GOP Candidates



  • always shakenalways shaken LondonPosts: 6,287MI6 Agent
    Higgins wrote:
    Not surprised about that.

    I am reading that most of the Trump supporters come from the middleclass, which suffered and lost a lot from the financial crisis.
    Their misbelief of any traditional politician is so immense that they go for a clown such as him.

    Not sure how they could say that Trump " is one of them"

    To me he's a narcist egoist who has no control about what he says and what he does ( so he's a bit like TP and myself :D )
    If he became president, he'd do what serves himself most, he'd care a sh*t about the poor middleclass- just like he cares about anyone else :v

    im afraid Trump ,as much of a buffoon that he is ,likeable but a buffoon, has similar parallels as Adolf Hitler ,now before you all start shooting me ,Hitler was a product of an era where the population was not being listened to by the powers that be .Then along comes Adolf ,"I can save you from this and that and them ,and before you know it ,we have a mad man running the show ,
    Now fast forward history 70 odd years ,we have a population losing ,jobs housing ,investments, their way of life ,and along comes
    the very enigmatic Trump who says ,I can save you from this that and them ,and as the current powers that be ,are not listening to
    the population ,we have a situation where they are now talking of high walls and machine gun towers ,sound familiar
    By the way, did I tell you, I was "Mad"?
  • cheldcheld Posts: 300MI6 Agent
    Higgins wrote:
    Doing everything on your own and for your own good will not help much in a complicated world ;)

    But that's what politicians, bankers, media, and military contractors do, so the rest of us need to do the same.
  • cheldcheld Posts: 300MI6 Agent
    Just learnt this morning that Trump refused to disavow the KKK ! :o WTF !
    ( on a Sky, news discussion )

    So that puts him in the same league as the ACLU?
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Not being an American, I had to look them up. Fair enough free speech and all that but if I was
    Asked about them, I'd happily disavow them, same with the Nazi's or ISIS. If asked I could easily
    Call them all scum bags, no problem at all. Anyone who can't ............ I'd be very worried about.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 SwitzerlandPosts: 870MI6 Agent
    Trump may be bad.

    But does anyone really rather have Ted Cruz as President? Or Rubio? They are on many topics much more harsh and conservative than Trump.
    Ted Cruz I would even consider as dangerous.
    Dalton Rulez™
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Only my nonsensical opinon but apart from Trump they all seem like professional
    Copy and paste politicians, no personality just very bland ?
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Sir Hillary BraySir Hillary Bray College of ArmsPosts: 2,174MI6 Agent
    Not sure if or how one can access it online, but John Oliver did an epic takedown of Trump on his show "Last Week Tonight" this past Sunday. It is raucously funny, viscerally angry and right on the bulls-eye. I encourage everyone to find it and watch, if they can. Only when this man is exposed as the phony he is will we be safe...unless, of course, he is occupying the White House by then, in which case we will never be safe. :# old devil!
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    John Oliver is GOD!

    Here is his epic piece about Refugees
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    Higgins wrote:
    John Oliver is GOD!

    Here is his epic piece about Refugees
    The man IS brilliant.
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    :)) Very funny, and another .....
    John Oliver Destroys Donald Trump
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,443Chief of Staff
    :)) Very funny, and another .....
    John Oliver Destroys Donald Trump

    Watched the whole program on Monday night...very funny...until you realise it's all true :o
    YNWA 97
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    If only that WOULD have destroyed Drumpf. There are more parallels to Mussolini than I want to imagine. . .
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Hardyboy wrote:
    If only that WOULD have destroyed Drumpf. There are more parallels to Mussolini than I want to imagine. . .

    Yeah...this deal is getting scary :(
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • cheldcheld Posts: 300MI6 Agent
    Hardyboy wrote:
    If only that WOULD have destroyed Drumpf. There are more parallels to Mussolini than I want to imagine. . .

    If you're referring to the "quote" that Trump retweeted, that wasn't Mussolini. A Gawker staffer created a parody Twitter account called "Il Duce" and sent the quote to Trump.

    From Justin Raimondo at

    On June 14, 1918, a nineteen year old Italian soldier by the name of Bernardo Vicario was ordered by his commander, Carl Rigoli, to carry out a curious task. Outnumbered and outgunned, the Italian forces would soon be hit with a furious bombardment that would mean the death of most of them. Rigoli clearly knew this, which is why he told young Bernardo to write an inscription on the ruined wall of a home in the village of Fagare, where they were holed up:

    “Better to live one day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep.”

