In Norway we have an expression used about idealists - people who sacrifise a lot for what they believe in. The word is ildsjel and can be translated to Firesoul. I would like to see a Bond movie where the villan is a Norwegian who is a very misguided idealist, something we saw in real life last summer with targic results. What do you think? It is a bit too close to Skyfall, but perhaps in the future? I think it sounds odd and mysterious, a bit like Octopussy, Goldeneye or Moonraker.
Seriously awesome stuff, very Skyfall-sounding but I do like the idea of how it would tie into the plot
And at the moment probably the best one I've seen is 'What Doesn't Kill You' :P
I think it would be easy to tie it into a plot. The villan is Norwegian. Norway is a major weapons and oil exporter and a player in the upcomming contest for power in the artic region (sealanes, important minerals, natural gass and oil), so this would work. The title can be introduced a bit like it's done in Risico. A Norwegian talks to Bond avout the villan: "Odd Voss is very interested in developing the Artic region. A very driven man. He is what we Norwegians call a ildsjel a ...... firesoul."
In Norway we have an expression used about idealists - people who sacrifise a lot for what they believe in. The word is ildsjel and can be translated to Firesoul. I would like to see a Bond movie where the villan is a Norwegian who is a very misguided idealist, something we saw in real life last summer with targic results. What do you think? It is a bit too close to Skyfall, but perhaps in the future? I think it sounds odd and mysterious, a bit like Octopussy, Goldeneye or Moonraker.
Seriously awesome stuff, very Skyfall-sounding but I do like the idea of how it would tie into the plot
And at the moment probably the best one I've seen is 'What Doesn't Kill You' :P
I think it would be easy to tie it into a plot. The villan is Norwegian. Norway is a major weapons and oil exporter and a player in the upcomming contest for power in the Artic region (sealanes, important minerals, natural gass and oil), so this would work. The title can be introduced a bit like it's done in Risico. A Norwegian talks to Bond about the villan: "Odd Voss is very interested in developing the Artic region. A very driven man. He is what we Norwegians call ildsjel a ...... firesoul."
In Norway we have an expression used about idealists - people who sacrifise a lot for what they believe in. The word is ildsjel and can be translated to Firesoul. I would like to see a Bond movie where the villan is a Norwegian who is a very misguided idealist, something we saw in real life last summer with targic results. What do you think? It is a bit too close to Skyfall, but perhaps in the future? I think it sounds odd and mysterious, a bit like Octopussy, Goldeneye or Moonraker.
Seriously awesome stuff, very Skyfall-sounding but I do like the idea of how it would tie into the plot
And at the moment probably the best one I've seen is 'What Doesn't Kill You' :P
I think it would be easy to tie it into a plot. The villan is Norwegian. Norway is a major weapons and oil exporter and a player in the upcomming contest for power in the Artic region (sealanes, important minerals, natural gass and oil), so this would work. The title can be introduced a bit like it's done in Risico. A Norwegian talks to Bond about the villan: "Odd Voss is very interested in developing the Artic region. A very driven man. He is what we Norwegians call ildsjel a ...... firesoul."
Great stuff! - Give the Norwegian villian connections to the mysterious Quantum organisation and you have Bond 24.
Seriously awesome stuff, very Skyfall-sounding but I do like the idea of how it would tie into the plot
And at the moment probably the best one I've seen is 'What Doesn't Kill You' :P
I think it would be easy to tie it into a plot. The villan is Norwegian. Norway is a major weapons and oil exporter and a player in the upcomming contest for power in the Artic region (sealanes, important minerals, natural gass and oil), so this would work. The title can be introduced a bit like it's done in Risico. A Norwegian talks to Bond about the villan: "Odd Voss is very interested in developing the Artic region. A very driven man. He is what we Norwegians call ildsjel a ...... firesoul."
Great stuff! - Give the Norwegian villian connections to the mysterious Quantum organisation and you have Bond 24.
The villan should be a petrolium tycoon. ---he wants his hands on rich natural gass and oil reserves in the artic, but it is tied up in an areas both Norway and Russia claim as their own. He wants the energy sources and ship it to the energy-hungry China by using the North-East passage north of Russia. Norway doesn't have the muscle to fight Russia. So he creates a conflict between Russia and UK/US and plans to get the drilling rights from the rubble. It could work ....
-Today is Never Yesterday and Leads to Tomorrow, Which in Turn Eventually Leads to Three Weeks from Today
But seriously? Well, we know at least one of the Quantum guys is a businessman, right? Say some guy becomes the CEO of a could be any overseas corporation knowing what we do of Quantum...and starts corrupting it beyond recognizeability. Or perhaps not. In actuality, the whole corporation was bad all the time and the CEO, initially suspected by Bond of being a shady character, is perfectly honest. Include a former CEO or old staff as sympathetic characters at first, but then have them emerge as absolute evil with their minions working for the corporation as everything from rank and file workers to advisers to the current CEO since the "evil capitalist" thing has got to be the oldest Hollywood cliche in the book this side of "the butler did it". Flip it on its head, since it fits in so well with Craig's Bond/this new era of films.
