Best headphones for running

toutbruntoutbrun Washington, USAPosts: 1,501MI6 Agent
I'm trying to figure out what are the best headphones for running..

I have Klipsch, which are very good, perfect sound for 100$, they stick in the ear.. BUT somehow if the wire just moves a bit you hear it big time. It makes them almost useless...

Do you guys have found the perfect running headphones?
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  • Thunderbird 2Thunderbird 2 East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,785MI6 Agent
    toutbrun wrote:
    I'm trying to figure out what are the best headphones for running..

    I have Klipsch, which are very good, perfect sound for 100$, they stick in the ear.. BUT somehow if the wire just moves a bit you hear it big time. It makes them almost useless...

    Do you guys have found the perfect running headphones?

    I have a pair of earphones I got with my MP3 player from Aldi ages ago. They are a cheapo set, but they sound great and sit over my ears well. Manufactured by Tivion, but don;t know any specifics beyond that. Or are you talking full scale large unit headphones?
    This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    I've yet to find a pair of earphones that will stay in or aren't 'blocked' by sweat (too much info, I know) or that I just don't fidget with. I think it might just be me now, the clip on round the ear ones are definitely the best for staying in, and Sennheiser and Sony both do good sport ranges that are good quality and aren't affected by sweat, but the Sennheiser ones I had the wire was too short to my iPod patch on my arm, which meant I was constantly tugging at it because, well, it kept sticking to my skin because of sweat (I eventually stood on them and broke them, anyway). The Sony set I have now are good, but I've concluded that my left ear cavity is bigger than the right one and it just won't stay in properly at the pace I keep, so I keep poking at it and it's annoying (but that's my physical misportions, otherwise they're a good set and cost around £40)
  • John BergerJohn Berger NYCPosts: 3MI6 Agent
    Hi guys
    Sorry for bursting into you lovely forum, but choosing headphones for running is a topic that is close me and I think I can help and guide you about it.

    toutbrun, please let me guess that you really care about the sound quality because a $100 headphones shows that you care about your running experience.

    When it comes to choosing the best headphones for running there are 3 major parameters you should pay attention to:
    1. Durability - are the sweat-proof or waterproof will they survive a sweaty exercise?
    2. Sound quality - how will your track sound with your pair of headphones? The bass sound as it should? Will they make irritating distortion sound?
    3. Comfort- will your headphones fall from your ears while running? Do they weigh a lot?

    If you gather all these parameters you find many brands that make these running headphones and they might be: Bose, Philips, and Sony etc…
    But there are other high end headphones made especially for runners. They combine all what a runner need. You are very welcome to visit to read the full and detailed reviews on the high end headphones for runners.

    Good Luck :))
    Get the best headphones for runners at
  • toutbruntoutbrun Washington, USAPosts: 1,501MI6 Agent
    I went to your website, but all the headphones seem to have 5 star ratings.. can you just give me one or two pairs that you think are the best?

    EDIT : A bit puzzled that you suggest to buy the Shure E2c (190$) as for those «who want to save some money» haha...

    So the pair that you recommend is the Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10vi at 430$ ?
    If you can't trust a Swiss banker, what's the world come to?
  • John BergerJohn Berger NYCPosts: 3MI6 Agent
    Hi toutbrun, thank you for visiting my site.

    The Shure E2c earphones are under the "High-End Earphones" category. So runners who look for the best of the best, spending $190 on the Shure E2c will be pretty good investment.

    If you ask me, in the mid-priced earphones the best value for money will definitely be the Bose® IE2. I personally use them almost 4 years now and I think they are the best for runners. If $99 is still quite expensive you can look for cheaper prices in the Best Under $50 category you be able to find there the Yurbuds Inspire which are great earphones as well.

    Of course you can find better ones in higher prices like the Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10vi (430$) but I really think the Bose® IE2 will do the job for you.
    Get the best headphones for runners at
  • toutbruntoutbrun Washington, USAPosts: 1,501MI6 Agent
    Thanks a lot!

    Did you try the Sennheiser/Adidas ones that most people seem to use? Are those any good?
    If you can't trust a Swiss banker, what's the world come to?
  • John BergerJohn Berger NYCPosts: 3MI6 Agent
    Actually I did try them for one month last year. I borrowed this pair from a friend and I can tell you that this headphones are very good and the thing I like about them is their special design. The sound quality that comes out of the Sennheisers is amazing. one other cool thing about them is that the headphones cord is short maybe 18 inches. This is nice because you don't have to worry about a cable flopping around when you run.
    Hope it helps:)
    Get the best headphones for runners at
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