    Rigoli perished in the battle: Bernardo lived to tell the tale.
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    Everybody knows that I support the democrat candidates but what the hell is wrong with Hillary?

    Every time that I see her receiving the ovations, she stands there with a frozen face ( probably Botox??) but what is even worse, she does not move her head sideways but her eyes.

    Really creepy imo - even compared to what we have to suffer when we looks at Drumpf's head :o :o
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    edited March 2016
    Or does she only suffer from a stiff neck? :D

    Just realize, that I am a member of the 10k club here :D
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Probably a feed back loop issue in her CPU ;) it's been know to happen to T100s.

    The stiff neck comes from swallowing one of Bill's Viagra tablets, but it got stuck
    for a while.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • cheldcheld Posts: 300MI6 Agent
    Higgins wrote:
    Everybody knows that I support the democrat candidates but what the hell is wrong with Hillary?

    Where to start?

    Do they have TV sets at CNN? An Internet connection? I don’t work at a television network, but I saw Trump “disavow” David Duke a half-dozen times before Jake Tapper asked him to disavow Duke again last Sunday.

    The question served absolutely no journalistic purpose. No new information was sought. It was just a smear, for the sole purpose of getting the words “KKK” into the same sentence as “Donald Trump.”

    Unsuspecting viewers who missed Trump’s earlier disavowals are supposed to think, Is Trump connected with the Klan? Why else would they be asking him about David Duke?

    Given that Trump did disavow Duke the day before the Tapper interview, the only explanation for his refusal to do it again is that he was ticked off by the question and decided not to play ball.

    How many times must Trump waste precious airtime “disavowing” some random person he doesn’t know, has never met and never mentioned?

    David Duke IS a random person: The KKK has not been an organization of any significance since the mid-’60s (outside of Southern Poverty Law Center fundraisers), and David Duke hasn’t been a member of this meaningless group since 1980.

    Also, David Duke has never been accused of rape. Hillary’s most prominent supporter has. Will she be asked to disavow Bill Clinton?

    If she doesn’t think her husband raped Juanita Broaddrick, how about the sexual assaults claimed by Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Christy Zercher, Eileen Wellstone, Carolyn Moffet, Elizabeth Ward Gracen and Sandra Allen James, as well as a half-dozen other women?

    Does Hillary believe any of her husband’s accusers? How many sexual assault accusations must there be before she disavows him?

    As far as I know, David Duke has also never supported cop-killing. Boatloads of Hillary’s supporters do — and she plays footsie with them by endorsing #BlackLivesMatter.

    I will give Hillary the benefit of the doubt, and say I do not believe that she personally supports cop-killing. But why is she seeking the votes of murderous thugs? What kind of campaign is she running that attracts such people? Will she disavow them? Is she willing to state forthrightly that cops’ lives matter?

    I am not aware of David Duke ever inciting a mob that went on to commit murder. Al Sharpton has — and no Democrat can run for president without kissing his ring.

    More than a decade after Duke quit the KKK, Sharpton inflamed anti-Semitic mobs in Brooklyn’s Crown Heights — mobs that were four or five times larger than the entire national KKK membership — fueling several more days of riots, during which a man, whom the crowd believed to be Jewish, was murdered.

    In December 1995, Sharpton led anti-Semitic protests against a Jewish-owned clothing store in Harlem, Freddy’s Fashion Mart, which ended with a protestor bursting into the store and setting a blaze that killed seven employees.

    In 1989, Sharpton libeled innocent law enforcement officers in the Tawana Brawley rape hoax — resulting in a libel judgment against him. Then in 1990, a Sharpton-led mob screamed “Whore!” at a rape victim and roughed up cameramen outside the trial of the Central Park rapists (who were guilty).

    Sharpton isn’t some random nut Hillary and Bernie have vaguely heard of. Two weeks ago, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) publicly met with Sharpton to ask for his blessing. Hillary will be making the same pilgrimage soon. My advice is, bring your checkbook.

    David Duke doesn’t speak at Republican national conventions; Sharpton was given a prominent speaking slot at the Democratic National Convention less than a decade after his demagoguery outside Freddy’s ended in the deaths of seven innocent people (this was also a quarter century after Duke left the Klan).

    Duke isn’t invited to the White House to advise Republican presidents. Sharpton has officially visited Obama’s White House at least 72 times.

