Consuming a Vesper - Advice please!!

Brosnan_fanBrosnan_fan Sydney, AustraliaPosts: 521MI6 Agent
So the holidays are just around the corner, and I thought it was high time I finally tried out James Bond's famed cocktail of choice. -{ However, as a total stranger to this drink, I felt it best to seek advice from the more experienced among you.

What are your recommendations for the measurements of gin, vodka and vermouth to use? I wish to make my first experience as hangover-free as possible.
"Well, he certainly left with his tails between his legs."


  • Le SamouraiLe Samourai Honolulu, HIPosts: 573MI6 Agent
    Vespers don't use vermouth. They use Kina Lillet, which isn't made anymore. You can substitute Kina Blanc, though the taste will be a little bit different.

    Here is the recipe:
    3 oz Gin
1 oz Vodka

    0.5 oz Lillet Blanc
    That's a pretty stiff drink, so you might want to half the measurements. Also, a dash of bitters is a wise addition.

    Here's a good article about making a Vesper:

    For what it's worth, I find the Vesper a bit overrated. I prefer more traditional Martinis. The ones I make at home are inspired by a recipe from Mr. Martini's excellent "Behind the Bar Show." Specifically...

    2 oz. gin (I like good old-fashioned Beefeater)
    0.5 oz dry vermouth (Noilly Prat, the original dry vermouth)
    a dash of orange bitters
    Shaken over ice, served in a chilled cocktail glass with a twist of lemon

    The orange bitters really takes the Martini over the edge. It's not something I would have thought of, and I credit Mr. Martini with this valuable addition.
    —Le Samourai

    A Gent in Training.... A blog about my continuing efforts to be improve myself, be a better person, and lead a good life. It incorporates such far flung topics as fitness, self defense, music, style, food and drink, and personal philosophy.
    Agent In Training
  • 00730073 COPPosts: 1,061MI6 Agent
    Vespers don't use vermouth. They use Kina Lillet, which isn't made anymore. You can substitute Kina Blanc, though the taste will be a little bit different.

    Here is the recipe:
    3 oz Gin
1 oz Vodka

    0.5 oz Lillet Blanc
    That's a pretty stiff drink, so you might want to half the measurements. Also, a dash of bitters is a wise addition.

    Here's a good article about making a Vesper:

    For what it's worth, I find the Vesper a bit overrated. I prefer more traditional Martinis. The ones I make at home are inspired by a recipe from Mr. Martini's excellent "Behind the Bar Show." Specifically...

    2 oz. gin (I like good old-fashioned Beefeater)
    0.5 oz dry vermouth (Noilly Prat, the original dry vermouth)
    a dash of orange bitters
    Shaken over ice, served in a chilled cocktail glass with a twist of lemon

    The orange bitters really takes the Martini over the edge. It's not something I would have thought of, and I credit Mr. Martini with this valuable addition.

    Well said!

    I would also like to share an experience I had a couple of days ago: I was at a X-mass lunch at a restaurant here in Helsinki and decided start of with a Martini. I ordered one from the waiter, and was promptly served; it tasted very, very strange. I asked the waiter what kind of Vermouth they had used? "Martini bianco, we always use it for martinis!" She answered quite surprised. I told her to take it away and to bring me a beer instead. 8-)
    "I mean, she almost kills bond...with her ass."
    -Mr Arlington Beech
  • don pdon p Posts: 607MI6 Agent
    it tasts bloody awful and after 3you,ll wanna go to bed , far to much gin lol..
  • StiggStigg Posts: 4MI6 Agent
    I am also on a quest to make as acurate as possible Vesper Martini. The problem as I see it is that Kina Lillet is no longer produced and in my research Lillet Blanc is too far from the original recipe to properly evaluate.

    I have found (internet searching) that Concchi Americano is apparantlly a very good substitie for the original formulation of Kina Lillet.

    The rub for me is that I am in Canada and I can not locate either product. (lillet Blanc or Cocchi Americano)

    Has anyone made a Vesper using Cocchi Americano??

