Quentin Tarantino movies

Absolutely_CartAbsolutely_Cart NJ/NYC, United StatesPosts: 1,740MI6 Agent
Here's my current ranking list after watching 7 of them. I'll get to Death Proof eventually.

1 - Django Unchained (2012)
A beautifully cathartic story of a freed slave searching for his still enslaves soul mate. Beautiful memorable atmospheres, some hilarious comedy bits, perfect acting all around, and takes a chaotic sharp turn in third act. Every scene felt necessary to congeal the story into a whole.

2 - Jackie Brown (1997)
An older flight attendant wants to escape the 9-to-5 trap by swindling a dangerous weapons dealer out of half a millon dollars. Crime dramas have been done before but I think Tarantino adds a twist to it by making it every bit as much a satire and commentary movie while still keeping the story itself authentic. It's arguably Tarantino's more mature and restrained effort.

3 - Reservoir Dogs (1992)
It's a heist movie without a heist, but with the aftermath of heists gone wrong and questions about loyalty. After the comedic and iconic introduction, it moves into a really dark but still engaging movie as the viewer tries to figure out which character is the rat and what exactly happened. Out of order storytelling focusing in on each character helps too.

4 - Pulp Fiction (1994)
His most influential work. One of the most bizarre shock-value comedies out there which put out-of-order storytelling on the map. A really good cast all around with lots of random unexpected moments. Following the antics of two reckless, sometimes-stupid but always-entertaining gangsters is a real joy. The final heist scene is great too.

5 - Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003)
A stylized ninja action film that starts out with a strong opening. The fight scenes are flashy and entertaining, the atmosphere and comedy are certainly there. I like the crypic mysterious nature of it.

6 - Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004)
It has some filler in it, and while it resolves the storyline it doesn't feel as essential or as fresh as the first. It's still a good movie though and Uma Thurman maternal role in the 3rd act of the movie was so believable it was uncanny.

7 - Inglourious Basterds (2009)
I really wanted to like this one. It had potential and there's a good movie inside of it somewhere. Too much filler ; the length could be cut by 1/3. Too much spoonfeeding dialogue, and not enough showing/doing. I understand it's a dark comedy, but even for that standard, the narrative itself was neglected. See Django Unchained.


  • welshboy78welshboy78 Posts: 10,312MI6 Agent
    Hmm I would go for:

    1 - Pulp Fiction (1994)

    2 - Inglourious Basterds (2009)

    3 - Django Unchained (2012)

    4 - Jackie Brown (1997)

    5 - Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003)

    6 - Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004)

    7 - Reservoir Dogs (1992)

    8 - Death Proof

    I have to say over the years Kill Bill has slipped considerably for some reason. Death Proof was a yawn fest for me
    Instagram - bondclothes007
  • The Debonair BondThe Debonair Bond Posts: 48MI6 Agent
    Personally, I don't like Tarantino as a filmmaker. Django Unchained is in a lot of ways, the complete opposite of the movies he is supposedly making an homage to, and having the legendary Ennio Morricone clumped up with Rick Ross in the soundtrack is enough for me to want to find a bench in the park and cry. Nothing is sacred anymore, not even the cultural value of the Western genre.

