Thoughts and ideas about a James Bond World

Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,178MI6 Agent
edited August 2017 in General James Bond Chat
I have been listening to James Bond Radio. They were talking about the fact there is a Harry Potter World in England and a Star Trek experience in Disney world. Why not a James Bond World?
What would you like to experience in James Bond World (JBW)? I thinkit should be as interactive as possible.
Here are some ideas, partly based on JBR's thoughts:

Just after buying the tickets you can film your own Gunbarrel and send it to your phone and computer. Perhaps you can rent a tuxedo too (and the ladies can rent dresses)? Next you walk into M's classic office where you are welcomed and get a "brifing", in effect a promo for the JBW and what you can do there.

The Q lab. Here some of the origional gadgets are displayed. Guests can also try copies of them and perhaps new ones that aren't from the movies. The Bond in Motion exhibit should be a part of the whole thing. There guests can also sit down in simualtors of the AM DB5 and other Bond cars like the Lotus Esprit from TSWLM and the AM V8. The interiors look and feel like the real thing, you see what happens outside the windows using CGI. The gadgets can be used.

Other iconic scenes can also be filmed later with sets, props and greens screens, results automatically sent toyour phone and computer. What scenes should it be?

A casino is a must, but with verty cheap chips.

There should be at least one resturant that looks like a resturant Bond visits, perhaps the one on the Eiffel tower in AVTOK. A band plays Bond music.

Many rooms should look like the Ken Adam sets. Perhaps the vulcano in YOLT should be one, with exhibitions and activities around the room. if you walk into the rocket it works as an elevator, perhaps to an exhibition about MR?

The small commuter train from YOLT could also be used to transport guests around the JBW.

More ideas or comments?


  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,048MI6 Agent
    definitely replicate lots of Ken Adam sets, especially the two big ones from The Spy Who Loved Me
    I've always imagined exploring those in real life, in fact I would hide out until after the park closes at night just to really explore without the crowds
    I think the Orient Express would be the better train to carry guests round the grounds
    if its big enough there'd be room for several restaurants, each with menus from different parts of the world
    but be sure to serve Phoo Yuck wine
    for rest and relaxation include both the gypsy camp with catfights on the hour, and the harem from ...Spy...
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,178MI6 Agent
    edited August 2017
    While I would personally like the Orient Express more, I think the little YOLT train would be more practical.

    Perhaps they should have an Eiffel Tower resturant and a more fast-food type Piz Gloria resturant?

    Scaramanga's fun house should be worked in somehow, and the QE2 MI6 HQ from TMWTGG should be worked into it.

    What should they have from the newer movies?
  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,048MI6 Agent
    the Casino, of course, from Casino Royale
    thered have to be gambling in any James Bond theme park

    and yes M's field office from ...Golden Gun... would be an ideal theme park experience

    somehow or other there should be a liferaft to conclude a day at the themepark, maybe required for guests to get back to the parking lot?
  • Matt SMatt S Oh Cult Voodoo ShopPosts: 6,602MI6 Agent
    Most people would be more interested in the more recent films, yet none of the recent sets and locations can compare to what we saw in the 1960s and 1970s.
    Visit my blog, Bond Suits
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,178MI6 Agent
    The guests could experience a VR gunfight like the one in DAD, only better. Perhaps you can chise between a number of iconic Bond locations to have the gunfight in?
  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,048MI6 Agent
    MattS wrote:
    recent sets and locations
    Silva's abandoned island, Skyfall, WaltzBlofelds crater, and the abandoned MI6 HQ as re-decorated by Blofeld all have potential: we'd learn more about these locations from the themepark than we ever did in their respective films
    that BodyWorlds exhibit is a real thing, maybe license a few of their artworks
    Number24 wrote:
    a more fast-food type Piz Gloria restaurant
    I don't believe Piz Gloria served fast food, customers went to a lot of trouble to get there, theyd want to spend time enjoying the view and expect decent food ... in fact, theres a readymade menu right there, the 12 custom meals eaten by the 12 Angels of Death

    but, theme park patrons don't usually order champagne and caviar, or any of that other posh food movieBond eats, we would have to find an authentic fast food reference from the films .... Flemings Bond did always eat scrambled eggs, so we could definitely serve allday breakfast

    thought of another obvious setpiece: the bigcity amusement park from Living Daylights
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,178MI6 Agent
    edited August 2017
    I think the VR gun fight could feature fight like the raid on the gypsy camp in FRWL, inside Carver's Stealth boat (TND) and the sinking house in Venice (CR).

