Was DAD Brosnans MR?

AlphaOmegaSinAlphaOmegaSin EnglandPosts: 10,926MI6 Agent
Both were laden with Sci-Fi Elements, both Villains had Structures in Space and had rather Momentous Headquarters.
1.On Her Majesties Secret Service 2.The Living Daylights 3.license To Kill 4.The Spy Who Loved Me 5.Goldfinger


  • DieAnotherDayDieAnotherDay Glasgow, ScotlandPosts: 460MI6 Agent
    Both were laden with Sci-Fi Elements, both Villains had Structures in Space and had rather Momentous Headquarters.

    It was certainly as near to Moonraker as Brosnan got but IMO it is head and shoulders above MR.
    I actually adore DAD :) Yes is has crappy CGI and the most ridiculous plot in the world but I think on entertainment value alone MR doesn't come close. I actually think it incorporates more elements from DAF in all honesty - :)) two fantastic bonds to chop and screw with eh (!)
    ....and the best he ever managed was a sermon on the mount.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    There are a lot of similarities between the two.
    An apparently benevolent personage, who turns
    out to be a villain, etc.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,521Chief of Staff
    There are a lot of similarities between the two.
    An apparently benevolent personage, who turns
    out to be a villain, etc.

    Agreed, plus the dreaded "fourth film" curse, where a perfectly realised third film (GF, TSWLM. TWINE) is followed by an attempt to do the same thing again with a bigger budget and more spectacle- failing critically but doing well at the box-office.
    I say this despite TB being one of my fave films, and hoping that the next Bond epic doesn't fall into that trap.
  • NeverSayDieNeverSayDie Posts: 495MI6 Agent
    The computer game Nightfire was Brosnan's Moonraker.
    It ended with a laser battle in space.
    I love Moonraker but can only just about watch Die Another Day. The first half is actually quite good but the invisible car makes me want to weep.
  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    It was certainly as near to Moonraker as Brosnan got but IMO it is head and shoulders above MR.

    We're in agreement there, my friend! -{
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
  • zaphodzaphod Posts: 1,183MI6 Agent
    There are some similarities, both films have better first halfs, but poor as DAD is it is nowhere near the unwatchable tosh that is MR, a true low point of the series that I hope stands as both a marker and a warning to those who make Bond movies, both now and in the future.
  • Moore ThanMoore Than EnglandPosts: 3,173MI6 Agent
    Both films do have better first halves, and have some serious flaws. Moonraker is the better film (in my opinion) for a host of reasons. Such as the score, sets, locations, cinematography, special effects, villain, dialogue, acting. I am also more lenient on MR because it was made with a bit of a nod and a wink, whereas Die Another Day was meant to be taken seriously.
    Moore Not Less 4371 posts (2002 - 2007) Moore Than (2012 - 2016)
  • L JonesL Jones Posts: 131MI6 Agent
    Both were laden with Sci-Fi Elements, both Villains had Structures in Space and had rather Momentous Headquarters.

    "DIE ANOTHER DAY" wasn't set in space.

    However, I consider DAD better than say . . . "TOMORROW NEVER DIES", which struck me banal crap. And I consider MR better than say . . . "THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN", in which the best thing about that film were the Orient locations.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    It was certainly as near to Moonraker as Brosnan got but IMO it is head and shoulders above MR.

    We're in agreement there, my friend! -{
    Another agreement; I own (and occasionally enjoy) DAD, I can't bring myself to purchase MR...
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    I think people are making the incorrect assumption that DAD and MR are similar purely because they're classed as a couple of the poorly received films in the franchise.

    MR (imo) started out well, had plenty of good moments and interesting gadgets and props (always a selling point for me). It ended badly though, as it was trying to keep up with the sci-fi interest everyone was having with the release of a certain space flick involving some incest stuff with a guy called luke and some bird called leia.... Sure MR had it's ups and downs, but the majority of the film wasnt that bad. I thought drax was a great villian, coldly ordering that 'some harm' came to bond, a great moment. Pew pew lasers aside, its not as bad as some claim. I think half the bad opinions are simply said to keep in line with the general consencious.

    As for DAD, its a totally different film, and bad for different reasons. With the anniversary being celebrated, the 'homages' were simply too blatent and over the top. "heres your new watch, this will be your 20th i believe" 8-) etc etc. The storyline wasn't that bad, but i thought bond and graves were leaning more towards the younger market. Graves could and should have been played a lot colder and sinister, as should have bond to mirror him, but i guess it was toned down somewhat to cater for the kiddies in the audience. The sfx and props were good, not sure on that suitcase, but what really did it all in was the over the top 'this is what a bond film is' directing from the pe.... sorry, drag queen enthusiast Tamahori. Instead of producing a great bond film to celebrate the franchise we got a string of one liners and re-enactments from all the films previous. If you watch Skyfall, there are loads of nods and hints at past films, they're just done so much more subtly, and that how DAD should have been done.

    So there ya go, thats my 2 cents. Both considered bad, but for different reasons. And i don't think any of it really had anything to do with RM's or PB's acting abilities.


