Views on the Bond Villains ?

ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
Not so much your favourites etc but rather how well you think they were
Portrayed on screen ? My opinions are .........

Dr No, really liked Joseph Wiseman in Dr No, he has a great voice, Commanding
Yet emotionless an almost machine like quality. Sometimes I feel because he was
In the first film, he sometimes gets over looked.
Rosa Klebb, a great performance from Lotte Lenya another cold woman and works
Well with Vladek Sheybal ( Kronsteen), with Grant. They form a trinity of evil. :)
Goldfinger, Gert Frobe is fantastic, can't read the Book with out thinking of him, even
If Fleming describes him differently. Frobe makes a lot of gestures like rubbing his
Nose and eyes while talking.
Thunderball, Largo looks like an aging Italian playboy, and I think A Celi fits Fleming's
Description quite well. He's charming but with an undercurrent of violence. I love the
Eye patch.
YOLT, Blofeld as played by D Pleasence , with the scared eye is a fantastic visual icon
Which has lasted for decades, just look at Dr Evil. :D Sadly for Me although I find him
An odd villain, I found him cruel but not very menacing.
OHMSS, Telly is my favourite Blofeld, a big guy who looks like he could handle himself
In a fight, full of menace, almost an underlying threat in everything he says.
DAF, a very camp Blofeld from Charles Grey. Very polite gut never really all that frightening
As a villain.
I'll stop here and run through the Moore villains etc later. Although all views, opinions are
"I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."


  • Absolutely_CartAbsolutely_Cart NJ/NYC, United StatesPosts: 1,740MI6 Agent
    Dn - really good but underdeveloped
    Frwl - rosa redgrant and blofeld all deliver
    Tb - largo is very good
    Yolt - my favorite incarnation of blofeld
    Ohmss - a more realistic blofeld. Very good
    Daf - gameshow host drag queen blofeld. Very bad.
    Lald - kananga is all around very good.
    Mwgg - scaramanga is one of the best
    Tswlm - stromberg is good enough
    Mr - okay but underdeveloped
    Fyeo - kristatos is good enough.
    Op - kamal khan is alright
    Avtak - walken really owns max zorin. Good stuff
    Tld - juggles numerous villains. None good and none bad.
    Ltk - sanchez is one of the better villains
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Mr Big, Great villain ( especially after DAF) suave criminal, with an air
    Of controlled violence.
    Scaramanga, very different from the " Thug" of Fleming's novel,but I do
    Feel the Christoper Lee seemed to have played Scaramanga as a man
    Who may not of had much formal education but was self taught from
    Travelling etc. Lee is great at giving a look filled with hatred and really
    Does fill the screen.
    Stromberg, in my opinion, almost a " paint by numbers" villain, He didn't
    Have much to do, almost a ringmaster sending out Jaws to do his dirty
    Work but lacking any big scenes to act.
    Drax, like Stromberg he ended up in a big fantasy story so didn't have many
    Big acting scenes. Although he does get a few scenes to act slightly mad,
    Like shouting at Jaws.
    Kristatos, a very interesting Villain, as he seems to be as interested in his
    Legitimate "face" as his criminal schemes.
    Kamal Khan, charming man, but really couldn't care who has to die to fulfill
    His business deals. Nicley played byLouis Jourdan.
    Max Zorin,one of my favourite villains, C Walken gives a great performance
    Just enough, to give the impression Zorin is a little unhinged.

    By the way Absolutely_Cart, I love your description of Blofeld in DAF :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • DutchfingerDutchfinger Holland With LovePosts: 1,240MI6 Agent
    Great thread TP! - -{

    DN - Perfect combination of genius and menace (Not Chinese looking at all though...)
    FRWL - Both villians seem to have the perfect combo of over the top/ realistic
    GF - Classic, great actor, larger than life
    TB - First villian to be more bland compared to previous villians, he's memorable enough but without the eyepatch he's pretty generic
    YOLT - Classic Blofeld, both creepy and cartoony. Not really commanding though
    OHMSS - More realistic Blofeld, good actor. (Anyone ever found it strange to see the way he holded his cigarettes ?:) ) He did seem to have earlobes though :P
    DAF - Completely miscast Blofeld - Posh - very weird - the drag bit was redicilious
    LALD - Very good and menacing, poor Mr. Big disquise and death scene though
    TMWTGG - One of the best in the series, everything top notch
    TSWLM - Good villian, commanding voice, his swimminghands (don't know the English word) are pretty original
    MR - Great actor, larger than life , amusing dialoque
    FYEO - Liked the twist that Kristatos was the villian, he's not very memorable but does his job fine
    OP - Creepy and sneaky villian with some great dialoque
    AVTAK - Max Zorin is actually one of the strongest factors in the movie, very memorable
    TLD - Poor villian(s) not memorable, Jeroen Krabbé doesn't really have great acting skills
    LTK - Best Bond villian, very menacing, but also charming, likeable and realistic. He also has some great humerous moments ("launder it" and "'Cause I know things.. " )
    GE - Original villian, good actor, memorable
    TND - Good concept, but no menace and doesn't really stand out (liked his Wai Lin impression though :)) )
    TWINE - Only main female villian, great actress, hot, manipulative
    DAD - Might have been a great villian for inspector gadget, but not so much Bond....
    CR - Great villian, a bit myserious, like the blood weeping touch
    QoS - Worst villian in the series, completely forgetable, nothing distinguishing
    SF - Great villian! Love Bardem's acting, brings new things to the table. His whole introduction scene is brilliant. Like the way he laughs, Bardem completely sells the character!

