Horney, Jane Horney - spy?

Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,174MI6 Agent
edited February 2014 in Off Topic Chat
The name sounds like a rejected Bond girl name from the 60's or 70's, but it's really the name Ebba Charlotte Horney went by. She was born in 1918 in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1938 she married Herje Granberg and she moved with him to Berlin in 1941. They divorced in 1943 and she moved to Copenhagen to work for a telegraph company. Rumours started that she was a German spy and in 1944 she was arrested by Swedish secret service after recieving tips from the Danish resistance. They realeased her after two weeks and she was released. Legendary Danish resistance fighter Bent Faurschou-Hviid (known as "The Flame") was sent to Sweden to assassinate her, but SOE in UK ordered him to stand down before he found her. Jane Horney disapeared from Denmark on the 18th of January 1945. She was probably murdered by the Danish resistance on a fishing vessel off the coast of Sweden two days later. Sweden and Germany denies she was involved in inteligence work, the Danish files on her are top secret until 2015. I thought I'd post this interesting story, partly to show that the real world and the world of James Bond sometimes look alike.


The story ends here - or does it? I found this rumour on the internet:

"Jane Horney was not executed, but lived on to have a fantastic career, spanning from training Yassir Arafat in guerilla tactics in Palestine, August 1948, to later becoming Queen Elizabeth II’s close confidante, earning her a burial at Buckingham Palace, when she died in 2003."




  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,174MI6 Agent
    edited January 2014
    The plot thickens. This is the English wikipedia entry on Jane Horney. It is much more comprehensive than the one in Swedish and a really great read:



    Bent Faurschou-Hviid "The Flame", the man who was sent to Sweden to assassinate Jane Horney


    Bodil Fredriksen, a Danish resistance fighter and former model. She was part of the plot to kill Horney and was on the boat when Jane Horney was killed.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,174MI6 Agent
    "The Flame" and his friend "The Citron" are legendary freedom fighters in Denmark. They belonged to the resistance group "Holger Danske" who were responsible for 200 assassinations and 100 acts of sabotage. "The Flame" was cornered without weapons and swallowed a suicide pill. A week later "The Citron" was found by the Germans. He had a briefcase full of weapons and decided to die well. This is from the Danish movie "The Flame and the Citron" (subtitled). Mads Mikkelsen plays "The Citron"

  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,443Chief of Staff
    I've seen that film....quite enjoyed it...
    YNWA 97
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