U.S place names in songs



  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,443Chief of Staff
    ....or from Maggie May, "it's late september and i really should drive you back to school."

    Hi Felix...sorry if this feels like you are being 'gotten at'....really isn't the case....BUT....you got the lyrics completely wrong again...this makes him sound like a paedophile :o ...HE'S the one that should be in school...
    YNWA 97
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    :)) yes, it's " I really should be back at school"
    A few misheard lyrics.
    Peter Kay on the subject
    Come on, we've all done it . :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Felix the LeitercatFelix the Leitercat Posts: 52MI6 Agent
    :)) yes, it's " I really should be back at school"
    A few misheard lyrics.
    Peter Kay on the subject
    Come on, we've all done it . :))

    Hello Sir Miles and Thunderpussy, addressing you jointly, there seems to be a lost in translation moment here. My altering the lyrics of Maggie May was an on purpose satire referencing Thunderpussy's anecdote about Rod hooking up with a young squeeze. I know full well how the lyrics really go considering "Every Picture Tells A Story" was one of the first albums I ever bought and I have the tear out poster of Rod singing live that you could detach and hang on the wall. Been on my wall where ever I have lived since the 70s. Perhaps I should have done a ((this is a Mad Magazine song satire)) flag with the lyric.

    I thank Thunderpussy and Sir Miles for their courtesy in pointing what they thought was an error, and to Sir Miles I do not feel "gotten at" -- except for arguing with Higgins about the merits of Tim Dalton, who I like, most folks here are polite, knowledgeable, and as gentlemanly as the gentleman spy we all admire. ((Even Higgins has his moments of wit and insight in his own special way.)) I am on a Tolkien/Lord of the Rings/Hobbit books and movies site and I assure you, the "rows" over what was in the books that was not in the movies, and other debates have raged for a decade and a half now in ways that are lot more heated than Ajb007. This board seem way more civilized, a breath of fresh air at times. LOTR board admin had to lecture Ring Nation on courtesy and not taking fan disagreements too seriously in their posts.

    And I will watch those videos on the links you provided, Mr. ThunderP. Thanks again, looking forward to our next discussion with both of you....

    Felix the Leitercat
    Thanks, regards -{ B-)
  • Felix the LeitercatFelix the Leitercat Posts: 52MI6 Agent
    Barbel wrote:
    Felix, nobody said this board wasn’t “for fun, entertainment, for us to share opinions, engage in burning debate as spirited as cheering with and/or arguing with your fellow fans at the sports bar watching your favorite team”.
    Nobody said you had caused offence by “counter pointing that there are quite a few famous songs with British bands singing about locations, activities, history of their nation, when the premise was there are not many compared to the USA bands.”

    What I did say on this topic: If you’re going to post in a thread like this one, you should be clear on what the words Scottish, English, British mean.
    The Brian May discussion was specifically about the song “Brighton Rock”, not about his general recognition.

    Hello Barbel, now wait a minute, you're switching gears and directions, moving the goalposts (Americanism) on me.

    This thread originated over whether British bands gave your nation short shrift in the lyric dept. with the assertion that they don't put in names of UK communities in their songs. I begged to differ as an American who loved British rock all his life, pointing out the many times they have.

    Brighton Rock was an example of a place name in a song by famous group Queen. You have extrapolated it into an argument about the merits of Brian May which was not the original subject.

    If you want to go over "what the words Scottish, English and British mean" in detail I will be pleased to do so, but in off topic elsewhere. I grew up on the East Coast USA, knew many UK folks, exchange students, teachers, summer camp counselors. Took some English history. Was there for the British cultural explosion in the American 60s and 70s that has really never stopped. Have also been in England, Scotland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand so I know something of the Commonwealth.

    As far as giving offence/offense, re-check your posts, it was you raised "the SPECTRE" of my giving it. (Hahaha) So you are either offended or you are not? And about what exactly? Loose terminology on a fan/pop culture board about how several nations with a common heritage some of which dates back thousands of yrs govern themselves? Why is that so important on a 007 movie and book fansite?

    Were this an American based Indiana Jones message board, I think I would be a tad less picky in a role reversal. If you commented that "Your first president, thomas jefferson was a great leader" I might feel inclined to correct you, but it would be no big deal ultimately because you are not there to pass a quiz on u.s. history, you are there to tell us how much you like Indy.

    This debate is fun by the way, very stimulating. Why I come here. So you can (Americanisms coming) double down, walk it back and if you're going to talk the talk, you HAVE TO walk the walk.

    Felix the Leitercat
    Thanks, regards. -{ B-)
  • Felix the LeitercatFelix the Leitercat Posts: 52MI6 Agent
    Sir Miles wrote:
    ....or from Maggie May, "it's late september and i really should drive you back to school."

    Hi Felix...sorry if this feels like you are being 'gotten at'....really isn't the case....BUT....you got the lyrics completely wrong again...this makes him sound like a paedophile :o ...HE'S the one that should be in school...

    My diplomatic response to you and Thunderpussy jointly, on board in his response box. I think Rod might have stayed at 21 and over for most of his dating, wives, but on the road, touring, you never can tell. Ever seen his daughters, whewww, what you get by marrying models. And I think most of them are blonde too. The House of Stewart endures.

    Felix the Leitercat
    Thanks,regards, -{ B-)
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,443Chief of Staff
    Hello Sir Miles and Thunderpussy, addressing you jointly, there seems to be a lost in translation moment here. My altering the lyrics of Maggie May was an on purpose satire referencing Thunderpussy's anecdote about Rod hooking up with a young squeeze. I know full well how the lyrics really go considering "Every Picture Tells A Story" was one of the first albums I ever bought and I have the tear out poster of Rod singing live that you could detach and hang on the wall. Been on my wall where ever I have lived since the 70s. Perhaps I should have done a ((this is a Mad Magazine song satire)) flag with the lyric.

    I thank Thunderpussy and Sir Miles for their courtesy in pointing what they thought was an error, and to Sir Miles I do not feel "gotten at" -- except for arguing with Higgins about the merits of Tim Dalton, who I like, most folks here are polite, knowledgeable, and as gentlemanly as the gentleman spy we all admire. ((Even Higgins has his moments of wit and insight in his own special way.)) I am on a Tolkien/Lord of the Rings/Hobbit books and movies site and I assure you, the "rows" over what was in the books that was not in the movies, and other debates have raged for a decade and a half now in ways that are lot more heated than Ajb007. This board seem way more civilized, a breath of fresh air at times. LOTR board admin had to lecture Ring Nation on courtesy and not taking fan disagreements too seriously in their posts.

    And I will watch those videos on the links you provided, Mr. ThunderP. Thanks again, looking forward to our next discussion with both of you....

    Felix the Leitercat
    Thanks, regards -{ B-)

    Hi Felix, yes...I totally missed you getting the lyrics wrong on purpose ;% ...only because you misquoted them before...sorry...

    As for Higgins...?...ignore him...we 'Timboys' do that :o :))
    YNWA 97
  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,512Chief of Staff
    Felix: More empty words, obfuscating the original points.

    I have advised you that your incorrect use of words has the potential of causing offence. Nothing you have said indicates that this is of interest to you, which causes me some concern.
  • Felix the LeitercatFelix the Leitercat Posts: 52MI6 Agent
    Edited by Barbel: I refer you to

  • BarbelBarbel ScotlandPosts: 37,512Chief of Staff
    Now, Felix, we have an excellent PM system here. Please, use it.
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