Bond and his, possible, Mrs.

I was just wondering, which Bond girl/s do you think (hypothetically) could have settled down with Bond, if he had settled down? Of course, excluding those he already married by choice, yes I'm taking about you Tracy. You can put it down to looking good together, sheer chemistry, their personalities whatever you think, but just curious to hear some thoughts on it. I haven't decided who I think yet, might post later..


  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    Pam Bouvier from LTK. She seemed like a good match for Bond who could understand the pressures that come with being in the profession.
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
  • Sir Hillary BraySir Hillary Bray College of ArmsPosts: 2,174MI6 Agent
    I have always thought that Bond showed a fondness for Melina that went beyond one-liners and a roll in the sack. He is quite tender with her in Cortina, and later they wander around Corfu together in a sequence that's as close to the Bond-Tracy-Louis Armstrong montage as the films have come. He seems to really like her and enjoys spending some idle time just getting to know her better. old devil!
  • nms75nms75 United KingdomPosts: 1,233MI6 Agent
    Despite OHMSS I don't think Bond would settle down in my opinion.
    A sense of humour is no laughing matter!
  • Mrs.BryceMrs.Bryce Posts: 139MI6 Agent
    I agree with you, Sir Hillary Bray. Bond and Melina seem like they could have. Bond seems to be fond of her, and fairly protective of her, more so than most of the other Bond girls. I love the scene in Cortina where they are in the cart together and later after there discussion ends the driver says 'Amore, Amore'! Very lovely.
    I could see them settling down.

    I also think that Bond would've settled down with Vesper, especially since inthe book he was going to marry her. Natalya and Bond seemed to have a lot of chemistry together, but I couldn't see that happening. And I liked the way that Bond and Solitaire's reelationship was, I could've seen maybe dating for a little while, maybe? I remember when I first saw LALD as a kid I always wanted them to get married! :)) Thank god they didn't or we would've missed out on so many other Bond films :D
  • Sir_Hugo_DraxSir_Hugo_Drax Beneath the Flat Stone Posts: 40MI6 Agent
    edited January 2012
    haha this is a cool thread. Other than Tracy and Vesper (the more obvious picks for very good reasons) I'd say Bond and Octopussy. I guess I've always felt that in terms of tenderness with the Bond girls Roger just seemed to have the most genuinely lasting chemistry, if that makes any sense (Solitaire, Melina etc. etc.). At the end you kinda felt he was being somewhat sincere with the girl. Naturally, there are exceptions *cough* Stacy Sutton *cough cough*. Second in that ranking would go to my boy Timmy, as both Pam and Kara are the next two on my list. I like the relationships with substance and meaning. So for first, Octopussy; they were age appropriate, had mature conversations, held a mutual and high respect for each other and just work on nearly every level as an actual couple not just as "Bond and his leading lady".
    Then he looked again at Bond and spoke very quietly, the red moustache lifting slowly from the splayed upper teeth.
    "I should spend the money quickly, Commander Bond," he said.
    Then he turn away from the table and walked swiftly out of the room.
  • Mrs.BryceMrs.Bryce Posts: 139MI6 Agent
    Haha thanks for the reply! That's a good way of putting it, sincere interest and care. And I agree with your choice, very nice match, I think some of the easiness of that relationship came from the two alreay havig worked together in TMWTGG. But I think it's a good cjoice.

    Ahahah, I just never liked the character of Sutton anyway, so I'm glad he wasn't sincere there :v
    I got that feeling from Tim, but closer tothe end of the film than with Rog. I still could see either of those happening though :)

    It's odd that no one can really see Connery's Bond with anyone for the long run, I think I got a vibe off Sean that, not in a terrible way, but that he was almost to good for something like that. Like you knew at the end of his films nothig would really happen with any of them, they were just temporary flings. I don't mind that, but I think that Bond had a bit of a soft side too. Still love them allthough :x
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Ol' Roger could have settled down with Stacy - on the Michael Winner theory that a man should hold out until he's 70 and then marry his nurse. :D

    Yeah, you can't imagine Connery's Bond really ceding to anyone though he could have had an on-off thing long term with Tiffany Case, good chemistry in the final scene certainly. His soft side came out with Aki but still can't see him marrying her, then again he was only Bond in his 30s, right? Still got that conquering macho thing going on.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Mrs.BryceMrs.Bryce Posts: 139MI6 Agent
    No doubt about his macho thing, he still has that :v
    Like, don't get me wrong, I love him, and there is certainly chemistry with him and majority of his ladies, but you just knew that it was a once off at the end his films. I think if anyone, maybe Domino, she was quite srong willed (which might have done them over in the end), but they just seemed to fit well. Actually, no, now that I think about it; Moneypenny. That's who Connery was constantly good with. But otherwise not really.
  • jetsetwillyjetsetwilly Liverpool, UKPosts: 1,048MI6 Agent
    I always thought there was a tenderness between Bond and Tania which isn't present in other Connery relationships, perhaps because it was so early in the series. I got the impression that when Bond and Tania parted in Venice there was a bit more regret there. Beyond that, the final scene often feels like the final moment of the relationship - I can imagine him turning to Moneypenny at the end of YOLT and saying "Thank God you turned up - she was about to get serious."

