Advice on My Blogs

Le SamouraiLe Samourai Honolulu, HIPosts: 573MI6 Agent
I currently write two blogs, (Well, not THAT currently. I haven't posted in some time.)

One ties in to my work as a fitness trainer and martial arts instructor. It features training tips and things of that nature:

My other blog is more of a lifestyle blog. It features stuff about drinks, clothes, cool music, lovely women, etc.:

Lately I've been considering consolidating both of these blogs into one blog. It would be about my own vague ideas of a "spy lifestyle," and would combine elements of both my other blogs. While it wouldn't be as small of niche as my existing blogs, I figure expanding the topics covered would allow me to post lots more stuff.

What do you think? Would you be interested in a blog that combined lifestyle posts with posts about getting fit and martial arts? I'm open for your thoughts.
—Le Samourai

A Gent in Training.... A blog about my continuing efforts to be improve myself, be a better person, and lead a good life. It incorporates such far flung topics as fitness, self defense, music, style, food and drink, and personal philosophy.
Agent In Training


  • LexiLexi LondonPosts: 3,000MI6 Agent
    I currently write two blogs, (Well, not THAT currently. I haven't posted in some time.)

    One ties in to my work as a fitness trainer and martial arts instructor. It features training tips and things of that nature:

    My other blog is more of a lifestyle blog. It features stuff about drinks, clothes, cool music, lovely women, etc.:

    Lately I've been considering consolidating both of these blogs into one blog. It would be about my own vague ideas of a "spy lifestyle," and would combine elements of both my other blogs. While it wouldn't be as small of niche as my existing blogs, I figure expanding the topics covered would allow me to post lots more stuff.

    What do you think? Would you be interested in a blog that combined lifestyle posts with posts about getting fit and martial arts? I'm open for your thoughts.

    Running my own blog (for my company) I would always advise to niche.... (the smaller the niche the better) and if you make money from your buisness blog, then I wouldn't combine it with your 'lifestyle' blog, however you could easily run the two in parrallel, and have a 'if you like this... then you might like this...'

    Your lifestyle blog can then feature any new 'martial art/training' type updates (when relevant) which allows you to brand both quite heavily, without losing the core message each blog shares.

    Hope that helps?
    She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table and you know it. ~ Mark Anthony
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