If James Bond were on Match.com....

Write his profile.

Don't forget, you really can't imply the fact he's a 00


  • Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent
    Literary Bond on Match.com
    World-weary, late 30s, black hair, occasional bouts of ennui, non-smoker(not), GSOH(not), but overall pretty buff, seeks younger bird, preferably with a limp/broken nose or similar but with proud/faultless/splendid etc breasts.

    Cinematic Bond on Match.com
    World-weary, mid-40s, black/brown/blond hair, occasional bouts of ennui, infrequent smoker (comes and goes in spells), GSOH (one-liners), usually overall pretty buff, seeks younger bird with proud/faultless/splendid etc breasts. Fatties need not apply.
    "How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."
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