    I don't see much chemistry between Bond and Melina, certainly not in comparism with Bond and Lisl in the same film. Bond's concerns for Ms Havelock seemed more protective - it doesn't really work for me when you see them having hot naked petting at the end. Maibaum said that the intention was for Bond to be trying it on with Melina but she was so single minded with her revenge mission, she didn't give in; that really doesn't come over on screen.

    Pam, perhaps, though I can see her and Bond having an extremely intense and firey relationship, full of rowing and makeup sex, that ends quickly. Brosnan's Bond seemed to moon over the Bond Girls a lot more but with the exception of Elektra I don't think he'd have settled down with them (and of course when Elektra turned out to be evil, that was the end of it).
    Founder of the Wint & Kidd Appreciation Society.

  • Sir Hillary BraySir Hillary Bray College of ArmsPosts: 2,174MI6 Agent
    I don't see much chemistry between Bond and Melina, certainly not in comparism with Bond and Lisl in the same film. Bond's concerns for Ms Havelock seemed more protective - it doesn't really work for me when you see them having hot naked petting at the end. Maibaum said that the intention was for Bond to be trying it on with Melina but she was so single minded with her revenge mission, she didn't give in; that really doesn't come over on screen.
    JSW, I don't agree at all with you on this, but it is great to have your thoughtfulness back on the board. Maybe I haven't been looking in the right threads, but you have been missed. {[] old devil!
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    TBF I'm not sure Connery has ever had a romantic onscreen thing going even in his other films... not with Audrey Hepburn in Robin and Marion, nor Dyan Cannon in The Anderson Tapes. Easy to gloss over him being single in The Untouchables, this is honestly the first time I've even thought of it. There's more intense goading with another fella, be it nemesis or 'Junior!' type, in his films. He almost has a thing for Vanessa Redgrave in Murder on the Orient Express, but it's still pretty low key in spite of that.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Mrs.BryceMrs.Bryce Posts: 139MI6 Agent
    I always thought there was a tenderness between Bond and Tania which isn't present in other Connery relationships, perhaps because it was so early in the series. I got the impression that when Bond and Tania parted in Venice there was a bit more regret

    Yes, almost forgot Tania, good mention.
    As is Lisl, they definitely had chemistry but I don't think they would've married or anything, just a more casual relationship. I don't agree that they had more chemistry than Bond and Melina however.

    Nice points NP, yes, when you think about it, he isn't very romantic in his films is he? :#
  • PPK 7.65mmPPK 7.65mm Saratoga Springs NY USAPosts: 1,249MI6 Agent
    I agree that Connery's Bond could have settled down with Tania. The ending of FRWL does strongly suggest a regret between the two of them.
  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    Well I'm going with the very obvious Vesper.... nothing new - but I think she really captured his heart in more than just the basic sexual level, there was a deep desire to protect, get to know her - and the challenge of never being able to get truly inside her head.

    plus that line of having no armour left..... not sure if there is any other girl (apart from Tracy, obviously) that he would be willing to give up his job for....
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
  • Mrs.BryceMrs.Bryce Posts: 139MI6 Agent
    Now that's a very good point, Lexi!
    I didn't really think about it like that; well in terms of quitting his job for the lady then I'm not really sure. Apart from OHMSS, I couldn't see him quitting his job anytime soon.
  • James SuzukiJames Suzuki New ZealandPosts: 2,406MI6 Agent
    All of the actors have atleast one
    SC-Honey Rider, I thought she was mentioned in TMWTGG book, and I've always thought they were always very good friends.
    GL- Tracy- duh, married her
    RM- Melina probably as you guys said, possible octopussy
    TD- Both of them I think, Kara becasue he cared for her and the end was different then other endings, and if you see the end of LTK as well
    PB- Hard one, probably natayla
    DC- Vesper
    “The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. "
    -Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,174MI6 Agent
    I hadn`t thought much about this. I agree that Octopussy might be the best candidate. Smart, beautiful, loves danger, adventure and the good life.
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