Self Imposed Trailer Free Zone....anyone else?

Mr WebberMr Webber AustraliaPosts: 114MI6 Agent
Ever since the Prometheus trailer came out, the straw buttress supporting the main camel sub frame collapsed and have made a personal vow not to watch any trailer for a movie that I am particularly interested in seeing. For me, gone are the days when a trailer was meant to draw you in and not be a two and a half minute synopsis.

This has so far worked on TDKR, Skyfall and Totall Recall, and has extended to even forum threads on props etc, its frustrating but once the movies out, there is a great backlog of info to go through. Anyone else feel that they have to switch off certain aspects of their upcoming fav movies pre release hype to get the full movie experience they used to get before publicity departments ran the show?


  • Mr WebberMr Webber AustraliaPosts: 114MI6 Agent
    edited October 2012
    Still enforcing this policy and have to say that its paying off so far, Total Rekall did nothing for me and it wasnt confirmed until the day I saw it, cut out the middle man on that one. :D

    Have not seen the Skyfall trailer or even anything more than a three second clip nor have I heard the Adele song. As mentioned this is a new level of frustration, and ive known a few, but the pay off will be when I put me arse in that seat on opening day.

    This way of approaching new key movies wouldnt be for everyone and if it caught on, would be a disaster for fan forums,
    but if I didnt make the effort to try and make some parts of the cinema experience special again, would probably end up giving it the arse altogether. -{

    There is one exception though, anything on the new Mad Max movie I will absorb instantly...gotta draw a line somewhere.
  • Mr BeechMr Beech Florida, USAPosts: 1,749MI6 Agent
    I made a policy about 4 years ago only to watch the trailers for movies I am interested in seeing in theaters, in the theatre. No TV, no web. I just really value the theatre excitement that trailers and films have in that environment and only after I have watched the film, do I feel comfortable watching the trailers elsewhere.

    While I do want to avoid seeing as much as possible, I for some reason am okay with seeing whatever the trailer shows in theatres. I stepped out for a minute last weekend when a SkyFall behind-the-scenes preview was playing with cast interviews and clips, though.
  • Mr WebberMr Webber AustraliaPosts: 114MI6 Agent
    Interesting, is that because the trailers shown in the theatre are less descriptive in their editing or just because your in the right environment?

    Its not all bad news i guess, caught the Looper trailer on TV in a less vigilent moment and it didnt blowout the eventual storyline for me at all.

    Just thinking the backlog of stuff on Skyfall round here after I see it will take some catching up on. :s
  • Mr BeechMr Beech Florida, USAPosts: 1,749MI6 Agent
    Mr Webber wrote:
    Interesting, is that because the trailers shown in the theatre are less descriptive in their editing or just because your in the right environment?

    Its not all bad news i guess, caught the Looper trailer on TV in a less vigilent moment and it didnt blowout the eventual storyline for me at all.

    Just thinking the backlog of stuff on Skyfall round here after I see it will take some catching up on. :s

    I just am picky about the environment, I think. For some reason there is a mental blockage that stops me from comfortably premiering trailers to myself outside a theatre.

    I will say that it almost never actually ruins scenes of a movie for me if I see a trailer outside a theatre, but it makes it less exciting and comfortable to enjoy the hype. The movie itself is generally remains unharmed by trailers for me.
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    The excellent Bond documentary Everything or Nothing , currently in cinemas, has a lengthy Skyfall trailer just before it starts in the cinema I saw it at. Be warned.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Mr WebberMr Webber AustraliaPosts: 114MI6 Agent
    Thanks for the heads up, Im on the home straight now, dont want to blow it. :D
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