    Also, the amount of violence in those movies is more than I can, or wish to handle.
  • Absolutely_CartAbsolutely_Cart NJ/NYC, United StatesPosts: 1,740MI6 Agent
    I think Django Unchained is beautiful. Sort of irreverant, cathartic, nothing-is-sacred, politically incorrect humor. The fact that it can have lots of humor (such as the mask scene) whenever it wants to and still have a cohesive story is great. It does make a clear statement on slavery and it does let the viewer indulge in getting revenge on slaveowners. Western may be a setting, but it's not really a Western movie in the same sense that Inglourious Basterds is not a historical WWII documentary.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Django Unchained is one of my favourite movies, all the cast are fantastic. I remember
    reading the villain was to be played by Leonardo DiCaprio, and I thought " what the
    hell, that's crazy". How wrong I was, he was amazing. I fact everyone is just brilliant
    I didn't even recognise Samuel L Jackson at first, got the voice straight away, but it
    Took a few minutes to figure out who it was. A great film. -{
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Absolutely_CartAbsolutely_Cart NJ/NYC, United StatesPosts: 1,740MI6 Agent
    I didn't even know it was Samuel Jackson until the credits. But he did a fantastic job.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    The scene in Django Unchained, during the meal where DiCaprio gets up
    Shouting and bangs the table so hard, he smashes a glass with his hand, was
    a spur of the moment thing, not planned, and he did cut his hand ( you can see
    him pull a piece of glass out as he finishes the scene) luckily everyone else
    stayed in character. -{
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,703MI6 Agent
    I haven't seen all of Taraintinos movies, but Pulp Fiction is my favorite. I own, Pulp, Reservoir, Kill Bill V1 & V2, Inglorious & Django. They each have their own qualitys to them. Cn't wait for Hateful Eight to come out at then end of the year.
    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
  • MilleniumForceMilleniumForce LondonPosts: 1,214MI6 Agent
    1. Inglorious Basterds
    2. Kill Bill Vol. 1
    3. Reservoir Dogs
    4. Pulp Fiction
    5. Kill Bill Vol. 2
    1.LTK 2.AVTAK 3.OP 4.FYEO 5.TND 6.LALD 7.GE 8.GF 9.TSWLM 10.SPECTRE 11.SF 12.MR 13.YOLT 14.TLD 15.CR (06) 16.TMWTGG 17.TB 18.FRWL 19.TWINE 20.OHMSS 21.DAF 22.DAD 23.QoS 24.NSNA 25.DN 26.CR (67)
  • Agent PurpleAgent Purple Posts: 857MI6 Agent
    1) Inglorious Basterds
    2) Pulp Fiction
    3) Reservoir Dogs
    4) Kill Bill
    5) Jackie Brown
    6) Death Proof

    But I don't consider any film I've seen directed by him bad. I still need to see Django Unchained and I'm sure I'll at least like The Hateful Eight.

    If movies he hasn't directed but wrote the screenplay for count, I'd easily rank From Dusk 'Till Dawn below Death Proof. I won't count Sin City because it was mainly directed by Rodriguez (not sure if Tarantino wrote the screenplay). And I haven't seen True Romance, for which Tarantino wrote the screenplay even though he didn't direct it. And I haven't seen Four Rooms.
    "Hostile takeovers. Shall we?"
    New 2020 ranking (for now DAF and FYEO keep their previous placements)
    1. TLD 2. TND 3. GF 4. TSWLM 5. TWINE 6. OHMSS 7. LtK 8. TMWTGG 9. L&LD 10. YOLT 11. DAD 12. QoS 13. DN 14. GE 15. SF 16. OP 17. MR 18. AVTAK 19. TB 20. FRWL 21. CR 22. FYEO 23. DAF (SP to be included later)
    Bond actors to be re-ranked later
  • Mr MartiniMr Martini That nice house in the sky.Posts: 2,703MI6 Agent
    1) Inglorious Basterds
    2) Pulp Fiction
    3) Reservoir Dogs
    4) Kill Bill
    5) Jackie Brown
    6) Death Proof

    But I don't consider any film I've seen directed by him bad. I still need to see Django Unchained and I'm sure I'll at least like The Hateful Eight.

    If movies he hasn't directed but wrote the screenplay for count, I'd easily rank From Dusk 'Till Dawn below Death Proof. I won't count Sin City because it was mainly directed by Rodriguez (not sure if Tarantino wrote the screenplay). And I haven't seen True Romance, for which Tarantino wrote the screenplay even though he didn't direct it. And I haven't seen Four Rooms.

    I believe Tarantino only directed a couple of scenes for Sin City.
    Some people would complain even if you hang them with a new rope
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