Recast Previous Bond Films

CubbyCubby Posts: 43MI6 Agent
edited January 2012 in General James Bond Chat
Who would you cast if your favorite (or least favorite) Bond films were remade today? You can recast entire films if you're feeling ambitious or just single actors you feel would be good for certain parts.

For example:

Diamonds Are Forever

Blofeld - Christoph Waltz

Willard Whyte - Woody Harrelson


  • Mr BeechMr Beech Florida, USAPosts: 1,749MI6 Agent
    I'd kind of be curious about seeing a 35 yr old Connery in Casino Royale (2006). Not really alter the choreography or shots, just see Connery's image in place of Craig's and Connery's line deliveries. Just out of curiosity, though. I wouldn't want to erase Craig's version from the time-space continuum!
  • Sir_Hugo_DraxSir_Hugo_Drax Beneath the Flat Stone Posts: 40MI6 Agent
    Well I'm just gonna get it out of the way because we're all thinking it...

    OHMSS with Craig (the context was it being remade today right? Sorta like the remake of the Goldeneye game with a new cast?) Not to pick on Lazenby but if Craig (a far better actor) had have starred in it that film I could really hit an "all time high". :))

    Actually I started off doing this as an "obligation" but a remake of OHMSS is kinda amusing:

    James Bond- Daniel Craig
    Tracy- Rachel Weisz (I'm casting her as an purely as an actress... but there would definitely be chemistry ;) )
    Marc Ange- Ken Watanabe (He's Japanese but this is just for fun. Plus he would make a terrific Draco IMO)
    Irma Bunt- Helen Mirren (Yeah I know she doesn't suit the typical description but Ilse Steppat really had the look down. Helen could really bring something different and sexy to what is basically Blofeld's leading lady.)
    Blofeld- Ralph Fiennes (I've always thought he would be great and I hope he actually will be Blofeld!)
    Then he looked again at Bond and spoke very quietly, the red moustache lifting slowly from the splayed upper teeth.
    "I should spend the money quickly, Commander Bond," he said.
    Then he turn away from the table and walked swiftly out of the room.
  • CubbyCubby Posts: 43MI6 Agent
    the context was it being remade today right? Sorta like the remake of the Goldeneye game with a new cast?)
    Absolutely! That's the entire point of this thread.
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