    I am considering making the 8-10 hour road trip to cross the border into the US and pick a bottle of Cocchi Am. ( that is after having it drop shipped to a border portal in North Dakota from New York or California)

    Should I gas up and go or not waste my time?
  • alphaagentalphaagent Posts: 433MI6 Agent
    Martini bianco works perfectly, doesn't drown the taste and is relatively cheap. Not to mention very widely stocked, so if you order in a bar that is what they generally give you.
  • The Domino EffectThe Domino Effect Posts: 3,636MI6 Agent
    Dukes Hotel, London is where Ian Fleming used to go for his martinis as it is in a nice quiet side street convenient for both his work and his home. Dukes still offer the 'Vesper' but have re-mastered it to take into consideration the discontinuation of Kina Lillet and the change in flavours of the vodkas/gins since the 1950s/60s. It is their martini maestro's belief that the closest Vesper available today to that enjoyed at Dukes by Fleming is made as follows:

    3 measures Berry Bros & Rudd No. 3 London Dry Gin
    1 measure Potocki vodka
    1 measure Lillet Blanc
    2 drops of Angostura Bitters to line the chilled glass (this helps replicate the original flavour of Kina Lillet)

    Whether this is indeed similar to Fleming's favourite tipple I don't know, but what I can tell you is that it's both very strong and very tasty and well worth the try!
  • StiggStigg Posts: 4MI6 Agent
    alphaagent wrote:
    Martini bianco works perfectly, doesn't drown the taste and is relatively cheap. Not to mention very widely stocked, so if you order in a bar that is what they generally give you.

    I might try martini bianco, but i think it would be missing the orange edge and bitterness that the original Kina Lillet apparantly had. MAybe I will grab a bottle later and infuse it with some orange peel and give that a go.
  • DrydenDryden UKPosts: 131MI6 Agent
    Dukes Hotel, London is where Ian Fleming used to go for his martinis as it is in a nice quiet side street convenient for both his work and his home. Dukes still offer the 'Vesper' but have re-mastered it to take into consideration the discontinuation of Kina Lillet and the change in flavours of the vodkas/gins since the 1950s/60s. It is their martini maestro's belief that the closest Vesper available today to that enjoyed at Dukes by Fleming is made as follows:

    3 measures Berry Bros & Rudd No. 3 London Dry Gin
    1 measure Potocki vodka
    1 measure Lillet Blanc
    2 drops of Angostura Bitters to line the chilled glass (this helps replicate the original flavour of Kina Lillet)

    Whether this is indeed similar to Fleming's favourite tipple I don't know, but what I can tell you is that it's both very strong and very tasty and well worth the try!

    Visited Duke's to try a Vesper just after Skyfall came out. As The Domino Effect said it is well worth a try just don't drive or smoke immediately afterwards! :)
  • 00730073 COPPosts: 1,061MI6 Agent
    alphaagent wrote:
    Martini bianco works perfectly, doesn't drown the taste and is relatively cheap. Not to mention very widely stocked, so if you order in a bar that is what they generally give you.

    Ugghhhh.... I hate to disagree with you here, but I have to.

    I have never, ever had a martini made from Martini Bianco before. And I drink a lot of Martinis. I am a Bond and Mad Men fan, so naturally I have to. Martini Extra Dry which has only 25g sugar/l works perfectly, Martini Bianco is a sweet vermouth it has 160g sugar / l and it absolutely drowns the taste of fine vodka or makes a mess of the taste of fine gin. When I make a Martini at home, I use Stoli for vodka and Noilly Prat (35g sugar/l) for vermouth.

    Bianco works perfectly on the rocks with couple of lime wedges, with soda or ice cold as it is. Don't get me wrong, I like Martini Bianco, I just like my Martinis classic and as dry as German humor!

    "I mean, she almost kills bond...with her ass."
    -Mr Arlington Beech
  • StiggStigg Posts: 4MI6 Agent
    Well I tried a Vesper last night made the foloowing way:

    3 measures Gordons
    1 measure Stolichnaya Vodka
    1/2 measure Martini Bianco
    Shaken until ice cold
    and served with a long strip of lemon peel. -{

    It was actually quite tasty :D

    I will still try infusing some of the Martini Bianco with orange peel and give it another go.
  • Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent
    You can now get Lillet Blanc on Amazon - only £15 a bottle and it lasts ages. Well worth it for an authentic Vesper experience :007)
    "How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."
  • davidelliott101davidelliott101 Posts: 165MI6 Agent
    Last night, I drove through the foggy Boise night to the Liquor Store down the road from me... Been here five weeks and was out of gin and bourbon, plus needed Apple Pucker for my wife's Apple Martini...

