Zelda-Octopussy Continuum

JDubyaJDubya Florida USAPosts: 9MI6 Agent
For the last year I have been catching up on my gaming with respect to playing the "Legend of Zelda" games released over the last 10 years as I have not been so avid a gamer since reaching expertise in my field (network administration) yet being a lifelong JB fan (and Zelda fan looking to catch up) I think this particular intersection has unearthed an interesting quirk in the speech of the film which has since proven to fascinate me!!! or just remind me that after such addiction to JB how one's mind can trick ourselves...rust or none....

Zelda + James Bond = ?

"....here...../RUPEEEYA!!/...easy come, easy go!...."

Have you guessed yet? Remember in Octopussy, Roger Moore-Bond floods the public folk with paper rupees to help aid his escape? As far as exact dialogue.... I could not - for the life of me - remember if in fact JB said "....here" before saying "....here...../RUPEEEYA!!/!...and what's more I didnt look for the last several months!! I let myself imagine it both ways (for the sake of keeping a mystery alive perhaps?)


I imagined the almost-whispered "...here..." preceding the shouted (phonetic) "RUPEEEYA!!" - - - and COULD NOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME REMEMBER IF MOORE SAID THE WORD "HERE" BEFORE THE SHOUT OF RUPEEEYA OR NOT !!!!

My reason for posting tonight is that after nearly a year of wondering whether I imagined the quiet "...here..." proceeding the "RUPEEEYA" or if it really happened, was finally answered by my giving in to my curiosity and watching Octopussy again for the first time in years and putting to rest my curiosity for quite some time.

It has been a pleasurable 96th time watching this film, as I would love nothing more than to hear your JB stories of (perhaps) your mind playing tricks on you as this is exactly what has (apparently) happened to me - that one word - "here" - has been the bane of my AJB existence for the last several months - until now of course, and I want to know how senile you all have become as you have allowed yourselves to pulsate closer to and then drift away from your James Bond fan-dom and consequential JB body of evidence (aka trivia knowledge)

Moore is my favorite mainly because I was 7 when AVTAK came out and it was my first Bond movie ever. Those who were 7 (in one way or another) between '62 and 'DAF feel the same for Pierce, im sure....LOL! JK - HUGS!!!
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