Who likes Louis Vuitton?

toutbruntoutbrun Washington, USAPosts: 1,501MI6 Agent
Most people here are men, so maybe this is a bit unfair because most people who buy Louis Vuitton are women for handbangs, but still. Who likes LV?

I think a few years back it really represented high quality, expensive bags, but now even though they are ever-more expensive, so many people have them (or fakes), they kind of disgust me.

Am I the only one who doesn't like it? Not to mention that every other item they make (belts, tie, etc) have their logo on it, which I think is tasteless.
If you can't trust a Swiss banker, what's the world come to?


  • Le SamouraiLe Samourai Honolulu, HIPosts: 573MI6 Agent
    toutbrun wrote:
    Most people here are men, so maybe this is a bit unfair because most people who buy Louis Vuitton are women for handbangs, but still. Who likes LV?

    I think a few years back it really represented high quality, expensive bags, but now even though they are ever-more expensive, so many people have them (or fakes), they kind of disgust me.

    Am I the only one who doesn't like it? Not to mention that every other item they make (belts, tie, etc) have their logo on it, which I think is tasteless.

    I'm in full agreement. I don't like anything that screams "Hey, look at me! I have something expensive!"

    Here in Hawaii, you often see middle-aged women dressed like total slobs but carrying some sort of LV or Gucci or Dior or Coach bag. It just looks stupid.

    Yes, at one time LV really was a quality product. Those days are long gone. I recall a report on fake luxury products. Managers at various high-end boutiques in NYC (including LV) were asked if they could tell the difference between a knockoff product and the real thing. They seldom could. Some even said things like "Oh, this is the real one. You can tell by the higher quality." They were in fact referring to the fake.
    —Le Samourai

    A Gent in Training.... A blog about my continuing efforts to be improve myself, be a better person, and lead a good life. It incorporates such far flung topics as fitness, self defense, music, style, food and drink, and personal philosophy.
    Agent In Training
  • Mr BeechMr Beech Florida, USAPosts: 1,749MI6 Agent
    They were formerly a niche, high fashion, small and exclusive, renowned brand. Then they expanded and became trendy and just another mall designer brand backed by a corporate firm and manufactured alongside a plethora of other designer brands in mass production factories. Are they low quality? No. Are they finely crafted still? No. It is just on the better side of factory produced goods.

    My mother stopped using her LV bag about 15 years ago. She said it just isn't special anymore. It has become another case where logos are just a tacky advertisement.

    Back in the day, I think it would be neat for a fancy British couple to have their LV luggage on their expedition in Africa:

    Any alternatives you guys know of? It seems that most known designer brands are really just that, brands - all made by a few corporations that bought them up. I'd love to know if their is a nice fashion house of high reputation like LV, but without the mainstream trendy takeover.
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,443Chief of Staff
    toutbrun wrote:
    Not to mention that every other item they make (belts, tie, etc) have their logo on it, which I think is tasteless.

    You will find that plenty of fashion houses/brands use this tactic....most can't afford the higher end items...but a belt or a tie...?...usually people will buy these type of items just to be seen wearing the brand...

    What can you do ? It generates a lot of money.
    YNWA 97
  • toutbruntoutbrun Washington, USAPosts: 1,501MI6 Agent
    Sir Miles wrote:
    toutbrun wrote:
    Not to mention that every other item they make (belts, tie, etc) have their logo on it, which I think is tasteless.

    You will find that plenty of fashion houses/brands use this tactic....most can't afford the higher end items...but a belt or a tie...?...usually people will buy these type of items just to be seen wearing the brand...

    What can you do ? It generates a lot of money.

    Yeah, no obviously they are doing this for the money. They have something like a 50% profit margin for the whole company, which is HUGE! But really classy companies like Tom Ford don't write their name all over their ties and belts, even Prada has classy belts. I think the brand is going to collapse in developed countries in 10 years.

    Now a lot of LV items are not made in France! This is something Hermès (a real luxury brand) would never do.

    As far as I'm concerned, the alternative for the high-end luggage is Goyard. This is a brand that has mastered the quality and exclusivity, albeit very expensive. Very few stores.
    If you can't trust a Swiss banker, what's the world come to?
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