    Found one bottle of Lillet on the shelf. $18.00. Snagged it. Bought a bottle of Gordon's Gin. Already had Russian Shot vodka in my freezer.

    On the way home, went to the local Albertsons and got a couple of lemons. Called my wife to put a martini glass in the freezer for me.

    So, got home, made the Apple Martini for my wife, and FINALLY made a Vesper. I have been used to using dry vermouth all these years, so was anxious to use the Lillet AT LAST.

    I REALLY enjoyed it. Didn't feel sick like I drank too much afterwards. Usually a late evening martini makes me feel ill through the night, but it was worth the 26 year wait.

    The Lillet gave it a great flavor and smoothed everything out. Nothing bitter about it, no bad aftertaste, although I used 2 shots of gin, rather than 3, in error... I may have to do it right today. I will report afterwards!
  • davidelliott101davidelliott101 Posts: 165MI6 Agent
    Well, I'm sticking to 2 shots gin, 1 vodka and 1/2 Lillet... the 3rd shot of gin made it too ginny for me...
  • Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent
    Good to see our some of our members sacrificing themselves and undertaking some painstaking research in the name of Bondmnship :))
    "How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."
  • Blood_StoneBlood_Stone Posts: 184MI6 Agent
    I tried a Vesper once, but it was too damn strong. i couldn't finish the bloody drink. :))
  • RedlandRedland NYCPosts: 19MI6 Agent
    The version I made most recently was:

    3 measures Gordons
    1 measure Stolichnaya Vodka
    1/2 measure Lillet Blanc

    I'm aware that I might not be experiencing an authentic Vesper (nearly impossible to do so anyway), but it was still a delightfully strong drink that I plan on tinkering with with various substitutes and auditions.
    The bitch is dead now.
  • Le SamouraiLe Samourai Honolulu, HIPosts: 573MI6 Agent
    I wonder how Dubonnet Blanc would work in a Vesper. It contains the quinine now absent from Kina. Or perhaps Cocchi Aperitivo Americano (see link)?
    —Le Samourai

    A Gent in Training.... A blog about my continuing efforts to be improve myself, be a better person, and lead a good life. It incorporates such far flung topics as fitness, self defense, music, style, food and drink, and personal philosophy.
    Agent In Training
  • StrangewaysStrangeways London, UKPosts: 1,469MI6 Agent
    edited February 2013
    I love this thread. I am kind of spoiled though because living in Central London, the hotel bars all seem to have Lillet Blanc and nobody ever looks at me blancly (like that?) when I order a Vesper by name, as often happens whenever I am outside of the great city.

    I sometimes frequent the Refuel Bar at the Soho Hotel on Dean Street. Their Vespers are pretty good, but my friends have limited me to just two else I start running round with my shirt off, screaming like a half wit claiming to be Bond himself. After a fourth, I calm down but only because I am crying like a baby and attempting to explain to complete strangers that I am just like Bond because I too lost the love of my life last year...not because he killed himself but because he was a lying cheating dirty ba***rd. It is at this point that I am poured into a black cab and whisked back to Vauxhall!!

    Even better that the Refuel Vesper has got to be the ones they serve up at the cocktail bar in the basement at The Dorchester on Park Lane. Although not the classic CR recipe (they use orange peel rather than lemon), the taste is a sensation and a little less sharp than the original.

    Any fans in London who fancy a night on the Vespers sometime, please do drop me an email and let's hook up!
  • jon couragejon courage Posts: 129MI6 Agent
    Was in a restaurant called Buddakan in philadelphia this evening and having just re-watched CR I decided to get a Vesper out of my hapless bartender. I told her, 3 parts Hendriks gin, 1 part Stoli, a dash of lilet blanc and a twist of lime. Was quite good actually, if a little strong.

    Funnily another waitress pinned me out, "is that the James Bond martini"?! I had to admit to it and we got a good chuckle and some convo about favorite Bond movies. -{
  • StrangewaysStrangeways London, UKPosts: 1,469MI6 Agent
    Was in a restaurant called Buddakan in philadelphia this evening and having just re-watched CR I decided to get a Vesper out of my hapless bartender. I told her, 3 parts Hendriks gin, 1 part Stoli, a dash of lilet blanc and a twist of lime. Was quite good actually, if a little strong.