    The guides/crew in JBW could be models (male and female) who haven't made it yet, dressed in the jump suits that were so popular in many films.

    With the driving simulators, VR gun fights, resturants and casino JBW would have a more mature style than other "worlds". Maybe a minimum age of 12 or so?
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    There was a time when I would have loved all this. Not any more.

    I mean, the volcano crater is great of course. But imagine it filled with riff raff with anoraks and paunches, posing for selfies and pushchairs with screaming kids. It would damage the effect somewhat and tarnish the films forever.

    The nearest we get to all this is actually visiting Piz Gloria in Switzerland or Vaux Le Vicompte nr Paris etc and that is great, and yes you get tourists there, but it would be less claustrophobic than being on sets. But really it's like Soho in London, looks great but when it's filled with shoppers and tourists it can never look as stylish in the 50s where they wore suits etc...
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,178MI6 Agent
    There could perhaps be a section with a resturant feauturing big band music, memoralia from the life of Ian Fleming and the movies, the Bond in Motion exhibition, casino for the more mature guests.
    Then the VR gun fights, car chase simulators etc. can attract the younger crowd.
    Anyway, I think the absolute minimum age should be 10-12.
  • walther p99walther p99 NJPosts: 3,416MI6 Agent
    Even though there's way more Bond film's then both Harry Potter and Star Wars films I don't think Bond really warrants a massive singular theme park like those two franchises have. There's just so much more characters and worlds in those two franchises not to mention they're more geared toward children. But a "bond experience" like the 3D Tomorrow Never Dies ride they had would be great.
  • superadosuperado Regent's Park West (CaliforniaPosts: 2,654MI6 Agent
    I'd buy season tickets had James Bond world existed, but we can dream, right folks?!

    I’m anticipating Star Wars land and if it’s anything like Disney’s Cars Land and the Indiana Jones Temple of the Forbidden Eye ride, I’m sure it will be fantastic. Not being a Harry Potter fan, I nonetheless was impressed with the execution of the HP land in Universal Studios.

    When TND came out, a local Six Flags amusement park introduced a motion, immersive POV ride in which people experienced being Bond, running, leaping and then ultimately riding a BMW motorcycle while hydraulic seats mimicked the movements and VR glasses (or was it screen projected in 3D, I don’t remember) put one into the action. I felt it was a cheap ride, instead of one in which the works were engineered for a genuinely sensational and “real” environment.

    I, however felt that this was good news for the willingness of the Bond people to venture further in potentially bigger and better attractions and the entire action sequence in TWINE of the helicopter attack on Zukovsky’s caviar factory smacked so much (at least to me) of a desire to replicate that sequence, very similar to the Water World stunt show in Universal Studios; if anyone here has watched this (surely there’s footage in YouTube), you can practically see the TWINE sequence play out in that show. But alas, nothing ever came after that TND VR experiment.
    "...the purposeful slant of his striding figure looked dangerous, as if he was making quickly for something bad that was happening further down the street." -SMERSH on 007 dossier photo, Ch. 6 FRWL.....
  • Silhouette ManSilhouette Man The last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,828MI6 Agent
    How about a TommorowNeverDiesWorld at Disneyland? :D
    "The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
  • Gassy ManGassy Man USAPosts: 2,972MI6 Agent
    I'm very surprised someone hasn't done this already -- seems like a natural extension of the franchise.
  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,048MI6 Agent
    there was a travelling museum exhibit a couple of years ago, we had it at Toronto's TIFF museum. Costumes, props, storyboards etc. Not as good as a theme park I admit, but as close as I've got to walking round inside of James Bond's world.
    the volcano crater is great of course. But imagine it filled with riff raff with anoraks and paunches, posing for selfies and pushchairs with screaming kids. It would damage the effect somewhat and tarnish the films forever.
    see this is why you hide behind one of the props and wait for the park to close at sunset and everybody else goes home. Then you get to really explore it, with your infrared camera and ropeclimbing equipment and all the rest. If security comes, you can get in a shootout using the complementary Walther PPK they issued you when you bought your ticket. Turns out its just a toy prop and the security guard has a real gun and backup, that's when you really get to test your wits and see if you have what it takes to be a British secret agent.

