M. like myth.

kboo3kboo3 PolandPosts: 64MI6 Agent
I think M. is very interesting person, so I wrote a post about it: http://kboo3.blogspot.com/2013/02/m-like-maroonedmisfortunemiserymissionm.html and I want to know what do you think about this character, maybe you can come and comment? It possible to do it anonymous.


  • always shakenalways shaken LondonPosts: 6,287MI6 Agent
    HI Kboo3,i see you are from Poland and i assume your not familiar with our old boy
    network, ex public school, ex army,In the case of Bernard Lee not only is he Bonds
    superior but he also out ranks him also ,After the war all of these posts where given
    to these chaps in recognition of their war service rather than chucking them on the scrap heap now, as our current goverments seem to be quit fond of,This old boy network i think is
    better portrayed in the excelent Micheal Caine portrayel of Harry Palmer
    Ipcress file ,Funeral in Berlin to name two here we see MC playing a more realistic
    version of a 1960 MI officer ,im sure our resident litery expert SILHOUETTE MAN
    would be more than glad to impart his great wealth of knowledge on the murky world of
    the secret service to you ,if you asked him nicely,
    By the way, did I tell you, I was "Mad"?
  • kboo3kboo3 PolandPosts: 64MI6 Agent
    I'm not sure if I understood, if I misunderstood smth, please correct, expalain, but u write that writing about Bernard lee's character I forget about when he was playing this role, about the, let's call it this way, 'historical backgroung'. Maybe there's some true in it, but I really know smth about it and this is only my opinion. Maybe I'm rather the child of Brosnan's and Craig's films but that not mean I don't know what I say. (actually i prefer these older films with Moore and Dalton, I don't know why I don't really like Sean Connery)
    For me, the world changes, but not people. The situation is one thing, our character and conscience is another.
    Sorry if I misunderstood smth, I'm only 16 and I'm still learning, am rather worse than better in English.
    HI Kboo3,i see you are from Poland and i assume your not familiar with our old boy
    network, ex public school, ex army,In the case of Bernard Lee not only is he Bonds
    superior but he also out ranks him also ,After the war all of these posts where given
    to these chaps in recognition of their war service rather than chucking them on the scrap heap now, as our current goverments seem to be quit fond of,This old boy network i think is
    better portrayed in the excelent Micheal Caine portrayel of Harry Palmer
    Ipcress file ,Funeral in Berlin to name two here we see MC playing a more realistic
    version of a 1960 MI officer ,im sure our resident litery expert SILHOUETTE MAN
    would be more than glad to impart his great wealth of knowledge on the murky world of
    the secret service to you ,if you asked him nicely,
  • always shakenalways shaken LondonPosts: 6,287MI6 Agent
    Your English is a darn sight better than my Polish ha ha
    By the way, did I tell you, I was "Mad"?
  • kboo3kboo3 PolandPosts: 64MI6 Agent
    Your English is a darn sight better than my Polish ha ha
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