    MG -{
    'Force feeding AJB humour and banter since 2009'
    Vive le droit à la libre expression! Je suis Charlie!
  • DelicatessenInSteelDelicatessenInSteel Posts: 181MI6 Agent
    There really is no comaparison..Moonraker is a classic Bond film regardless of all the silly snarky attacks, because it was consistent within in its own world. DAD was schizophrenic it didn't know if it was serious or camp or what it was, it meandered all over the place, and unlike Moonraker where you mentally said wow this movie cost a billion dollars, with die another day it was like I know what was cg cuz it was obvious now tell me about the model work.
    1.MoonRaker 2.OHMSS 3.LALD 4.OP 5.FYEO 6.DR. NO 7.YOLT 8.LTK 9.CR 10.AVTAK
  • Golrush007Golrush007 South AfricaPosts: 3,421Quartermasters
    I think that Purvis and Wade were looking to the Moonraker novel for inspiration, which is why both films share a certain amount of DNA. The character Miranda Frost was originally going to be based on Gala Brand from the Moonraker novel, from what I could gather from the behind-the-scenes documentary material on DAD. The fact that they are both silly, over-the-top adventures which both prompted a return to more down-to-earth style is also an obvious similarity. I find Moonraker more of a fun ride than DAD, primarily because it is clearly done in a tongue-in-cheek way, whereas DAD takes itself a bit more seriously as other have pointed out already in this thread.
  • Thunderbird 2Thunderbird 2 East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,785MI6 Agent
    edited July 2013
    I have to agree that MKR and DAD have structural similarities, and both suffer form a technical overload.

    However, I still like and enjoy both of them very much. MKR's problem was it tried to hard to invent comedy elements while being a Sci Fi story and a detective story, and wobbled between the different pieces. Defanging Jaws was a mistake - not in making him good, but the blink and you'll miss way it was done. To have a Space Programme baddie like Drax was a great idea, Michael Lonsdale brilliantly underplays him, and lets face it, there IS a Space Station orbiting the planet now.
    Pity about the Bondola though. That bit does make me wince. Another bottle of red please!

    DAD tried to hard to be Classic Bond while new and different hence the change of pace once we head tro Iceland. xXx was still fresh at the time this film was made, and Lee Tahmori gave a shocking interview to SFX mag about how to keep Bond "relevant." As MiniG noted, the film lacks a deft subtly in the places it really needed it. The tech is more blatant in the context - TWINE is a bigger leap than the gap between TSWLM and MKR. Bond almost seems like a super athlete in places, and a lot of the character building dialogue is cut in favour of pithy quips. The Icarus weapon is initially disappointing because the orital laser of doom has been done twice before, and the pace of the story gets a bit lumpy once Bond confronts Graves. Having said that, there is an excellent couple of Bond / M scenes, bitchy exchanges between Ros Pike and Hallie B as their characters leading to a great cat fight with bladed weapons, and Mr B brings a certain panache to his character driven scenes.
    My attitude to DAD was awful at the cinema, but repeat viewings have changed my opinion. In part because I got it. Its a fun Bond, which has moments of being serious. I also strongly recommend watching it while listening to Mr Brosnan and Ms Pike's insightful and in places genuinely funny commentary.

    However, I recently learned the Bond films are not individual one offs. They are links in a chain, as the style and production has evolved from one to the next. All of them have their strengths and weaknesses. Are these two films the worst / or unwatchable? To me, No, far from it I enjoy them both very much and they are a lot of fun. But FYEO and CR-06 both prove that a rethink was probably a good idea in retrospect. - To the thread Title question, Yeah, DAD prob was (in its own way) Mr B's equivalent of YOLT, or MKR.

    Whats so awful about the Vanish anyway? ?:)
    This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
  • UltimateTruthUltimateTruth Posts: 140MI6 Agent
    I consider MR vastly superior to DAD. I"ve mentioned in other posts why I enjoy MR, so I'll list some reasons why DAD falls short for me. Madonna....the whole lesbian/mentor protege vibe at the fencing club. How trendy getting Madonna to act sexy and naughty in a straight setting ! Did a Bond film need this ? Leave that forced sexuality for her videos, not a 007 film. Plenty Otoole's rack, or Dr. Goodhead's beautiful, feminine face are sexy, not Madonna as a gay or bi fencing instructor. CGI....it was cool in 1999 watching The Matrix...that's about it !
    DAD isnt all bad !!! I love the concept of surfing monster waves as a way of infiltrating N. Korea. When Pierce thinks he is on his death march.......I consider his facial emotions as some of the best acting I've seen in a Bond movie.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    Madonna....the whole lesbian/mentor protege vibe at the fencing club. How trendy getting Madonna to act sexy and naughty in a straight setting ! Did a Bond film need this ?
    Please, her sexuality is ambiguous at best. Read in what you will, her cameo is painless enough. At least she didn't chew through steel tramway cables... :))
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    chrisisall wrote:
    Madonna....the whole lesbian/mentor protege vibe at the fencing club. How trendy getting Madonna to act sexy and naughty in a straight setting ! Did a Bond film need this ?
    Please, her sexuality is ambiguous at best. Read in what you will, her cameo is painless enough. At least she didn't chew through steel tramway cables... :))

    Precisely! :D
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
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