    Actually this theme park would have to be an overnight concept, just because theres so many great hotel sets in the movies: Dr No, Diamonds..., ...Spy..., and various others. Renting out such rooms would be a big attraction. And a lot of the typical Bond-style activities we'd want to experience are nighttime entertainment. I mean like the parade in Thunderball or the plane launch in Casino... . But...
    Number24 wrote:
    after buying the tickets you can film your own Gunbarrel and send it to your phone and computer
    and if you book a room in the Instanbul hotel set they'll give you a very special film as a souvenir, in DVD, youtube, and old school film reel format. You have the option of unspooling the filmreel in the canal, on the way back to the car, but the youtube video is Forever.
  • Bond44Bond44 Vauxhall CrossPosts: 1,581MI6 Agent
    edited August 2017
    Funny I raised the same question here back in 2013 after a visit to Bond inMotion

    Some interesting feedback

    Cheers :007)
    My name is Bond, Basildon Bond - I have letters after my name!
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,178MI6 Agent
    there was a travelling museum exhibit a couple of years ago, we had it at Toronto's TIFF museum. Costumes, props, storyboards etc. Not as good as a theme park I admit, but as close as I've got to walking round inside of James Bond's world.
    the volcano crater is great of course. But imagine it filled with riff raff with anoraks and paunches, posing for selfies and pushchairs with screaming kids. It would damage the effect somewhat and tarnish the films forever.
    see this is why you hide behind one of the props and wait for the park to close at sunset and everybody else goes home. Then you get to really explore it, with your infrared camera and ropeclimbing equipment and all the rest. If security comes, you can get in a shootout using the complementary Walther PPK they issued you when you bought your ticket. Turns out its just a toy prop and the security guard has a real gun and backup, that's when you really get to test your wits and see if you have what it takes to be a British secret agent.

    Actually this theme park would have to be an overnight concept, just because theres so many great hotel sets in the movies: Dr No, Diamonds..., ...Spy..., and various others. Renting out such rooms would be a big attraction. And a lot of the typical Bond-style activities we'd want to experience are nighttime entertainment. I mean like the parade in Thunderball or the plane launch in Casino... . But...
    Number24 wrote:
    after buying the tickets you can film your own Gunbarrel and send it to your phone and computer
    and if you book a room in the Instanbul hotel set they'll give you a very special film as a souvenir, in DVD, youtube, and old school film reel format. You have the option of unspooling the filmreel in the canal, on the way back to the car, but the youtube video is Forever.

    Great idea about the hotel as a part of JBW! The hotel and hotel room can be themed. Carabian style, Asian style, 1960's style etc. If you want to you can chose a "bugged" room. Then you are given a bug sweeper looking like a shaving machine or something. You get a prize in the morning (or a discount) if you find all the old-fashioned bugs in the room. I like the idea :D
  • Napoleon PluralNapoleon Plural LondonPosts: 10,427MI6 Agent
    Actually, yes, i can imagine an action attraction based around a recent film just not those old classic Ken Adam set pieces for reasons I've cited.
    "This is where we leave you Mr Bond."

    Roger Moore 1927-2017
  • welshboy78welshboy78 Posts: 10,312MI6 Agent
    Might be successful on a small scale but if we are talking Disney, I don't think it would be viable.

    Star Wars, Disney on a diff level in this respect. Would have to be a small area / sub part of another park.
    Instagram - bondclothes007
  • Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent
    I'm not sure if anyone has already mentioned it but years ago in the early 90s there was a Bond "ride" at The Trocadero in Piccadilly. It was one of the first simulator-type rides, mildly thrilling. I tried it once but felt a bit of a twit getting off with a bunch of 12-year olds (I must have been about 30 at the time) :o
    "How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."
  • MilleniumForceMilleniumForce LondonPosts: 1,214MI6 Agent
    As a theme park fan, in my head I've shot down many of these ideas in this thread as being impractical, but I won't say anything to avoid dissapointing anyone.

    Firstly, Bond films now - which a lot of people associate Bond with - are completely different or classic Bond. In a way, there's nothing from any of the Craig films that can be translated to a theme park attraction well. So to get ideas that would work well in a theme park, you've got to look at the classic films.

