Sean Connery vs. Eon Films (why was there friction?)

Absolutely_CartAbsolutely_Cart NJ/NYC, United StatesPosts: 1,740MI6 Agent
Connery begrudgingly filmed his last two official films, competed with Eon on Never Say Never Again and in more recent times has refused the 50th anniversary interview on Bond (with every other actor complying). According to the documentary, they

From what I heard, on Connery's side, he was underpaid. He was given $3 million for his films in the 60's, and despite the franchise making billions. He felt that he was an instrumental part of getting the franchise to levels of success it had, so as a result, he felt he deserved much higher royalties.

On Eon's side, they've said Connery was expecting too much. He expected to himself to be a part of managing Eon, when he was just an actor performing a service (in the same way that a mechanic fixing a car isn't entitled to own part of the car.)

I can see both sides. I do think Connery had a certain KRS-One-ish kind of arrogance to him, but at the same time, was it unfeasible to write him some checks every now and then?


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