An afternoon with Sir Rog.

superdaddysuperdaddy englandPosts: 917MI6 Agent
Just booked tickets to see Sir Roger Moore next Friday afternoon and am just wondering if anyone else has seen his tour yet.


  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Sadly No. But it should be a fun evening. -{
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • James SuzukiJames Suzuki New ZealandPosts: 2,406MI6 Agent
    Roger Moore has always been well known to be good with crowds and interviews, I've seen some of them and he is quite good in them, unlike Dalton who always seemed very awkward in an interview I watched when he was cast for TLD. Connery wasn't too good either, but Moore always seemed to keep his cool, and enjoy the questions which are fired at him
    “The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. "
    -Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    enjoy that evening and I am sure that you have a lot of fun.

    After that event think for a second how it would have been if the main person was Dalton :D
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • superdaddysuperdaddy englandPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    Tickets came this morning. :)
  • superdaddysuperdaddy englandPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    Anyone know where I can buy a safari shirt :))
  • superdaddysuperdaddy englandPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    To actually here James Bond say the names Bond,James Bond live, just gave me goosebumps.
    Probably one of the best afternoons of my life. Sir Rog is truly a gentalman who's work for UNICEF is truly inspirational.I would strongly recommend anyone who has the chance to see this very entertaining man really should.his tales of when he first met Christopher Lee when he was in the 1950's Sir Ivanhoe and many others are truly hysterical and his tribute to Audrey Hepburn,who was his inspiration for becoming a UNICEF ambassador was very moving.
    From the great man's mouth Skyfall is the best Bond film ever made so maybe I will go and see it after all.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Sounds like it was a Great event. -{
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • PMNPMN LeicestershirePosts: 24MI6 Agent
    I was there yesterday afternoon. Absolutely wonderful. Sir Roger held the audience
    enthralled with his anecdotes and came across as a true gent. His impression of
    Nick Nack was spot on and hilarious, indeed, he seems to be a talented impressionist
    as he did remarkably accurate impressions of Christopher Lee, Tony Curtis, Sean Connery
    and a few others. Rog was on stage for over two hours but I could have listened to him
    all night! There was a lot of love and respect for him in the audience and he got a standing
    ovation BEFORE he spoke and another one at the end. That's star quality for you...
  • superdaddysuperdaddy englandPosts: 917MI6 Agent
    PMN wrote:
    I was there yesterday afternoon. Absolutely wonderful. Sir Roger held the audience
    enthralled with his anecdotes and came across as a true gent. His impression of
    Nick Nack was spot on and hilarious, indeed, he seems to be a talented impressionist
    as he did remarkably accurate impressions of Christopher Lee, Tony Curtis, Sean Connery
    and a few others. Rog was on stage for over two hours but I could have listened to him
    all night! There was a lot of love and respect for him in the audience and he got a standing
    ovation BEFORE he spoke and another one at the end. That's star quality for you...
    Still laughing at his story of Herve(Nick Nack)and Maud Addams. So glad another member of AJB saw him as we'll.
    Your comments about the love and respect from the audience were spot on and one of the things that really impressed me was the age range of the audience,from the elderly to children.
    One last little snippet for all those who say he was the weakest Bond and most unbelievable as an agent,he was infact a captain (by the age of 20) in the army intelligence corps, the only official Bond actor to do any military service(Connery was merchant navy).
  • bondbobbondbob Posts: 44MI6 Agent
    I saw him in Basingstoke last night. Here's some images from the event (sorry for the poor quality)





    Hope you like them. Enjoy!
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