James Bond reviews movies

Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,174MI6 Agent
edited September 2016 in Off Topic Chat
After having the documentaries about his missions reviewed for decades, James Bond has now decided to turn the tables and review other, more fictional movies. He will probably review several movies in a variety of generes. Some of his aquaintances may also weigh in and post their own revievs.

"Avangers: civil war" reviewed by James Bond

I understand this movie is based on a series of comic books. Personally never read comics, so I'll have to base my review on my personal experiences. The main characters of this movie are so-called "superheroes", but I don't think they are that far fetched. A billionaire in a metal suit that augments his abilities (although flying is a bit much), a Russian master assassin, a couple of atagonists with a shadowy history from WWII and an expert archer all seem true to life. Earlier I have admired the lifestyle of Tony Stark, but in this movie his is all work and no play. The so-called Antman who can shrink and expand himself (his entire body, bare in mind ...) and a teenager who can emulate a spider on the other hand is pushing the boundries of what's possible.

I know full well that a mission usually requires a lot of combat, daring feats and a lot of destruction of infrastructure and famous landmarks, so again I find Civil War surprisingly true to life. Many movies, particularely since the 70's, for some reason cast actresses who are plain-looking at best. Why would they do so when most women in the real world are very attractive? This movie features very few women, but I have to say they are realistically gorgous. Here I have to mention Ms. Scarlett Johansson. Not only does she play a female Russian spy and assassin who reminds me of several people I have met, she is also alluring. I woudn't mind meating her professionally or in my free time.

All in all I found Avengers: Civil War to be a thrilling adventure that mixes real life and science fiction to great effect.


  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,174MI6 Agent
    «Spotlight» rewiewed by James Bond

    This movie was awarded an Oscar for best screenplay, so my hopes were undderstandably high when I started watching «Spotlight». One thing this movie got right was the villans. Any good film needs a convincing villan, and Spotlight has this is spades. Catholic priests are good villans to begin with, but this time they are pedophiles to boot. This works as a very believable, but hardly surprising twist. In my experience villans are often backed by a sinister organisation with its tentacles all around the world. The Catholic Church is the potent force behind the pervert priests, working hard in the shadows until the final climax.

    The heroes look good on paper. A team of mismatched heroes who have to work together to defeat the villan is quite common. The heroes are normally led by the tallest and/or handsomest among them. The closest thign we get to this is John Slattery, who played a very likable fellow in Mad Men. However, in this movie he is forced to play a man with a boring and modest lifestyle far removed from the life usually led by men of his looks and height. The envirorment the heroes move around in is another problem. No five-star hotel would allow any of these locales within their walls (with the honourable exeption of the churches that look positively divine), and no hero should have lower standards than a five-star. These heroes don't even leave the city they live in during the entire movie, something that is clearly unprofessional. Any competent investigation will lead the protagonist to a number of exotic locales in at least three countries. Not even leaving Boston is plain laziness.

    Another puzzling choice is why they only only cast one woman of average looks (Rachel McAdams). The world is full of attractive and willing women. You meet them in offices, labs, oil pipelines and even space stations. It's highly unlikely for all the male heroes to meet only one women of average looks and she isn't even wearing makeup and clothes to look better. Rachel McAdam's character doesn't even flirt or take her clothes off, something all women of her looks can't help doing near a tall and handsome male.

    Don't ask me how I know, but any investigation always involve a great deal of action. No matter how routine an assignment seem from the start you can count on explotions, fast vehicles and lively gunplay before the mater is resolved. This is where the movie fails both in entertainment value and realism. The most dramatic incident during an investgation should be the blowing up of the villan's home, not photocopying! There is a reason the latter is secretary work. Goodnight!
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