Should you buy iTunes Match?

toutbruntoutbrun Washington, USAPosts: 1,501MI6 Agent
1. iTunes Match cannot handle large iTunes Libraries (over 25,000 songs)
2. If you have multiple Mac's and you initiate iTunes Match on a Mac with a library of less than 25,000 songs and then try to 'join' iTunes Match with another Mac with over 25,000 songs it will not allow the second Mac to join iTunes Match.
3. iTunes Match lost artwork for multiple albums in my library, on my Mac's hard drive. Can't figure out how or why.
4. iTunes Match has lost enen more artwork when posting to iCloud.
5. iTunes Match took over a week to upload my smaller music library of less than 15,000 songs
6. iTunes Match did not 'match' songs that were purchased from iTunes under an older Apple ID, it instead uploaded them.
7. iTunes Match will downgrade any songs over 256k down to 256k.
8. iTunes Match will re-populate your iTunes library with every song you ever downloaded from iTunes, even if you deleted the song from your library. Ever download a 'Free single of the week' then delete it because it wasn't anything you wanted to keep? Well, they're back.
9. Apple refuses to allow us to merge/combine Apple ID's that we may have used in the past.
10. Apple will not refund your purchase for iTunes Match.

11. Google Music is a superior product at the moment and its cheaper by $24.99/yr.

I might try it, but I'm not sure it's that useful.
If you can't trust a Swiss banker, what's the world come to?


  • Mr BeechMr Beech Florida, USAPosts: 1,749MI6 Agent
    If your albums are logged accurately on your own computer, Match is faster than Google since it will grab the identical file in the iCloud and just note that you are allowed to access it instead of adding it to the upload queue going from your computer to the cloud. Potentially every song in the library can skip the upload process and instead be logged as having a match in the Cloud.

    Google has no pre-existing library matcher. You upload all of your songs. iTunes Match is $24.99 per year and you are basically uploading the basic library info and only songs that Apple doesn't already have in their system will be uploaded. I can't attest to a comparison of their speeds, but Match has high chance to be reasonably fast.

    They are both good, but Match isn't as crap as your experience was.
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