If Cubby Broccoli secretly made a Bond film, what would it be?

James SuzukiJames Suzuki New ZealandPosts: 2,406MI6 Agent
Probably the most stupidest, unrealstic post ever on AJB007, but it suddenley came to me. If Cubby Broccoli decided to secretly make a James Bond film, lets say maybe in the six year gap, 1989-1995, I know impossible, but if he did in secret, to be viewed on a certain date in time, lets say 2012, what would it be about, who would be in it, etc. Don't be picky about if its possible or not, we are just having a bit of imaginary fun. :007) Will post mine later, just need a little think
“The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. "
-Casino Royale, Ian Fleming


  • James SuzukiJames Suzuki New ZealandPosts: 2,406MI6 Agent
    I have two ideas. Here’s one, Cubby decides to make a tribute to the Roger Moore Bond, (relying on the fact that each actor played a different Bond). Roger Moore is back, Bond has decided to retire, now old. The pre-title is him looking for a retirement home when he gets attacked by an older looking Jaws, who has forgot everything which happened in space. Bond escapes, using a pistol hid in his cane (a nod to the ski pole in TSWLM). Bond, with the help of Agent Anya Amasova, they still kept in contact, try and hunt down and work out why the villains are trying to kill Bond. They find out that all of Bond’s greatest villains who still survive, Nick Nack has broken out of prison, Kamal Khan has survived the plane crash, (I know, impossible), and a few of the henchman from the other Moore movie’s plot to kill him. Kamal Khan is the boss, and he after finding Bond’s other foes who have lived, he plots a plan a little like FRWL, maybe, a Woman villain, a Xenia Onnatopp one, not in any Bond film but was a Bond villain, she is working for Khan, she says that she has given up the life of crime and says she is in love with Bond. She says that she offers a device,(ATAC, etc) for Bond as her husband and for her to get a clean slate, M says that he needs that device so he sends out Bond to retrieve the device and get the girl. I know, awful, but if a film like that came out, I would watch it, a little fun and a nod to many Bond films.
    “The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. "
    -Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
  • Sir_Hugo_DraxSir_Hugo_Drax Beneath the Flat Stone Posts: 40MI6 Agent
    edited January 2012
    haha that's an amusing idea xboy and this is a great thread.
    In the scenario you've described, I would imagine that Cubby would have made the third Timothy Dalton movie... and I don't know about you but I'd give an arm and a leg to see a hypothetical 3rd outing for Timmy.

    This 3rd adventure would be set in about late November, 1991. The Soviet Union is collapsing before Bond's very eyes and seething from the cracks in the Iron Curtain are the dark secrets kept hidden in the this sanctuary of Socialism. One such secret is that a covert Soviet bio-weapons facility was, until the cutting of funds due to the drying up of the Soviet economy, on the brink of developing a bacteria that, if weaponised, could be one of the world's most terrifying WMDs. Fortunately, as aforementioned, funds were cut and the key researchers and scientists had been under careful KGB surveillance for their own protection and the protection of Mother Russia's secret weapon project. However, as of November 6, the KGB was officially disbanded and the scientists and researchers are now unprotected and stranded in Russia with their knowledge.
    M (Robert Brown) and the Global Intelligence Community catches wind of this entire situation and it is decided that the Western powers must secure these assets (the scientists and their research) before they are captured by enemy forces (North Korea, China, Iraq etc.). Bond is assigned to recover the lead scientist, Dr Nikolai Nemkovich, responsible for first developing the prototype for the bacteria and it's continued development. Bond infiltrates Russia amidst the chaos. Here we would get a good look at the end of the Soviet era from within Russia. But what Bond and MI6 don't know is that they have to compete with more than just the enemy powers. A militant but endlessly charming and manipulative Soviet politician, Leon Makovski, plans to use the upheaval in is country to seize power from the passive Gorbachev and inflict his totalitarian rule upon his "New Russia". With the KGB gone, now is also his first opportunity to capture Dr Nemkovich to use for his cause. He is aided by his brother, General Vlad Makovski, who has Soviet soldiers at his disposal; and a seductive and elegant mistress. This is the premise. I don't have much else but it's an entertaining one that is well suited for Dalton's Bond if I do say so myself. I think the characters are interesting enough, I especially like the brother villains concept - kinda like the Spangs - and Bond having to save a man who isn't necessarily a good guy, he did after all develop a Soviet bio-weapon. Interesting enough with room for development. Some scenes and set-pieces would include a torturous game of Russian Roulette between Bond and the villain, the return of Felix with his prosthetic hook ala Diamonds Are Forever and at some point a train sequence ala The Man With the Golden Gun, though not necessarily at the end. Now I'm getting caught up in my fantasy so I'll stop. This was fun. :D
    Then he looked again at Bond and spoke very quietly, the red moustache lifting slowly from the splayed upper teeth.
    "I should spend the money quickly, Commander Bond," he said.
    Then he turn away from the table and walked swiftly out of the room.
  • James SuzukiJames Suzuki New ZealandPosts: 2,406MI6 Agent
    Russian Roulette! Thats a brilliant idea, another suspense moment like the pen grendae in Goldeneye. I can imagine the tension as the clicks get more and more. Can't see how it will get into the film tho, unless the baddies a physchotic, suicidal one. And felix leiter with a hook, a nod to LTK, that would be great... if it happened.
    “The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. "
    -Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
  • Sir_Hugo_DraxSir_Hugo_Drax Beneath the Flat Stone Posts: 40MI6 Agent
    edited January 2012
    Thanks man. :D

    And yeah, I don't know if I would say he's suicidal but definitely psychotic. He's bat-sh*t crazy and has an utter disregard for the consequences or death. I could see him using the game as psychological intimidation on Bond; a give him the information he wants or he'll have Bond kill himself kinda thing.

    "It's your choice, Mr Bond. Play, and have a one in six chance of preserving your pathetic existence just one day longer, or refuse, and I have my men shoot you now."

    It'd be a slow, suspenseful scene as you said with every empty click prolonging your anticipation. As Bond raises the gun across the table past the villain, the soldiers behind train their guns to him highlighting the complete hopelessness of the situation etc. etc. Then finally a tense and nearly shattered Bond gives up the information (which is something we didn't seen much of yet in the series.) and slams the gun down. The villain chuckles victoriously taking the pistol, casually aims at one of his soldiers, keeping eye contact with Bond, and fires, killing the Russian.

    "You're a lucky man, Mr Bond. Though for how long?"

    That little explanation was purely to indulge myself, I hope you enjoy reading it. This thread concept is too much fun. -{
    Then he looked again at Bond and spoke very quietly, the red moustache lifting slowly from the splayed upper teeth.
    "I should spend the money quickly, Commander Bond," he said.
    Then he turn away from the table and walked swiftly out of the room.
  • James SuzukiJames Suzuki New ZealandPosts: 2,406MI6 Agent
    Its seems you've planned your dream out perfectly ha ha ha :D :007)
    “The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. "
    -Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
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