Service secret

oscar rubiooscar rubio Madrid (Spain)Posts: 286MI6 Agent
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Discover the secret service known in real life

While spying has existed since time immemorial, the emergence of highly specialized agencies had its peak in mid-twentieth century with the onset of the Cold War. Here are some of the most important secret services:
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Created in 1947 after a project initiated in 1944, the CIA is made up of many departments. The Operations department is in charge of all counterintelligence missions outside the United States. The Information Department analyzes and synthesizes all the information gathered. The administrator is responsible for personnel management and safety. The scientific and technological department comprises several divisions. The NSA SIGINT to working with the aerial surveys or espionage through satellites. On the other hand, a specialized processes and analyzes the information thus collected. Finally, the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) listens to the radio and television stations around the world and, as appropriate, prepare extracts which broadcasts the American public.
National Security Agency (NSA)
Established in 1952, the NSA has well defined functions. First, the organization ensures that the secret information, and information collected from Internet, do not fall into the hands foreigners. Second, using an intermediary to SIGINT (Signals Intelligence), listen to the broadcasts of the world. In summary, it is the lead agency code, civil and military, and decrypt messages sent abroad.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
When created in 1909 the department was depending on the Justice until in 1934 it became an independent body. After 1939, basically responsible for all aspects of counter-espionage within American territory: detection and neutralization of spies, saboteurs, and, in general, anyone carrying out clandestine activities within the United States. The CIA has no authority to stop the criminals working within their own organization and should ask the FBI to handle it. Interestingly, an FBI official who directs the CIA.
After the 1917 Bolshevik revolution, the party quickly created a secret police, the Cheka, which fought a vicious war, called "Red Terror" against the opponents of the new regime. Having eliminated all internal threat, the Cheka took his field of action abroad. After the advent of the USSR in 1923, the Czech was replaced by the OGPU would give life to the NKVD, later called KGB (Russian abbreviation of Committee for State Security) in 1954. In 1991, the first section in charge of overseas information was called the SVR. The second section, in charge of internal security, was called FSB.
The KGB was divided into multiple sections. The principal was the CDF, while a second section was responsible for internal security. The CDF was responsible for espionage activities abroad preparing to turn in other departments. T department dealing with the technical and scientific information. The department K infiltrating foreign networks and ensured the safety of Soviet embassies. Finally, Section S was dealing with the "illegal" Soviets in the world.
Abbreviation Staatssicherheitsdienst. Founded in 1950 and disbanded in 1989. The security agency was operating in East Germany from West Germany information. Its importance within the country and was not superseded by the KGB. The Stasi, not content to control their own network of agents in West Germany and the rest of the world, also spying on citizens of East Germany. After reunification, East Germans were shocked to know to what extent they had been monitored.
Hebrew abbreviation of the Institute of Information and Foreign Operations, established in 1951 by Israel. The Mossad has 30 to 35 "general" called Katsas who oversee foreign operations and 35,000 agents. However, you can call local volunteers known as sayanim. The Mossad is dedicated mainly to fighting enemies Arab countries and Palestinian organizations.
Until 1981, counterintelligence and security of Canada were responsible for the security services of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. A special unit was created in 1920 to prevent communist expansion. In 1945, Canadian Information noticed the infiltration of Soviet spies when a defector revealed the many Soviet missions in Canada. In 1981, an independent information service (CSIS) picked up the activities of the RCMP.
Direction générale de la sécurité EXTERIEURE
Established in 1981, the DGSE was the result of the integration of different information services French World War II under the Ministry of Defence. The DGSE is responsible for the counterespionage outside the borders of the French state.
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