Shakespeare - in the original Bond

Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent
We'll, we've had Bond in the original Shakespeare, so I thought this would balance it up a bit:


Act 1: A blasted heath, somewhere near Glencoe. Three witches, dressed in Givenchy, are putting their final touches to a plan.

First witch: "When shall we three meet again? In thunder lightning or in rai..."
Without warning, a battleship grey Aston Martin DB5 roars to a noisy, expertly executed stop on the heath. Two men swiftly leave the vehicle and cross, with purpose, towards the witches.
The first man, who is tall, dark and faintly piratical looking, addresses the first witch.
Banquo: "Morning, Ladies. My name is Banquo ... James Banquo. We were out walking our rat and we appear to have got lost."
Witch 1 (giggling like a schoolgirl): "I'm Bambi. And this is Thumper. We have a message for you..."
Banquo (with a sardonic smile): "You appear to have delivered it."
The second man, blonder but equally as dangerous looking as the first, interjects:
Macbeth: "And my name is Macbeth - but you can call me Alec".
Thumper: "Hmmm... Our message is that one of you will be Thane of Cawdor, and the other, King of Scotland."
Macbeth: "For Scotland, James?"
Banquo: "For Scotland, Alec. Hmm... It's time to get out".
"How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."


  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,515Chief of Staff
    :)) more, please C&D! "The Merchant Of Menace" perhaps?
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