That leads to me to a title: Shadow of the Leader. Old and almost cliched expression, and usually used to describe a bad CEO casting a bad influence on a good company. But what if the whole company is bad and suddenly a good CEO comes in to run it, what then? Since the current Bond films like to play around with the audience, it does fit.
Use ex-Soviet Central Asia (possibly Turkmenistan due to the absolutely insane, surreal nature of the government) as the setting and possibly Natural Gas (which is now becoming as valuable as oil and something which Turkmenistan has plenty of) as the resource in which the company deals. Then fill in the plot. I realize we had Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan in TWINE, but the whole movie could have shouted at us "this is about oil!" and it would have represented the amount of subtlety we got. The Shadow of the Leader would be far more subtle. Perhaps natural gas is just a front? Maybe it isn't? Keep the audience guessing. Perhaps they're dealing in something entirely different. You can also flip QoS on its head by having the corrupt government applying tons of pressure to a Quantum operative (the ex-CEO) who they believe is on their bad side. Paint it in all shades of gray. You could even have Bond try and figure out whose side to take for a while. Fleming's Bond got confused every once in a while. Why not see it on the big screen?
To tell the truth Golrush, I got A chance to die from Duran Duran song, A view to a kill, one of the lines is that... and your comment about the other novels, I feel the same way. I love
-the facts of death
-for special services
-and role of honour
“The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. "
-Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
"... think alike" actually I was just thinking that so the comment is true
Anyway, we have had quite a few ideas so far! What is everyones favourite one? My one has to be Every rose has its thorn and it's almost could be another name for TWINE
“The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. "
-Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
Professor Maybe
From Sweden With A Glove
Fish Finger
Bouncy Ball
You Only Have Lice
In His Majesty's Royal Tomb
Crystals Are Limited
Live And Don't Sigh
The Girl With The Golden Bum
The Agent Who Hated Me
Spoon Maker
For Your Genitals Only
A Brew To A Swill
The Dying Lamp Post
Permission To Thrill
Golden Pie
Tomorrow I Will Die
This World Is Too Much
Pass Away Yesterday
The Royal Gamble
Momentum Of Comfort
Cloud Trip
I just read that the Norwegian Military Inteligence Service (Their HQ in Lutvann is only a stone's throw or two from where some scenes in NTTD were filmed) has bought a supercomputer. The name of the computer is STEELWINTER. It seems like a good Bond title, or at least a name for an operation.
Sir Gareth: So, Sir James, to Lutvann in Norway thou must go.
Sir James: Aye, mine liege, as long as I shall not have to eat that bloody smalahove again.
Sir Gareth: Maid Moneypenny, give Naught Naught Seven ye codename for this operation.
Maid Moneypenny: Aye, sire, 'tis Operation Steelwinter.
Sir James: Steelwinter, eh?
Maid Moneypenny: Aye, we did try twenty-three other codenames before settling on that one.
Sir James: But of course.
So far we've had one day of snow in January. It's been mostly rain and at least +5 C. My father who's lived here most years since 1938 has never seen anything like it.
Back on topic: 'Steelwinter' is probably a better name for a operation that's a part of the plot than an actual title for a Bond film.
I just read that the Norwegian Military Inteligence Service (Their HQ in Lutvann is only a stone's throw or two from where some scenes in NTTD were filmed) has bought a supercomputer. The name of the computer is STEELWINTER. It seems like a good Bond title, or at least a name for an operation.
I was reading a little bit about Finnland's modern history and their SuPo intelligence service (as you do) and the words "night frost" caugt my eye. There was a tense period between the USSR and Finland in 1958, and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev started calling the situation "night frost". It makes me think of a threath and hardships that can be both physical or emotional. "Night Frost" also has a bit of mystery to it I think.
I think it would be easy to tie it into a plot. The villan is Norwegian. Norway is a major weapons and oil exporter and a player in the upcomming contest for power in the artic region (sealanes, important minerals, natural gass and oil), so this would work. The title can be introduced a bit like it's done in Risico. A Norwegian talks to Bond avout the villan: "Odd Voss is very interested in developing the Artic region. A very driven man. He is what we Norwegians call a ildsjel a ...... firesoul."
I think it would be easy to tie it into a plot. The villan is Norwegian. Norway is a major weapons and oil exporter and a player in the upcomming contest for power in the Artic region (sealanes, important minerals, natural gass and oil), so this would work. The title can be introduced a bit like it's done in Risico. A Norwegian talks to Bond about the villan: "Odd Voss is very interested in developing the Artic region. A very driven man. He is what we Norwegians call ildsjel a ...... firesoul."
