Fashion show

always shakenalways shaken LondonPosts: 6,287MI6 Agent
Hi fellow Bondites,had an idea regarding a AJB007 fashion show
(sorry but couldnt think of another word ,i hate the fashion word)
anyway,idea is that we submit on a given time frame a collection of pictures
of ourselves in 5 out fits ,with descriptions,Doesnt have to be SA kit, it could be
budget alternatives ,old navy primark ect ,as long as its in the spirit of aBond
replica outfit ,this is so we can all join in ,not just those of us (me included )
who are lucky enough to get the real thing ,If you think this is a runner,lets have some replys
on an agreeable date ,so we can get ready to look our best (i need to loose weight ha ha)
so if we did 5 out fits from your fav films and post them at a agreeable date
perhaps we could take a vote on the best set lets try something different
what do you think guys and girls
By the way, did I tell you, I was "Mad"?
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