    Duke has never been given a TV show where he gets to ask questions of elected officials. Guess who was?

    In fact, now that I think about it, Duke has no connection to any GOP official whatsoever!

    When David Duke is invited to give a prime-time address at the Republican National Convention, maybe the media can ask Republican candidates to “disavow” him. Until then, how about asking the Democrats about their supporters?
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    Higgins wrote:
    Everybody knows that I support the democrat candidates but what the hell is wrong with Hillary?
    This is so non-PC...

    She's a bi*ch? ?:)
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    "Which one can say of any attractive woman with half a brain." :D
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    "Which one can say of any attractive woman with half a brain." :D
    Well, then, can I call her a bastard with any efficacy? 8-)
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    You guys can call each other whatever pet names you want. ;) but I've heard
    Good things about Greg Stillson, good handshake too. :D
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    cheld wrote:
    Hardyboy wrote:
    If only that WOULD have destroyed Drumpf. There are more parallels to Mussolini than I want to imagine. . .

    If you're referring to the "quote" that Trump retweeted, that wasn't Mussolini. A Gawker staffer created a parody Twitter account called "Il Duce" and sent the quote to Trump.

    No, I'm talking about his desire to be able to shut down news media that are critical of him, his self-created cult of personality, his bullying of opponents, his preying on racial and ethnic fears, etc., etc., etc.
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    cheld wrote:
    Higgins wrote:
    Everybody knows that I support the democrat candidates but what the hell is wrong with Hillary?

    Where to start?

    Do they have TV sets at CNN? An Internet connection? I don’t work at a television network, but I saw Trump “disavow” David Duke a half-dozen times before Jake Tapper asked him to disavow Duke again last Sunday.

    The question served absolutely no journalistic purpose. No new information was sought. It was just a smear, for the sole purpose of getting the words “KKK” into the same sentence as “Donald Trump.”

    Unsuspecting viewers who missed Trump’s earlier disavowals are supposed to think, Is Trump connected with the Klan? Why else would they be asking him about David Duke?

    Given that Trump did disavow Duke the day before the Tapper interview, the only explanation for his refusal to do it again is that he was ticked off by the question and decided not to play ball.

    How many times must Trump waste precious airtime “disavowing” some random person he doesn’t know, has never met and never mentioned?

    David Duke IS a random person: The KKK has not been an organization of any significance since the mid-’60s (outside of Southern Poverty Law Center fundraisers), and David Duke hasn’t been a member of this meaningless group since 1980.

    Also, David Duke has never been accused of rape. Hillary’s most prominent supporter has. Will she be asked to disavow Bill Clinton?

    If she doesn’t think her husband raped Juanita Broaddrick, how about the sexual assaults claimed by Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Christy Zercher, Eileen Wellstone, Carolyn Moffet, Elizabeth Ward Gracen and Sandra Allen James, as well as a half-dozen other women?

    Does Hillary believe any of her husband’s accusers? How many sexual assault accusations must there be before she disavows him?

    As far as I know, David Duke has also never supported cop-killing. Boatloads of Hillary’s supporters do — and she plays footsie with them by endorsing #BlackLivesMatter.

    I will give Hillary the benefit of the doubt, and say I do not believe that she personally supports cop-killing. But why is she seeking the votes of murderous thugs? What kind of campaign is she running that attracts such people? Will she disavow them? Is she willing to state forthrightly that cops’ lives matter?

    I am not aware of David Duke ever inciting a mob that went on to commit murder. Al Sharpton has — and no Democrat can run for president without kissing his ring.

    More than a decade after Duke quit the KKK, Sharpton inflamed anti-Semitic mobs in Brooklyn’s Crown Heights — mobs that were four or five times larger than the entire national KKK membership — fueling several more days of riots, during which a man, whom the crowd believed to be Jewish, was murdered.

    In December 1995, Sharpton led anti-Semitic protests against a Jewish-owned clothing store in Harlem, Freddy’s Fashion Mart, which ended with a protestor bursting into the store and setting a blaze that killed seven employees.

    In 1989, Sharpton libeled innocent law enforcement officers in the Tawana Brawley rape hoax — resulting in a libel judgment against him. Then in 1990, a Sharpton-led mob screamed “Whore!” at a rape victim and roughed up cameramen outside the trial of the Central Park rapists (who were guilty).

