James Bond Screen Captures

toutbruntoutbrun Washington, USAPosts: 1,501MI6 Agent
Do we know who operates this website, which is often used in the Memorabilia section?

If you can't trust a Swiss banker, what's the world come to?


  • Mr BeechMr Beech Florida, USAPosts: 1,749MI6 Agent
    toutbrun wrote:
    Do we know who operates this website, which is often used in the Memorabilia section?


    Nope. Almost looks like the host wants it to remain that way.
  • toutbruntoutbrun Washington, USAPosts: 1,501MI6 Agent
    I asked because there aren't that many movies and for the amount there was a lot of Bond ones, so I was wondering if maybe it was someone from here. But I guess maybe it's better if we don't know ;)
    If you can't trust a Swiss banker, what's the world come to?
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