Let's talk about Netflix

LegoBatman008LegoBatman008 USAPosts: 189MI6 Agent
edited November 2014 in Off Topic Chat
Do you use Netflix? And if so, how does it compare to the other video streaming sites such as VUDU and Hulu?
"Ahem, you know in the future if you're going to steal cars, don't dress like a car thief, man." - Spider-Man


  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    Netflix is an excellent service for 'binge-watching;' my girlfriend and I watched the entire newer 'Battlestar Galactica' series over a month or two (alas, that one's gone from the site now)...their original series are well-done, if their movie selection is at the upper end of average.
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
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  • Absolutely_CartAbsolutely_Cart NJ/NYC, United StatesPosts: 1,740MI6 Agent
    Love it. I'm using it right now to watch Bond movies on Blu-Ray.

    They have two programs, for DVDs and for Streaming. Both 8 dollars a month, but for $10 a month you can get blu-ray DVD's.

    The DVD's have a much larger selection, but the shipping time limits you to like 5-10 movies a month. The streaming has a lower selection but you can watch 10 movies a day if u wanted to.

    Streaming only has Skyfall whereas DVD has all the Bond films. DVD is an obvious choice.
  • LegoBatman008LegoBatman008 USAPosts: 189MI6 Agent
    Another streaming site called VUDU, actually has all 23 Bond films, but to buy them all (even in the Standard Definition format) would cost you a pretty penny.
    "Ahem, you know in the future if you're going to steal cars, don't dress like a car thief, man." - Spider-Man
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