wrong. Why not place the head of Quantum in the Garden of Death in Japan, perhaps even call the film The Death Collector?
  • Mr BeechMr Beech Florida, USAPosts: 1,749MI6 Agent
    Number24 wrote:
    Yes, it is. Personally I find the the American custom of putting heavy makeup on the dead and displaying them in open coffins creepy too, so it`s all in the eye of the beholder. I believed the Garden of Death in YOLT to be one of the best Flemming elements still unused in the films, but I thought the idea of suicde candidates traveling to the garden unrealistic. Turns out I was wrong. Why not place the head of Quantum in the Garden of Death in Japan, perhaps even call the film The Death Collector?

    The make-up can be creepy too, heh.

    I think that could be done excellently in a film, though I don't know much about it in a Bond context. Glad you brought it up though, it is an interesting creepy.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,174MI6 Agent
    Mr Beech wrote:
    Number24 wrote:
    Yes, it is. Personally I find the the American custom of putting heavy makeup on the dead and displaying them in open coffins creepy too, so it`s all in the eye of the beholder. I believed the Garden of Death in YOLT to be one of the best Flemming elements still unused in the films, but I thought the idea of suicde candidates traveling to the garden unrealistic. Turns out I was wrong. Why not place the head of Quantum in the Garden of Death in Japan, perhaps even call the film The Death Collector?

    The make-up can be creepy too, heh.

    I think that could be done excellently in a film, though I don't know much about it in a Bond context. Glad you brought it up though, it is an interesting creepy.

    I`m confused: would you like to see Flemming`s Garden of Death, but NOT in a Bond movie? Or were you refering to my first post, and you would like to see the FORREST in a non-Bond movie?
  • Mr BeechMr Beech Florida, USAPosts: 1,749MI6 Agent
    edited September 2011
    Number24 wrote:
    Mr Beech wrote:
    Number24 wrote:
    Yes, it is. Personally I find the the American custom of putting heavy makeup on the dead and displaying them in open coffins creepy too, so it`s all in the eye of the beholder. I believed the Garden of Death in YOLT to be one of the best Flemming elements still unused in the films, but I thought the idea of suicde candidates traveling to the garden unrealistic. Turns out I was wrong. Why not place the head of Quantum in the Garden of Death in Japan, perhaps even call the film The Death Collector?

    The make-up can be creepy too, heh.

    I think that could be done excellently in a film, though I don't know much about it in a Bond context. Glad you brought it up though, it is an interesting creepy.

    I`m confused: would you like to see Flemming`s Garden of Death, but NOT in a Bond movie? Or were you refering to my first post, and you would like to see the FORREST in a non-Bond movie?

    I'm saying I had never heard of the real one or Flemming's before. So what I mean is that I had no knowledge of it even existing in Bond literature, not that I wasn't sure if it could be a successful element. I would love to see the real forest or Flemming's in a movie. The whole idea interests me.
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