The next Bond? Please don't throw things at me...

Ammo08Ammo08 Missouri, USAPosts: 387MI6 Agent
The wife and I were watching Skyfall last night and we talked about who will be the next Bond. Seeing as how Craig has a contract for 2 or 3 more Bond films, we came to the conclusion that Daniel Radcliffe could easily step into the role.

I'm not crazy about how how tall he is, 5'5", however he's a very good actor, he's English and I really believe he will appeal to a broad audience.. six years or so, he will be in his early 30s and could move into this type of film...

I'm putting on my flame retardant underwear as we speak... :D
"I don't know if the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or imbeciles who mean it."-Mark Twain
'Just because nobody complains doesn't mean all parachutes are perfect.'- Benny Hill (1924-1992)


  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Daniel Radcliffe as Bond. I have to say.......

    Evanesco ! to that idea. :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • zaphodzaphod Posts: 1,183MI6 Agent
    Ammo08 wrote:
    The wife and I were watching Skyfall last night and we talked about who will be the next Bond. Seeing as how Craig has a contract for 2 or 3 more Bond films, we came to the conclusion that Daniel Radcliffe could easily step into the role.

    I'm not crazy about how how tall he is, 5'5", however he's a very good actor, he's English and I really believe he will appeal to a broad audience.. six years or so, he will be in his early 30s and could move into this type of film...

    I'm putting on my flame retardant underwear as we speak... :D

    now go and hang your head in shame and think about what you have done... :007)
  • Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent

    He has the scar, albeit on his head instead of his cheek.
    He has a ready-made Moneypenny, Q and M, no need to recruit more talent.
    He could have been expelled from Hogwarts rather than Eton, for some misdemeanour with a housemaid (or Dobby).
    His family crest could include snitches instead of Bezants.
    He has a flying car, surely the next gadget for Q to develop after the invisible one...
    "How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    Suggesting Radcliffe for Bond qualifies for an immediate and lifetime ban :D
    Where are the mods when we need them?
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
    Please tell me you are having a Laugh..
    1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger
  • Thunderbird 2Thunderbird 2 East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,785MI6 Agent
    The next Bond? No!! Far too young. A Future Bond, perhaps.

    Personally I prefer to enjoy the Bond's we have, while they are Bond. Until he (or the producers) decide otherwise, Daniel Craig IS James Bond.

    "Alohomora" (Thread door opens by itself, Thunderbird 2 flies out of the room. Door closes with a 'click.')
    This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
  • walther p99walther p99 NJPosts: 3,416MI6 Agent
    I like Radcliffe, he's a good actor. But he's already Harry Potter and is way too short for Bond, Daniel Craig is short enough already.
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,447Chief of Staff
    Bondtoys wrote:
    Suggesting Radcliffe for Bond qualifies for an immediate and lifetime ban :D
    Where are the mods when we need them?

    Strapping themselves into straight-jackets as the thought of this is too terrible to contemplate X-(
    YNWA 97
  • Ammo08Ammo08 Missouri, USAPosts: 387MI6 Agent
    Did you say "mods" or "meds"?
    I forgot to say I was drinking...

    ...but if not Mr Potter, the who? I'm absolutely against an American being Bond, or even a Canadian,,he must be from the UK.
    "I don't know if the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or imbeciles who mean it."-Mark Twain
    'Just because nobody complains doesn't mean all parachutes are perfect.'- Benny Hill (1924-1992)
  • Silhouette ManSilhouette Man The last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,828MI6 Agent
    Are you havin a laugh? Is he havin' a laugh? Are you havin' a giraffe, mate? You must fink I'm some sorta double yolker!

    Daniel Radcliffe? Bag o' ****! :))
    "The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    It's his voice that's the deal breaker. He still sounds like a kid. And okay his height. Actually I thought he was taller...

    Mind you, he could be a sort of Bond ally in a movie, the one who is dead meat. That would be good, complements Craig physically ie he's different but not much taller.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    Great idea! And how about Jennifer Saunders as M? (Seriously, where do people come up with these ideas???) :s
    Ammo08 wrote:
    The wife and I were watching Skyfall last night and we talked about who will be the next Bond. Seeing as how Craig has a contract for 2 or 3 more Bond films, we came to the conclusion that Daniel Radcliffe could easily step into the role.

    I'm not crazy about how how tall he is, 5'5", however he's a very good actor, he's English and I really believe he will appeal to a broad audience.. six years or so, he will be in his early 30s and could move into this type of film...

    I'm putting on my flame retardant underwear as we speak... :D
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
  • James SuzukiJames Suzuki New ZealandPosts: 2,406MI6 Agent
    ....I was thinking more on the lines of Justin Beiber. As a Candian singer brought up with a harsh life of hatred he could really portray Bond's inner demons and anger on the villains and people he would have to confront. He could pull off that suave factor of Bond's character so clearly seen in Fleming's novel. His bedroom scenes with the woman could flash back to the scenes with Connery in the 60's. His voice is also shows richness and power, I can picture him in a tuxedo saying 'Bond....James Bond.'
    His acting skills are top-notch and quite truthly I don't understand why they don't cast him for Bond 24 on the spot?
    :)) :)) :)) :)) :))
    “The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. "
    -Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
  • Silhouette ManSilhouette Man The last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,828MI6 Agent
    ....I was thinking more on the lines of Justin Beiber. As a Candian singer brought up with a harsh life of hatred he could really portray Bond's inner demons and anger on the villains and people he would have to confront. He could pull off that suave factor of Bond's character so clearly seen in Fleming's novel. His bedroom scenes with the woman could flash back to the scenes with Connery in the 60's. His voice is also shows richness and power, I can picture him in a tuxedo saying 'Bond....James Bond.'
    His acting skills are top-notch and quite truthly I don't understand why they don't cast him for Bond 24 on the spot?
    :)) :)) :)) :)) :))

    Yes, and he could carry his monkey thingy on his back - the new Bubbles. He'd make a great hothead henchman. :))
    "The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
  • RogueAgent007RogueAgent007 Corn-fed central USPosts: 154MI6 Agent
    Wow. It took this for me to want Craig to stay. I guess EON could have found an actor who looked less like Flemings description. Thanks for helping me get some perspective, man. 8-)
    Beg your pardon, forgot to knock...
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,175MI6 Agent
    I'm throwing virtual stones at you :v
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