Would you accept a black actor as James Bond?

james362001james362001 Lancaster, California USAPosts: 338MI6 Agent
Please don't use the words "racist" or prejudice" on me for asking such a question. But here is my strong opinion about it.
Daniel Craig started this one a few years ago after Obama was elected into the office of The President of the United States.
Craig thought it was time for their to be a black "Bond".

Well, I, for one, would not want a black actor to be "James Bond". I believe it was Ian Fleming's intention for his character to be a white British man with dark hair. I don't care if the actor is Scottish, Welsh, Irish, Australian or from New Zealand. They can fit the mold.

If the black people want their own kind of hero, they need to get their own author and screenwriters and come up with their own character.

You have had Sidney Poitier, Ron O'Neal, Calvin Lockhart, Richard Roundtree, Bill Cosby, LeVar Burton, Danny Glover, Samuel L. Jackson, Laurence Fishburne, Colin Salmon and Jeffrey Wright in positive black male roles. Some of them have even played an officer, a detective, or a secret agent.

Now I don't mind Jeffrey Wright as "Felix Leiter" in Casino Royale (2006) and Quantum of Solace (2008). In fact, I was looking forward to seeing him in the next movie, but as of this writing, it seems Wright has not received the phone call yet. Maybe "Felix" is not needed in this movie.

Instead of black actors saying they want to be the next James Bond, why don't they create their own character. Richard Roundtree did it with Shaft (1971).

Leave my James Bond alone.

When black people take over a role that was made famous by a white person, the results can be horrible. Have we forgotten Cedric the Entertainer in "The Honeymooners" remake.? Jackie Gleason was rolling over in his grave.

In the mean time, you could enjoy Bill Cosby in his role of "Alexander Scott" in the "I Spy" tv series on DVD.


  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Personally I don't have a problem with anyone playing Bond ( except for short Blondes :p ) As far as Black actors go I think Adrian Lester, could play a great James Bond. In Hustle he comes across as very suave, looks good in a suit and can do a great one-liner, and he's British -{, Now having an American Play Bond, that's a different matter. :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • HalconHalcon Zen TemplePosts: 487MI6 Agent

    the thing is James Bond is such an attrative idea of a character that it is very understandable for ANY race to want to have a crack at interpreting him.
    I myself am spanish and would love to see a spanish actor play Bond (there are a couple of actors that could pull it off) but then, it wouldnt be Bond, it would be Santiago Pegamento...
  • james362001james362001 Lancaster, California USAPosts: 338MI6 Agent
    Halcon wrote:

    the thing is James Bond is such an attrative idea of a character that it is very understandable for ANY race to want to have a crack at interpreting him.
    I myself am spanish and would love to see a spanish actor play Bond (there are a couple of actors that could pull it off) but then, it wouldnt be Bond, it would be Santiago Pegamento...

    I agree with you too. You said it very well. I don't know who the spanish actors are in Mexico, but I did like Joaquin Cosio as "General Medrano" in Quanutm of Solace. I think they could have made him a main villain instead of "Dominic Greene". I would like to see Joaquin Cosio in A Better Life (2011) and Pastorela (2011).
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Well, Craig has probably been coached in the correct response. No way is he going to say, "Hey, I don't think a black James Bond is a good idea" because rightly or wrongly, it could be interpreted as racist or raise a stink. Better to say, yeah, why not? Knowing it is never gonna happen.

    Personally I don't much care, I suppose I could object on principal but I don't have many principals left. :D
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • chrisno1chrisno1 LondonPosts: 3,527MI6 Agent
    Would I accept a black actor as James Bond?
    I wouldn't agree with it. The character wasn't a black man.
    Would I accpet it? I guess in cinematic terms, I wouldn't worry, after all Felix Lieter has become a black man (twice), but it rather goes against the grain. Bond's traditional mannerisms, his foibles, his very Englishness, suggest he needs to be played by a white man.
  • DEFIANT 74205DEFIANT 74205 Perth, AustraliaPosts: 1,881MI6 Agent
    Not this again .... X-(


    My thoughts on the topic are in that thread.
    "Watch the birdie, you bastard!"
  • HalconHalcon Zen TemplePosts: 487MI6 Agent
    Halcon wrote:

    the thing is James Bond is such an attrative idea of a character that it is very understandable for ANY race to want to have a crack at interpreting him.
    I myself am spanish and would love to see a spanish actor play Bond (there are a couple of actors that could pull it off) but then, it wouldnt be Bond, it would be Santiago Pegamento...

    I agree with you too. You said it very well. I don't know who the spanish actors are in Mexico, but I did like Joaquin Cosio as "General Medrano" in Quanutm of Solace. I think they could have made him a main villain instead of "Dominic Greene". I would like to see Joaquin Cosio in A Better Life (2011) and Pastorela (2011).

    Yes Joaquin 'Medrano' did a heck of a job, I absolutely hated the guy in the movie. Only wished we could have seen him get shot by Olga rather than just hearing it.

    and i too believe that he was the sinister side of the 'villian' in the movie, the villian being composed of Medrano and Greene combined.
  • 7700777007 Posts: 502MI6 Agent
    F*ck Fleming.

    There I said it. The series has taken on a life of it's own. Let it go.
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    Not this again .... X-(


    My thoughts on the topic are in that thread.

    Indeed. . .this is a topic that comes up time and time again, and we really don't need a new topic. Please go to the earlier one and post away on this well-worn subject. . .
    Vox clamantis in deserto
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