    Funnily another waitress pinned me out, "is that the James Bond martini"?! I had to admit to it and we got a good chuckle and some convo about favorite Bond movies. -{

    No tears or tops off ???
    That's disappointing.... :)) :)) :))
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    I do like to drink a "Black Russian " from time to time, made the mistake of
    asking for one in a posh hotel, The glass had so many little unbrellas, and
    other bits hanging off it. The only thing Missing was a Sparkler.
    I felt like Del Boy. :#
    ( I guess I must of annoyed the barman ) :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • PeppermillPeppermill DelftPosts: 2,860MI6 Agent
    This might sound like a strange idea. But Í'm not a big fan of gin so a few weeks ago I tried "Repsev". I like it better than the original.

    One advice for consuming a Vesper, take a cab home! -{
    1. Ohmss 2. Frwl 3. Op 4. Tswlm 5. Tld 6. Ge 7. Yolt 8. Lald 9. Cr 10. Ltk 11. Dn 12. Gf 13. Qos 14. Mr 15. Tmwtgg 16. Fyeo 17. Twine 18. Sf 19. Tb 20 Tnd 21. Spectre 22 Daf 23. Avtak 24. Dad
  • walther p99walther p99 NJPosts: 3,416MI6 Agent
    Was in a restaurant called Buddakan in philadelphia this evening and having just re-watched CR I decided to get a Vesper out of my hapless bartender. I told her, 3 parts Hendriks gin, 1 part Stoli, a dash of lilet blanc and a twist of lime. Was quite good actually, if a little strong.

    Funnily another waitress pinned me out, "is that the James Bond martini"?! I had to admit to it and we got a good chuckle and some convo about favorite Bond movies. -{
    good to see a JB fan in or around Philly! i just recently had work at society hill towers and passed the Zara and Barbour shops that are conveniently on the same street.
  • raptors_887raptors_887 CanadaPosts: 215MI6 Agent
    Would most bartenders not know what a Vesper is if you asked them?
    1: Casino Royale 2: Goldeneye 3: Skyfall 4: Octopussy 5: Goldfinger 6: Tomorrow Never Dies 7: The World Is Not Enough 8: The Living Daylights 9: From Russia With Love 10: The Spy Who Loved Me
  • mac007mac007 WisconsinPosts: 92MI6 Agent
    raptors_887, My guess is that most bartenders would not know what a vesper is.

    I actually just ordered two bottles of the Cocchi Aperitivo Americano as it is supposed to be as close as you can get to Kina Lillet, so as soon as I get it (should be Friday) I'll shake up a vesper and let you guys know how it goes down.
    Tied 1st: CR & SF, 3rd: DAD

    "How did he die" "Your contact, not well" ~ DC in CR
  • mac007mac007 WisconsinPosts: 92MI6 Agent
    Well, It's a little delayed, but I was able to mix up a vesper with the correct measurements and the lemon, as DC orders it in CR. I will say that it is a acquired taste. I didn't have the best of Gin, so that pretty much ruined it I think. It was very good, but I think I can do better if I get a bottle of high quality gin. For the vodka I was using Ketel One, which I drink often. I ordered 2 bottles of Cocchi, since the shipping didn't pay to just get 1. :) As you can see I make quite a few martini's. -{

    Tied 1st: CR & SF, 3rd: DAD

    "How did he die" "Your contact, not well" ~ DC in CR
  • Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent
    Good to see you, in the words of Brosnan in goldeneye, "toasting a very thorough evaluation" of the perfect Martini! Keep up the diligent research!
    "How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."
  • mac007mac007 WisconsinPosts: 92MI6 Agent
    Now...I just need someone to donate one of these to my cause so I can make accurate measurements. :D

    Tied 1st: CR & SF, 3rd: DAD

    "How did he die" "Your contact, not well" ~ DC in CR
  • walther p99walther p99 NJPosts: 3,416MI6 Agent
    Having my first Vesper on Thursday, what should i ask the bartender to put in it since Lillet isnt available?
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