James Bond: World of Espionage - New Game?

It looks like they've released a new James Bond game called James Bond: World of Espionage for iOS and Android. Has anyone checked it out yet? What do you guys think? 007.com/game


  • HatThrowingHenchmanHatThrowingHenchman Russia With LovePosts: 1,834MI6 Agent
    It's pretty boring
    "You see Mr.Bond, you can't kill my dreams...but my dreams can kill you.Time to face destiny" - "Time to face gravity"
  • Enjoying DeathEnjoying Death Toronto, ON CANADAPosts: 1,245MI6 Agent
    It's pretty boring

    I concur. It's pay to win or to do anything really. Not worth the download time.
    Pussy Galore: “My name is Pussy Galore.”
    Bond: “I must be dreaming.”
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