Do We Fans See Ourselves Apart From Bond's Mass Appeal?

BIG TAMBIG TAM Wrexham, North Wales, UK.Posts: 773MI6 Agent
A female friend of mine has a passion for STAR TREK. She does also for Bond, but STAR TREK wins out for pure devotion. She absolutely refuses to see the last STAR TREK film showing Kirk's origins. I can't understand her reasoning for this, but she feels it sullies the memory of Shatner & co. I asked why she also likes Picard, itself a reimagining of the Trek universe. She says that's different as it doesn't impinge on Kirk's world, etc, etc. Now I like all the STAR TREK films very much, but have never had a lot of time for the TV series. Perhaps then I'm not tied down by die-hard loyalty, allowing my enjoyment to not be clouded by history.
With this in mind I wonder if fellow Bond fans have a similar viewpoint over the correlation between their passion for 007 & the character's appeal to more casual movie-goers. A good example is the box office success of DIE ANOTHER DAY matched against the general dislike of it by fans on this website. One must assume any word of mouth from people on these forums was hastily ignored for it to achieve its grosses. :))


  • DEFIANT 74205DEFIANT 74205 Perth, AustraliaPosts: 1,881MI6 Agent
    As a fellow fan of Star Trek, I can definitely relate to your friend's refusal to see the latest Star Trek film. I did see it as it was a good film, but I'm not entirely sure whether it was a good Star Trek film for much the same reasons as your friend. I don't like prequels generally, even less so when they 'rewrite' history (yes, I know that film was supposed to be based on an alternate universe - which ties in with the scientific multiverse theory, but that's not the way I see it).

    As for Die Another Day - again, you're spot on. I don't like the film, I don't even think it was a good film, let alone a good Bond film, but it seems to have done alright in the box office. I'm definitely what some here call a "Flemingist" - I believe that a good Bond film is one that adheres to a Fleming story or a Fleming like story. If it doesn't stick to the original Fleming concept, it's not a good Bond film, period.

    I'm not a Star Wars fan, but I enjoyed all six movies, although devoted Star Wars fans say Episode I was a load of crap. So I can definitely see why we, as fans, tend to rate films differently by different standards to what the general public who may not be as ... shall I say, passionate ... about the series.
    "Watch the birdie, you bastard!"
  • The Domino EffectThe Domino Effect Posts: 3,636MI6 Agent
    I am most certainly a Flemingist and believe that as much as the pasage of time allows, things should remain as essentially true to the creator's wishes as possible. However, as long as the films are entertaining, captivating and not overtly disrespectful to the original, I can live with the current creations. That said, the closer to literary Bond the better!
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