    Here's my 2 cents!
    Better known as DutchBondFan on YouTube. My 007 movie reviews: Recapping 007
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  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Yes, I commented before about how Telly holds his ciggies. Although
    I think it help give an " off kilter " element to Blofeld, as if he didn't
    Do things in a conventional manner ? :)
    I think though it was just how he smoked, I think I remember him doing
    It in other films.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Gassy ManGassy Man USAPosts: 2,972MI6 Agent
    Throughout the 60s and early 70s, the villains were great, but you can chart their decline as the years went on. What made villains like Dr. No and Goldfinger so great is that their egos defined their actions -- the capers grew out of their personalities, and their personalities defined how they dressed, spoke, lived, and associated. In a way, their larger-than-life qualities made having to have them on screen for long periods of time unnecessary. Later, the villains became copies of copies and just seemed to service the plot, generally forgettable. Bond films still suffer from this two-dimensional quality to the villains, who also seemed to get smaller in personality over the years. Now they can be on screen for much of the film and still seem so ordinary. Seriously, take away Silva's platinum blond hair and cyanide capsule whatever, and exactly how colorful is he? He's the Joker meets Alec Trevelyan, another two-dimensional villain.
  • Gassy ManGassy Man USAPosts: 2,972MI6 Agent
    Yes, I commented before about how Telly holds his ciggies. Although
    I think it help give an " off kilter " element to Blofeld, as if he didn't
    Do things in a conventional manner ? :)
    I think though it was just how he smoked, I think I remember him doing
    It in other films.
    I've met older Europeans who hold their cigarettes that way. Perhaps the cigarette burns slower that way?
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    You do raise some interesting points, Gassy Man. Then again the
    earlier Villains came from the imagination of Fleming and I think
    His imagination was superior to some of the later screenwriters.
    I thought the cigarette holding thing might have something to
    Do with not getting stained fingers.?
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    TLD, I quite like Jeroen Krabbé, he's sleazy in a charming way but I
    Find Brad Whitaker, is almost a comic relief in a Sheriff JW way.
    LTK, Sanchez is a great Villain. Plenty of Controlled violence in an
    Understated way and a great performance from Robert Davi.
    GoldenEye, S Bean is a fine protagonist for Bond , great idea to put
    Bond up against another "oo" , and he gets a couple of great confrontation
    Scenes with 007.
    TND, I think Pryce does a good job, but the villain's plan is a bit weak although
    I do like the few scenes he has with P Brosnan.
    TWINE, another nice idea, I did like the bit of a twist as to who was the villain.
    Evil as they were, I did feel a little sympathy for them.
    DAD, going against many, I liked Toby Stephens ! Though he played Graves as
    An obnoxious banker type. Full or arrogance, loved it when Bond got the Better
    Of him.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Absolutely_CartAbsolutely_Cart NJ/NYC, United StatesPosts: 1,740MI6 Agent
    Ge - very good villain
    Tnd - decent concept of a villain, poorly executed
    Twine - unique villains. overall good.
    Dad - i actually enjoyed the plot twist for the villains.
    Cr - le chiffre was well portrayed here
    QoS - understated villain. all around decent.
    Sf - quality acting from javier bardem.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    The Craig Villians,

    CR, le chiffre a very stylish guy, very violent when needed, but seemed to regard it
    as part of business. Gets some great screen time in several major exchanges with 007.
    QOS, I feel Greene never got the screen time he deserved, his few scenes with Bond are great
    Both insulting each other.
    SF, Silva, is a larger than life villain, gets some great lines and scenes, Javier Bardem is
    obviously enjoying the role.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • MilleniumForceMilleniumForce LondonPosts: 1,214MI6 Agent
    I, not going to go into detail of all the villains, but here's a top 10 of my favourite villains:

    10. Gustav Graves - Okay, so he may not have been the ultimate iconic villain, but I liked the idea of a celebrity being a villain, taken from Moonraker I believe?

    9. Elektra King - Just the idea of the villain being the woman bond has fallen for intrigues me. And her and Renard kidnapping M is a great plot line.

