What did you DISLIKE about James Bond Jr?

Ahh James Bond Jr, the animated 007 spin off gone bad. Ive been curious to know from fans what they hated about this show and since im one of the few that liked it. Although i do admit Doctor No's new look was kinda stupid.


  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    It was everything, and I do mean everything that James Bond wasn't.

    It was a daft cartoon for kids that tried to piggyback on the success of the film franchise. It was for kids, I'm not a child (lol some here would disagree, no?) and it was just rotton as one of my farts to the core.
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  • jorgem1jorgem1 Posts: 136MI6 Agent
    They should reboot the series, or make it into a movie, and then cast Justin Bieber to play the role.
  • Thunderbird 2Thunderbird 2 East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,785MI6 Agent
    I must admit, I actually didn't mind it. Having said that though, like NSNA, or CR-67, I tended to think of JBJ as being its own entity, separate from the film series we all know and love, and one not to be taken seriously, like Thunderbirds 2086 or Stargate Infinity. - Both seen as completely separate and not connected in any way to the parent productions.

    Only three elements could potentially overlap to the films. The new Q's appearance in Skyfall - A younger man, big hair, and large framed glasses. It feels like the credible parts of IG Boothroyd have been used to create Ben Whishaw's look as the new Q for Skyfall. - I'd be the first to agree that this is just a coincidence. Second, Ms Fortune could be reworked as a decent Bond baddie version of Lady P, right down to the fact she had a butler bumper offer in Snuffer. A third idea I liked was the fact Jaws and Nic-Nac had a good squabbling double act like a Bond Baddie version of Laurel and Hardy! - Partially credible since neither character got bumped off in TMWTGG or MKR respectively.
    However the characters in the series (inc Bond Jnr himself) are all caricatures, and the entire premise is built upon Bond (as in 007) having had a brother or sister. We all know he was an only child orphan, no siblings, so said premise falls to pieces when you remember that.

    Light fun, but forgettable.
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  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    Your avatar sums it up for me, Gordo. Dr. No is green and has pointed ears. Oh, no no no--he's not Asian (or even half-Asian). He's just a fantasy villain--no one should ever take offense! Ugh. . .
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    I remember seeing a couple of episodes years ago. Can't say I found it
    anything other than a kids cartoon show. If only thay would get a good
    animated series More in the style of the Batman series. Now that would
    be worth watching.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Q-Branch_2012Q-Branch_2012 Posts: 80MI6 Agent
    I loved it, however I was a kid when it cam out!! I remember it being on in the six weeks holiday (UK) about 10.25 on ITV. think it must have been about 92or 93 so I was about 8 or 9. I also used to have a VHS of the Eiffel Missile. Haven't seen this in years and years. I loved the theme tune, and Odd Jobb was sort of hip hop breakdancer I think?
    Check out all my Bond related Movie Reviews - http://www.Movie-Blogger.com/users/q-branch2012/
  • GordoLeiterGordoLeiter Posts: 462MI6 Agent
    Hardyboy wrote:
    Your avatar sums it up for me, Gordo. Dr. No is green and has pointed ears. Oh, no no no--he's not Asian (or even half-Asian). He's just a fantasy villain--no one should ever take offense! Ugh. . .

    Some fans have tried to tie that in with the films saying he survived his fall into the coolant but the toxic liquid mutated him into what we see in the cartoon. Also if you were to remove his mustache and shorten his hair a little you can see they used Joeseph Wiseman's likeness as well
  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    I liked the other cartoon James Bond more - Roger Moore!
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
  • HardyboyHardyboy Posts: 5,901Chief of Staff
    Oh, and another thing that put my teeth on edge. . .Oddjob in hiphop gear that would put Flava Flav to shame. Cripes. . .
    Vox clamantis in deserto
  • GordoLeiterGordoLeiter Posts: 462MI6 Agent
    Come to think of it, the only one from the films who didnt have any appearance changes in this show what so ever was Goldfinger and Jaws.
  • CubbyCubby Posts: 43MI6 Agent
    Hardyboy wrote:
    Your avatar sums it up for me, Gordo. Dr. No is green and has pointed ears. Oh, no no no--he's not Asian (or even half-Asian). He's just a fantasy villain--no one should ever take offense! Ugh. . .
    That sounds pretty similar to what was done to The Mandarin's appearance on the 1990's Iron Man cartoon.
  • Blood_StoneBlood_Stone Posts: 184MI6 Agent
    .Oddjob in hiphop gear

    I liked the cartoon, but even back then, Oddjob's attire got a WTF reaction out of me!
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