Best ex-MI6 agent?

Skyfall's villain Raoul Silva (Javier Bardem) is an ex-MI6 agent. It's not the first time that a rogue ex-agent has been the main villain in a Bond movie. Alec Trevelyan (Sean Bean in GoldenEye was a former fellow agent of 007, his code number being 006. In Die Another Day, Bond's fellow British agent Miranda Frost (Rosamund Pike) turned out to be a double-agent.

So who was your favorite agent who turned out to be a bad guy in the end

Alec Trevelyan

Alec's parents were Lienz Cossacks who, during World War II, fought for both the Soviet Union and for Nazi Germany. At the end of the war, the Cossacks surrendered to the British Army, hoping to join the fight against Communism, but they were betrayed and sent back to the Soviet government for execution by Stalin's forces. As Alec explains it, his parents survived the execution but, unable to live with their shame, they committed suicide. Consequently, Alec is on a vendetta against the British government. His plan is to break into the Bank of London's computers and transfer out all the money just before hitting them with the second GoldenEye, thereby covering up the theft and destroying the British economy. Code-named "006", was an agent for the British Secret Service and He faked his death at the Arkangelsk Chemical Warfare Facility, commandeered by General Ourumov, and became a criminal mastermind hellbent on avenging his Lienz Cossack parents while also planning to kill his former colleague and friend, James Bond.

Miranda Frost
Earlier in the movie, when Bond was still in Iceland, he confronts Graves, but Miranda Frost enters the room and points her gun at Bond. Miranda reveals that she has been working as a double agent, both for MI6 and for Graves, and that it was she herself who betrayed Bond to Zao and then leaked military secrets that Bond was accused of revealing during his 14 months of torture.

Raoul Silva
During his years in MI6, Silva had worked alongside M in Hong Kong. M, who was section chief at the time, noticed that the operative had engaged in unauthorized hacking of the Chinese. Whilst she was overseeing the transition in Hong Kong from a British colony to a special administrative region she sold out Silva in exchange for prisoners held by the Chinese government. Silva is a former MI6 operative turned cyber-terrorist who is hellbent on seeking revenge against those he holds responsible for betraying him.
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