    8. Blofeld - Unlike most bond fans, I don't think too much about blofeld. However, minus the drag, I like Charles Gray portrayal the most. I think it's the voice.

    7. Scaramanga - Whilst the Character may nog have been great, Christopher Lee does a wonderful performance.

    6. Goldfinger - He's just right in this film. The performance, his plan, it just creates a great villain.

    5. Sanchez - The darkest of allmthe villains, Sanchez You just can not like. And that works.

    4. Alec Travelyean - Alec is chilling, Bean's portrayal and scars are very memorable.

    3. Silva - A modern Connery/Dalton villain, it really is enjoyable to watch Javier Bardem. Extra points for being the only villain to ever succeed as well.

    2. Hugo Drax - I don't know what it is. Had he been in a less elaborate film, such as a Connery film, he wouldn't be on this list. But his whole plan is interesting and he is a very memorable villain.

    1. Max Zorin - Christopher Walken. I love the scen where he is killing all his workers. It's just so dark, and him laughing when he knows he's going to fall off the bridge. It's very entertaining to watch Christopher Walken.
    1.LTK 2.AVTAK 3.OP 4.FYEO 5.TND 6.LALD 7.GE 8.GF 9.TSWLM 10.SPECTRE 11.SF 12.MR 13.YOLT 14.TLD 15.CR (06) 16.TMWTGG 17.TB 18.FRWL 19.TWINE 20.OHMSS 21.DAF 22.DAD 23.QoS 24.NSNA 25.DN 26.CR (67)
  • beatles5beatles5 Posts: 10MI6 Agent
    My Top 5 Bond Villans are
    1. General Arkady Ourumov: Goldeneye
    2. Franz Sanchez: Licence To Kill
    3. General Orlov: Octopussy
    4. La Chiffre: Casino Royale
    5. Mr. Big: Live And Let Die
  • 75vette75vette South Outer BanksPosts: 82MI6 Agent
    Top 5 Bond villains:
    DN – Dr. No
    CR – LeChiffre
    SF – Silva
    GF – Goldfinger
    AVTAK – Zorin

    Good villains:
    TB – Largo
    FRWL – Rosa Klebb
    OHMSS – Blofeld
    TMWTGG – Scaramanga
    DAD – Graves
    LTK – Sanchez
    LALD – Mr. Big
    TWINE – Elektra King
    QOS – Greene

    Okay villains:
    YOLT –Blofeld
    DAF –Blofeld
    MR – Drax
    OP – Orlov & Khan
    TLD – Krabbe
    TND – Carver

    Forgettable villains:
    GE – Trevelyan
    TSWLM – Stromberg
    FYEO – Kristatos

  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,524Chief of Staff
    Main villain-

    DN- not as per novel, but a good choice.
    FRWL- perfect.
    GF- better than perfect.
    TB- ok.
    YOLT- ok.
    OHMSS- fine.
    DAF- adequate.
    LALD- not as per novel but no problems.
    TMWTGG- better than the novel, the right man for the job.
    TSWLM- ho hum. Dreary.
    MR- not as per novel, but fine nonetheless.
    FYEO- fine.
    OP- no problems.
    AVTAK- fine.
    TLD- ho hum (one of this film's few weaknesses)
    LTK- fine.
    GE- fine.
    TND- ok.
    TWINE- fine.
    DAD- oh dear.
    CR- perfect.
    QoS- oh dear.
    SF- fine.

    CR54- fine.
    CR67- Orson Welles would have been great in a different movie.
    NSNA- Klaus Maria Brandauer: ditto
  • chrisisallchrisisall Western Mass, USAPosts: 9,062MI6 Agent
    DN- perfect.
    FRWL- perfect.
    GF- perfect.
    TB- ok.
    YOLT- ok.
    OHMSS- fine.
    DAF- adequate.
    LALD- very good!
    TMWTGG- Very good!
    TSWLM- Good.
    MR- I liked him, if not the film itself.
    FYEO- fine.
    OP- Excellent.
    AVTAK- fine.
    TLD- Okay.
    LTK- Excellent!
    GE- fine.
    TND- fine.
    TWINE- fine.
    DAD- Okay.
    CR- perfect.
    QoS- Very good.
    SF- Okay.
    Dalton & Connery rule. Brozz was cool.
  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    DN- good
    FRWL- excellent
    GF- excellent
    TB- okay
    YOLT- weak
    OHMSS- excellent
    DAF- weak
    LALD- excellent
    TMWTGG- very good
    TSWLM- weak
    MR- good
    FYEO- okay
    OP- good
    AVTAK- very good
    TLD- okay
    LTK- excellent
    GE- good
    TND- weak
    TWINE- good
    DAD- okay
    CR- excellent
    QoS- weak
    SF- excellent
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
  • hot crossed bondhot crossed bond at the barPosts: 181MI6 Agent
    now which one is the best looking :))
    I'm motivated by my duty
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