Great stuff! - Give the Norwegian villian connections to the mysterious Quantum organisation and you have Bond 24.
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The villan should be a petrolium tycoon. ---he wants his hands on rich natural gass and oil reserves in the artic, but it is tied up in an areas both Norway and Russia claim as their own. He wants the energy sources and ship it to the energy-hungry China by using the North-East passage north of Russia. Norway doesn't have the muscle to fight Russia. So he creates a conflict between Russia and UK/US and plans to get the drilling rights from the rubble. It could work ....
Very nice. I approve. -{
- From Dusk Till Dawn
- The Widowmaker
- Unforgiven
- Red Dawn
-Die Another Day 2: Electric Boogaloo
-The Spy Who Ate Chicken McNuggets
-Today is Never Yesterday and Leads to Tomorrow, Which in Turn Eventually Leads to Three Weeks from Today
But seriously? Well, we know at least one of the Quantum guys is a businessman, right? Say some guy becomes the CEO of a could be any overseas corporation knowing what we do of Quantum...and starts corrupting it beyond recognizeability. Or perhaps not. In actuality, the whole corporation was bad all the time and the CEO, initially suspected by Bond of being a shady character, is perfectly honest. Include a former CEO or old staff as sympathetic characters at first, but then have them emerge as absolute evil with their minions working for the corporation as everything from rank and file workers to advisers to the current CEO since the "evil capitalist" thing has got to be the oldest Hollywood cliche in the book this side of "the butler did it". Flip it on its head, since it fits in so well with Craig's Bond/this new era of films.
That leads to me to a title: Shadow of the Leader. Old and almost cliched expression, and usually used to describe a bad CEO casting a bad influence on a good company. But what if the whole company is bad and suddenly a good CEO comes in to run it, what then? Since the current Bond films like to play around with the audience, it does fit.
Use ex-Soviet Central Asia (possibly Turkmenistan due to the absolutely insane, surreal nature of the government) as the setting and possibly Natural Gas (which is now becoming as valuable as oil and something which Turkmenistan has plenty of) as the resource in which the company deals. Then fill in the plot. I realize we had Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan in TWINE, but the whole movie could have shouted at us "this is about oil!" and it would have represented the amount of subtlety we got. The Shadow of the Leader would be far more subtle. Perhaps natural gas is just a front? Maybe it isn't? Keep the audience guessing. Perhaps they're dealing in something entirely different. You can also flip QoS on its head by having the corrupt government applying tons of pressure to a Quantum operative (the ex-CEO) who they believe is on their bad side. Paint it in all shades of gray. You could even have Bond try and figure out whose side to take for a while. Fleming's Bond got confused every once in a while. Why not see it on the big screen?
-A talent for life
-A chance to die
-Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
I also feel that there are some good titles to be found amongst the continuation novels. Some of my favourites:
Role of Honour
Zero Minus Ten
The Man with the Red Tattoo
-the facts of death
-for special services
-and role of honour
-Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
Anyway, we have had quite a few ideas so far! What is everyones favourite one? My one has to be Every rose has its thorn and it's almost could be another name for TWINE
-Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
From Sweden With A Glove
Fish Finger
Bouncy Ball
You Only Have Lice
In His Majesty's Royal Tomb
Crystals Are Limited
Live And Don't Sigh
The Girl With The Golden Bum
The Agent Who Hated Me
Spoon Maker
For Your Genitals Only
A Brew To A Swill
The Dying Lamp Post
Permission To Thrill
Golden Pie
Tomorrow I Will Die
This World Is Too Much
Pass Away Yesterday
The Royal Gamble
Momentum Of Comfort
Cloud Trip
(I couldn't resist)
1 - Moore, 2 - Dalton, 3 - Craig, 4 - Connery, 5 - Brosnan, 6 - Lazenby
Sir James: Aye, mine liege, as long as I shall not have to eat that bloody smalahove again.
Sir Gareth: Maid Moneypenny, give Naught Naught Seven ye codename for this operation.
Maid Moneypenny: Aye, sire, 'tis Operation Steelwinter.
Sir James: Steelwinter, eh?
Maid Moneypenny: Aye, we did try twenty-three other codenames before settling on that one.
Sir James: But of course.
Back on topic: 'Steelwinter' is probably a better name for a operation that's a part of the plot than an actual title for a Bond film.
Yeah that’s a cracker.
Live and Let Live
Dr No(ne gender specific)
The Person with the Golden Gun
On The Duchess of York's Secret Service
Climate Change is Forever
The Bond series has the perfect title for the woke culture already- "The World Is Not Enough".