"Haywire"; awesome female-version-of-Bond movie!

chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
edited January 2013 in Off Topic Chat
She's Bond as a woman, totally Flemingesque & dark. Makes Nikita look a bit 'agent-lite'.
Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.


  • Mr BeechMr Beech Florida, USAPosts: 1,749MI6 Agent
    There's been several films over the years that have prompted the female Bond question. I know Angelina Jolie famously said that she rejected the Bond girl role in Casino Royale because she doesn't want to be a Bond girl, she wants to be Bond.

    Haven't watched Haywire yet, but some have also suggested Salt as a female Bond (a comparison Jolie rejected).
  • Le SamouraiLe Samourai Honolulu, HIPosts: 573MI6 Agent
    I rather enjoyed 'Haywire.' Steven Soderbergh is an interesting and talented director. He specifically stated he was trying for a Bondish feel for the movie. (I'd love to see him direct a Bond, but I doubt it will ever happen.)

    While not a great actress, I thought MMA-champ Gina Carano was a charismatic and attractive lead. Obviously, her fight scenes were superb. As a MMA instructor, I enjoyed playing "spot the technique." The cinematography and locations were great, as was the supporting cast. Soderbergh has a great visual sense.

    All in all, a fun movie.
    —Le Samourai

    A Gent in Training.... A blog about my continuing efforts to be improve myself, be a better person, and lead a good life. It incorporates such far flung topics as fitness, self defense, music, style, food and drink, and personal philosophy.
    Agent In Training
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    Mr Beech wrote:

    Haven't watched Haywire yet, but some have also suggested Salt as a female Bond (a comparison Jolie rejected).
    I haven't seen Salt because it looked to me like a Nikita ripoff with a bigger budget, plus I have a hard time with Jolie as an ass-kicker in her present skinny form (she was okay in Tomb Raider though). Plus, Haywire had NONE of that gravity-defying crap I see in SO many movies, it achieved a believablity level that I REALLY appreciate these days..
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • PPK 7.65mmPPK 7.65mm Saratoga Springs NY USAPosts: 1,249MI6 Agent
    I liked Haywire too, since it featured no shaky cam, a person who looks the part of an action hero, and good fight scenes. I was however disapointed that Gina Carano had her voice dubbed by another actress, I knew from watching various tv interviews with her that it was not her real voice. Also I did not like the music that was selected for the score, it sounded like a 1970's tv sitcom music track, also I felt that the ending was too short and left me wanting more storywise.

    Still it was a promising start for Gina Carano in the movies, and I love action movies in general.
  • Mr BeechMr Beech Florida, USAPosts: 1,749MI6 Agent
    PPK 7.65mm wrote:
    I liked Haywire too, since it featured no shaky cam, a person who looks the part of an action hero, and good fight scenes. I was however disapointed that Gina Carano had her voice dubbed by another actress, I knew from watching various tv interviews with her that it was not her real voice. Also I did not like the music that was selected for the score, it sounded like a 1970's tv sitcom music track, also I felt that the ending was too short and left me wanting more storywise.

    Still it was a promising start for Gina Carano in the movies, and I love action movies in general.

    I'm a little confused by this. From what I read and from Gina's explanation, it doesn't sound like anyone has admitted that her voice was replaced, but rather it was altered in software, which may have included mixing (that term isn't specific, but that could be where another person's voice was pulled in).
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    Mr Beech wrote:
    From what I read and from Gina's explanation, it doesn't sound like anyone has admitted that her voice was replaced, but rather it was altered in software
    That was my understanding, but it came off well to me, certainly better than Lazenby's straight up dubbing.
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • PPK 7.65mmPPK 7.65mm Saratoga Springs NY USAPosts: 1,249MI6 Agent
    Sorry if I confused anyone here, what I was trying to say was the fact that her altered vocie really bugged me.

    They should left her vocie with its natural tone.
  • Silhouette ManSilhouette Man The last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,828MI6 Agent
    edited February 2013
    She looks like a female version of Pierce Brosnan - suppose that's intended, though! There's an interesting passage about a female version of James Bond in the Andrew Lycett biography of Ian Fleming - so the idea of 'Jane Bond' has got quite some pedigree!
    "The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
  • Le SamouraiLe Samourai Honolulu, HIPosts: 573MI6 Agent
    Incidentally, did anyone notice that the fight on the beach near the end of the movie looked very clearly modeled on the opening fight scene from OHMSS? Considering Soderbergh said he was going for a Bond sort of vibe, this can't be coincidence.
    —Le Samourai

    A Gent in Training.... A blog about my continuing efforts to be improve myself, be a better person, and lead a good life. It incorporates such far flung topics as fitness, self defense, music, style, food and drink, and personal philosophy.
    Agent In Training
  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    I enjoyed Haywire for the same reasons you pointed out. I think Ms. Carano is a good candidate for a series featuring a Bond-like female character (no female Bond, though!)
    I rather enjoyed 'Haywire.' Steven Soderbergh is an interesting and talented director. He specifically stated he was trying for a Bondish feel for the movie. (I'd love to see him direct a Bond, but I doubt it will ever happen.)

    While not a great actress, I thought MMA-champ Gina Carano was a charismatic and attractive lead. Obviously, her fight scenes were superb. As a MMA instructor, I enjoyed playing "spot the technique." The cinematography and locations were great, as was the supporting cast. Soderbergh has a great visual sense.

    All in all, a fun movie.
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    I think Ms. Carano is a good candidate for a series featuring a Bond-like female character (no female Bond, though!)
    Hell, I'd like to see her as Wonder Woman!! :))
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    Good idea!
    chrisisall wrote:
    I think Ms. Carano is a good candidate for a series featuring a Bond-like female character (no female Bond, though!)
    Hell, I'd like to see her as Wonder Woman!! :))
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
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