GIA Operation Jawad Update

Falcon9Falcon9 Langley VirginiaPosts: 4MI6 Agent
edited December 2011 in Off Topic Chat


Global Intelligence Falcon Series Agents today assaulted a terrorist (Hells Dragons) base in the Paracel Islands, South China Sea; the bloody assault left about three hundred terrorist dead, and six of their key officers captured along with computers, weapons, maps and vital materials that could expose the core operation of the organization. Five Falcon Series Agents were killed, and six injured in today’s bloody attack. As per FS-15 Commander Mat Parker “Today’s raid is tied into the disappearance of the two Indian Air Force Harrier jets and their armaments. This is still and investigation so, I cannot comment more on the situation, but I will tell you we are on to the trail of the perpetrators, and they will be brought to justice”.
Meanwhile China, and Vietnam condemned today’s operation and will be meeting secretly with the Global Security Agency regarding this matter.


View from a GIA FS agent goggles cam, as he unleashed hell on the terrorists.


Falcon Agent -29 Miller during today’s raid

Central Intelligence Agency observer Colonel William Gibson during today’s operation showing off the agency’s latest optical technology “100 mm telephoto macro goggles”; GIA is also using these super sight seers.

A GIA- FS agent subduing a terrorist in today’s raid


FS agents examining documents found in a terrorist barracks

FS sniper securing the outer perimeter of the terrorist base during hells bells assault
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