Craig + Olympics = >Popular

ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
I was wondering given that D Craig's take on Bond is more realistic, far less
tongue in cheek, Brutal even. Mixed with his awkward interview style or
at least the sence that he's uncomfortable with many interviews. Has the
Opening Stunt of the Olympics shown a more lighthearted/ easy going side
that might warm more people to him, so increasing his popularity and might
help to make skyfall an even bigger hit.
In fact could the Producers be thinking this? given the recent statement about
Bond being the star, Not the actor playing him. A kind of verbal shot across the
bows before wage talks start. :))
Any one else think this little stunt has really helped D Craig's profile with the
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."


  • BIG TAMBIG TAM Wrexham, North Wales, UK.Posts: 773MI6 Agent
    I think it will have served to endear Craig much more to people who may have just seen him as a dour brute. I thought he handled a potentially toe-curling moment quite well with a fine deadpan quality. Who knows, perhaps we'll see him in a gondola hovercraft before long. :))
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,447Chief of Staff
    Any one else think this little stunt has really helped D Craig's profile with the public.

    I don't think it did, tbh....the main focus seemed to be on Her Majesty and I think she got all the plaudits...I reckon most didn't even notice DC was there !
    YNWA 97
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