    Sharpton isn’t some random nut Hillary and Bernie have vaguely heard of. Two weeks ago, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) publicly met with Sharpton to ask for his blessing. Hillary will be making the same pilgrimage soon. My advice is, bring your checkbook.

    David Duke doesn’t speak at Republican national conventions; Sharpton was given a prominent speaking slot at the Democratic National Convention less than a decade after his demagoguery outside Freddy’s ended in the deaths of seven innocent people (this was also a quarter century after Duke left the Klan).

    Duke isn’t invited to the White House to advise Republican presidents. Sharpton has officially visited Obama’s White House at least 72 times.

    Duke has never been given a TV show where he gets to ask questions of elected officials. Guess who was?

    In fact, now that I think about it, Duke has no connection to any GOP official whatsoever!

    When David Duke is invited to give a prime-time address at the Republican National Convention, maybe the media can ask Republican candidates to “disavow” him. Until then, how about asking the Democrats about their supporters?

    I appreciate the heavy lifting {[] Just no energy left for it, because---here---it is very much like 'flipping off' a tidal wave just before it hits you.

    I'm waiting for some concrete Bond-related news :007)
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    edited March 2016
    cheld wrote:


    Sorry man, but there are so many wrong things in your post - just like your claim to allow kids to take arms to school 8-)
    cheld wrote:

    Also, David Duke has never been accused of rape. Hillary’s most prominent supporter has. Will she be asked to disavow Bill Clinton?

    Bill Clinton is hardly a Saint but comparing him to David Duke and his racist ideology is - just wrong again :D
    You may belittle the KKK influence in present society rightly, but their agenda is still sick, racist and dangerous!

    Odd that US conservatives highlight the moral background of Democrat Candidates while "forgetting" the crimes against humanity in the GWB age and about the entire Trump agenda :D
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • cheldcheld Posts: 300MI6 Agent
    Hardyboy wrote:
    cheld wrote:
    Hardyboy wrote:
    If only that WOULD have destroyed Drumpf. There are more parallels to Mussolini than I want to imagine. . .

    If you're referring to the "quote" that Trump retweeted, that wasn't Mussolini. A Gawker staffer created a parody Twitter account called "Il Duce" and sent the quote to Trump.

    No, I'm talking about his desire to be able to shut down news media that are critical of him

    Obama Is More Hostile Towards The Press Than Any President In History

    "(This) administration’s efforts to control information (is) “the most aggressive I’ve seen since the Nixon administration.”"

    The Least Transparent Administration:
    How Team Obama stymies freedom of information requests.
    his self-created cult of personality,

    In 33-Minute Speech on Guns, Obama Refers to Himself 76 Times

    Watch Obama Refer to Himself 118 Times in Three Minutes

    The Obamas' Ego Trip to Copenhagen
    his bullying of opponents,

    Obama Is Bullying His Way Through His Presidency

    Yes, it's okay for Obama to 'bully' the Supreme Court

    Obama is a bully
    his preying on racial and ethnic fears,

    Survey: under Obama, race relations in the US reach 20 year low

    Since these four issues (press control, personality cult, bullying, and race relations) are of importance to you, I'm sure you can point to one post in which you critiqued the current administration regarding one of these subjects. Right? RIGHT?
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    :)) :)) :))

    You should be a bit more careful about how you present your argument here :)) :)) :))

    C'mon, Obama being a bully and democrats responsible for the decline in racial relations...
    And Obama limiting free speech of press.

    Do you really believe all this? ;)
    One thing that I get is that conservatives really hate the guy and never got over his election and

    ( sarcasm on)

    Of course this has nothing to do with his race :)) :)) :))
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    It's all very tidy for the Left; if you criticize Obama's policies, you're a racist. If Lady Benghazi gets in (God forbid), her critics will automatically be sexists 8-) Never underestimate the politics of division.
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    What if... Trump is a closet Liberal (just look at who his Wife is... wowza), and he's playing his game to win. And his plan is to crush the Republican party with one swift blow to FORCE it to rebuild from scratch into a party of Humanitarian LEADERS again (which it one was). He wants to force Hillary upon us (a bitter pill I grant you, but sometimes the cure is harsh) to create a new future in the next decade.
    In losing, he will ultimately win.
    He's not unlike Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins, playing the Penthouse Urchin to conceal his nobility.
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Trump is a progressive in GOP drag.
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
This discussion has been closed.