Bond's Marriage.

ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
I was wondering Does anyone think Bond's Marriage would of lasted ?
In my opinion, It would of lasted a few years maybe had a couple of Kids.
leading, I'm sure to an affair or two from Bond, then Divorce.
Or Do some think He'd of settled down ?
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."


  • ZorinIndustriesZorinIndustries United StatesPosts: 837MI6 Agent
    I think of this every time Tracy brings up the children. Personally, I don't think it would've lasted long. Maybe a couple years. Tracy would eventually call it quits as Bond would be away from home too much. She'd initially be fine with his career, but it would eventually become too much for a wife, dreaming to be a mother, to handle.
    "Better luck next time... slugheads!"

    1. GoldenEye 2. Goldfinger 3. Skyfall 4. OHMSS 5. TWINE
  • hehadlotsofgutshehadlotsofguts Durham England Posts: 2,111MI6 Agent
    Wasn't Bond talking about jacking in his job to settle down with Tracy?
    Have you ever heard of the Emancipation Proclamation?"

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  • minigeffminigeff EnglandPosts: 7,884MI6 Agent
    I always thought that Bond would quit the service, marry Tracey and retire as he had a certain financial arrangement with his soon to be father in law?

    Often thought it was a bit odd that although there was the odd reference to him being married (Della throwing him her garter in LTK) there was no mention of his father in law ever again.
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  • Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent
    I honestly can't see it lasting. He fell in love with Vesper, and falls a little in love with many of the girls he meets in the novels. Basically he's a hopeless romantic, despite the way it often seems. He hardly knew Tracey, and I always thought some of his feelings for her were due in no small measure to her rescuing him at the ice rink. So after a while his eyes would start to wander, until he fell just a little bit in love with another girl, then it'd be over.
    "How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."
  • Colonel PinstripeColonel Pinstripe UKPosts: 52MI6 Agent
    minigeff wrote:
    I always thought that Bond would quit the service, marry Tracey and retire as he had a certain financial arrangement with his soon to be father in law?

    Often thought it was a bit odd that although there was the odd reference to him being married (Della throwing him her garter in LTK) there was no mention of his father in law ever again.

    A dowry from Marc-Ange Draco which he then refused, if you remember - "her price is above rubies".
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    I remember reading that. Bond would make a great boyfriend but a terrible husband. :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Thunderbird 2Thunderbird 2 East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,785MI6 Agent
    I think that's one of the reasons why women fancy Bond. They imagine they could be the woman to satisfy him in all regards so he would settle with them, as we all imagine being him doing the things he does.
    (I wish Lady Alessandra was here, she had a good understanding of Bond from a woman's perspetive.)

    I think of Tracy as Bond's Juliet. Fate was never going to let them be happy. Even if he settled, left MI6 behind and had a family, he had enemies. He would always be looking over his shoulder.

    I credit Dame Diana Rigg as well as Mr Lazenby, because I always forget its a "what if" every time I watch their scenes.

    Funny enough, I am not sure if I could accept Bond and Tracy post reboot. Craig has such wonderful chemistry with Eva G in CR-06, I will always see her as the woman who broke his heart and trust. Esp as he reveals to us and M at the end of QoS, he knew she did love him.
    This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
  • tigersharkatigersharka Las Vegas, NVPosts: 9MI6 Agent
    Sadly, it was destined to fail...ask Fleming. He would not have let it continue.
    Paul Casey
  • LazenbyfanLazenbyfan USAPosts: 53MI6 Agent
    Wasn't Bond talking about jacking in his job to settle down with Tracy? the barn scene.

    He was more in love with her than the with the job, IMO. That's how the book read to me, and how Lazenby and Rigg played it in the film.
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  • L JonesL Jones Posts: 131MI6 Agent
    I don't think that Bond is the type for a traditional marriage. Come to think of it, I don't think Tracy or Vesper are the types for a traditional marriage. Bond's chances of a successful marriage with either woman would have been better with a non-traditional marriage, something that he, Tracy and Vesper seem more suited.

    Sadly, it was destined to fail...ask Fleming. He would not have let it continue.

    How? Fleming has been dead for 49 years.
  • ixtoreixtore NYCPosts: 111MI6 Agent
    I think Bond was ready. His attitude toward Tracy was protective and, in the end, loving. Bond has a practical head and I don't think he married Tracy in a blind state of lust or with a misunderstanding of what he was getting himself into. And monogamy wouldn't have been his Achilles heel. Staying away from the thrill of his job would have been, which would have complicated his marriage and maybe, eventually, ruined it.
    The scent smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. Then the soul-erosion produced by high gambling - a compost of greed and fear and nervous tension - becomes unbearable and the senses awake and revolt from it.
  • CmdrAtticusCmdrAtticus United StatesPosts: 1,102MI6 Agent
    As much as Bond looked forward to his missions because he that type of "A" personality that got off on the danger, it's obvious from reading the novels in sequence that by the time he met Tracy he was getting burned out by the job. Realizing she offered him another type of life where they could either spend their marriage just traveling and enjoying each other and going off on one adventure after another, and or having children who they could indulge and also involve them in the same adventures, I think Bond saw a optimistic way out of surviving his brutal life. Most men who get the mid-life crisis are those who live rather mundane lives and are trying to recapture their youth. Men like Bond who are burned out from years of physical, emotional and mental abuse from their dangerous jobs are over the whole youth thing. They want to settle and enjoy life. I knew a couple who were in their sixties and had been married for thirty years and had grown children and they spent most of their spare time playing golf together and traveling the world and just enjoying time with their friends. The husband was a retired policeman who was a war vet and his wife had been a model and travel journalist. I always pictured Bond/Tracy ending up like them.
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