
DutchfingerDutchfinger Holland With LovePosts: 1,240MI6 Agent
So I had a movie weekend with a friend the other day, I showed him some of my favorite (non Bond) movies, which are all mainly crime movies. And then he showed me "Interstellar" a very recent movie I had not seen before.

I'm not really into Sci-Fi that much myself, but I thought, fair enough lets see this, didn't really went in with any expectations. It was quite an impressive film! The music of Hans Zimmer was absolutely amazing, the plot was intreguing and the science used was very intresting! I really got hooked into this movie, sure it did have it's flaws (but which movie doesn't these days, right?)

Anyone else here seen it?
Better known as DutchBondFan on YouTube. My 007 movie reviews: Recapping 007
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  • welshboy78welshboy78 Posts: 10,312MI6 Agent
    I loved it (also went in with no expectations)

    The bookcase thing at the end was a bit weird mind :D
    Instagram - bondclothes007
  • DutchfingerDutchfinger Holland With LovePosts: 1,240MI6 Agent
    welshboy78 wrote:
    I loved it (also went in with no expectations)

    The bookcase thing at the end was a bit weird mind :D

    Yeah I felt the same way about that, there were a lot of scientifically accurate things in the movie, but I felt they pushed it a bit to far with that part. But still, we don't know exactly what a 5 demensional world would look like, and I liked the idea of how they used gravity and space time and all that. It was sci-fi after all.
    Better known as DutchBondFan on YouTube. My 007 movie reviews: Recapping 007
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  • walther p99walther p99 NJPosts: 3,416MI6 Agent
    I saw it when it first came out in theaters and it quickly became one of my absolute favorite films right behind Blade Runner, such a fantastic and often heartbreaking story, ive never been so moved by a film. And Zimmer's score is phenomenal.
  • CmdrAtticusCmdrAtticus United StatesPosts: 1,102MI6 Agent
    I rarely buy the DVD copy of films unless they are good enough for repeated viewings. I found this film to be that good. It was well acted, the plot was inventive, they handled the concept of multiverses well enough to make it comprehensible and how our spiritual connections with family and friends are more important than space/time and how long we live.
  • Thunderbird 2Thunderbird 2 East of Cardiff, Wales.Posts: 2,785MI6 Agent
    "I'm not really into Sci-Fi that much myself,"

    Dfinger, you big Fibster, you love Thunderbirds as much as I do! :D

    Cheek to one side, I only saw Interstellar recently myself, and I did really enjoy it, even though it does have one or two problems. The casting is top notch, and the visuals and music are beautifully done. These are all traditional strengths of Mr Nolan's films. The story is clever too. (Inception shares all these traits.).
    Unfortunately, the pacing is a bit off. The film has a very sluggish start, and the Earth based scenes continue to have a certain lethargy compared to the ones in space. Another weakness is there are moments of pretenciousness with two of the key twists in the story. I won't say what to avoid spoilers, but if you compare Interstellar to 2001 A Space Odyssey, they will stand out a mile.
    Oh, and I loved the fact we are presented with robots who are neither raving psychos nor clapped out has beens. NASA, if you are reading this we all want you to have CASE and TARS please!

    Very good film, with some minor quibbles. McConaughey and Hathaway have never given better performances, and she was great as Catwoman!
    This is Thunderbird 2, how can I be of assistance?
  • DutchfingerDutchfinger Holland With LovePosts: 1,240MI6 Agent
    I saw it when it first came out in theaters and it quickly became one of my absolute favorite films right behind Blade Runner, such a fantastic and often heartbreaking story, ive never been so moved by a film. And Zimmer's score is phenomenal.

    Nice! Still have to watch Blade Runner myself, gives me something to watch :)
    I rarely buy the DVD copy of films unless they are good enough for repeated viewings. I found this film to be that good. It was well acted, the plot was inventive, they handled the concept of multiverses well enough to make it comprehensible and how our spiritual connections with family and friends are more important than space/time and how long we live.

    Cheers -{ :)

    "I'm not really into Sci-Fi that much myself,"

    Dfinger, you big Fibster, you love Thunderbirds as much as I do! :D

    Cheek to one side, I only saw Interstellar recently myself, and I did really enjoy it, even though it does have one or two problems. The casting is top notch, and the visuals and music are beautifully done. These are all traditional strengths of Mr Nolan's films. The story is clever too. (Inception shares all these traits.).
    Unfortunately, the pacing is a bit off. The film has a very sluggish start, and the Earth based scenes continue to have a certain lethargy compared to the ones in space. Another weakness is there are moments of pretenciousness with two of the key twists in the story. I won't say what to avoid spoilers, but if you compare Interstellar to 2001 A Space Odyssey, they will stand out a mile.
    Oh, and I loved the fact we are presented with robots who are neither raving psychos nor clapped out has beens. NASA, if you are reading this we all want you to have CASE and TARS please!

    Very good film, with some minor quibbles. McConaughey and Hathaway have never given better performances, and she was great as Catwoman!

    Hi TB2!

    Haha yeah, good point, Thunderbirds is pure Sci-fi too, and nothing holds bigger nostalgia to me than that, good point, good point!

    I also saw that it was compared to 2001: A space Odydessy a lot, so I'm going to have to watch that! (That shows that i'm not a big know it all in the sci-fi genre, which was more or less my point in the first place...)
    I do think I know which twists in the movie you're talking about and I agree on the earth scenes. (I had no clue what the movie was on about in the first half hour, not knowing much about it at all beforehand)

    Good to hear from you again, it's been a while! (Also curious to hear your thoughts on the new SPECTRE trailer! )
    Better known as DutchBondFan on YouTube. My 007 movie reviews: Recapping 007
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  • CmdrAtticusCmdrAtticus United StatesPosts: 1,102MI6 Agent
    From what I've gotten from repeated viewings, apparently while climate change has created more ecological damage, a new global disaster comes in the form of a blight that begins destroying all the major agricultural crops on the planet. This also has created enormous "dust bowls" that dwarf the one of the 1930's depression era. Though I remember them discussing the idea it came from space somehow - I think it was postulated that it was man made and either was an accident or perhaps a bio weapon that got out of hand (as in The Andromeda Strain). Since all global research and resources are removed from consumer products and devoted to trying to stop the blight and create new crops, everything from automobiles to computers and mobile phones are no longer made. That's why even though its set in the near future, all the vehicles and tvs, etc., don't look any more advanced, and why everything is being rationed.
  • DutchfingerDutchfinger Holland With LovePosts: 1,240MI6 Agent
    From what I've gotten from repeated viewings, apparently while climate change has created more ecological damage, a new global disaster comes in the form of a blight that begins destroying all the major agricultural crops on the planet. This also has created enormous "dust bowls" that dwarf the one of the 1930's depression era. Though I remember them discussing the idea it came from space somehow - I think it was postulated that it was man made and either was an accident or perhaps a bio weapon that got out of hand (as in The Andromeda Strain). Since all global research and resources are removed from consumer products and devoted to trying to stop the blight and create new crops, everything from automobiles to computers and mobile phones are no longer made. That's why even though its set in the near future, all the vehicles and tvs, etc., don't look any more advanced, and why everything is being rationed.

    Intresting! On that topic of the movie being set in the near future, I liked how they didn't adress an actual year the story was set in. I find the movie ages a lot better that way.
    Better known as DutchBondFan on YouTube. My 007 movie reviews: Recapping 007
    YouTube channel Support my channel on Patreon Twitter Facebook fanpage
  • Agent LeeAgent Lee Posts: 254MI6 Agent
    It's a truly beautiful film. Like every Christopher Nolan film, it has its flaws, but in the end, really stunning. The way it provokes an emotional response is quite remarkable, and it does a great job of demonstrating what I've come to believe with all my heart and soul: that man's only hope for peace is to go further into outer space.
    Wish I Was at Disneyland, podcast about Disneyland, Disney news, Disney movies, Star Wars, and life in Southern California.
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