    If you want to attract as many visitors as possible, you could only really base any attractions on stuff that is recognisable in pop culture. A Bond fan might be interested in an attraction involving, say, the gypsy camp from FRWL or Scaramanga's fun house, but your average non Bond fan would have no idea what this has to do with Bond.

    The difference between franchises that have become theme park attractions, such as Star Wars, is that they are fantasies. There's nothing like what you see in the film; there aren't any Death Stars, there aren't any millenium Falcons. They're fictional creations.

    Bond isn't like that. Even in the more outrageous films, the stuff Bond does is hardly theme park worthy. He drives, he fights, he gambles....hardly something you can turn into a ride.

    The closest thing you could create is something like the Harry Potter studio tour. However, because the films we produced recently, the props and sets still exist to use. You could re build the volcano lair, but it's not the same, is it? It's not the actual set you see on film. You're walking around a recreation of a fictional place. It might look good, but really, what could you do with a replica of a set? You could walk around, take photos....but unless you're a Bond fan, there's not much appeal in that.
    1.LTK 2.AVTAK 3.OP 4.FYEO 5.TND 6.LALD 7.GE 8.GF 9.TSWLM 10.SPECTRE 11.SF 12.MR 13.YOLT 14.TLD 15.CR (06) 16.TMWTGG 17.TB 18.FRWL 19.TWINE 20.OHMSS 21.DAF 22.DAD 23.QoS 24.NSNA 25.DN 26.CR (67)
  • superadosuperado Regent's Park West (CaliforniaPosts: 2,654MI6 Agent
    Apologies if this has been posted about elsewhere, but I just remembered this interesting piece that I saw a while back on the Illustrated 007 blog (, the concept art of Ralph MacQuarrie, best known as one of the early artists who defined the look of Star Wars:


    Apparently, it was part of a pitch during the 1980s for a Bond attraction at Universal Studios Florida that "would've been a "fifteen-minute show filled with technological wonders, grand-scale explosions, high-tech transformations, and of course, humor; all the trademarks of the James Bond films." Set in a frickin' volcano lair!" More on these here:
    "...the purposeful slant of his striding figure looked dangerous, as if he was making quickly for something bad that was happening further down the street." -SMERSH on 007 dossier photo, Ch. 6 FRWL.....
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,454Chief of Staff
    I'm not sure if anyone has already mentioned it but years ago in the early 90s there was a Bond "ride" at The Trocadero in Piccadilly. It was one of the first simulator-type rides, mildly thrilling. I tried it once but felt a bit of a twit getting off with a bunch of 12-year olds (I must have been about 30 at the time) :o

    I always wanted to have a ride on that, just London seemed so far away back then ;%
    YNWA 97
  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,048MI6 Agent
    superado wrote:
    Apologies if this has been posted about elsewhere, but I just remembered this interesting piece that I saw a while back on the Illustrated 007 blog (, the concept art of Ralph MacQuarrie, best known as one of the early artists who defined the look of Star Wars:
    oh wow, I hope that theres more such designs that emerge, too bad that never got built
    McQuarrie's STAR WARS portfolio was my favourite amongst all the collectible merchandising that came out the year after the movie, it hinted at earlier, alternate iterations of the plot, and his style just looked so damned cool
    Even in the more outrageous films, the stuff Bond does is hardly theme park worthy. He drives, he fights, he gambles....hardly something you can turn into a ride.
    I bet you could turn the entire Lotus Esprit chase into a ride, and the most general audience would recognise it ... including the onland chase with motorcycle, Jaws car, and Naomi's helicopter ... then the only question is do we really submerge our customers underwater for the second half, or just simulate it with a steep roller coaster plunge and lighting effects? that'd work just as well and reduce risk of lawsuits. it'd be a very good ride, substantial and varied, customers would get their money's worth on that one ... it could even end exactly as the film, with the Lotus shaped carriage emerging onto a beachfull of onlookers
  • Bond44Bond44 Vauxhall CrossPosts: 1,581MI6 Agent
    edited August 2017
    superado wrote:
    Apologies if this has been posted about elsewhere, but I just remembered this interesting piece that I saw a while back on the Illustrated 007 blog (, the concept art of Ralph MacQuarrie, best known as one of the early artists who defined the look of Star Wars:
    oh wow, I hope that theres more such designs that emerge, too bad that never got built
    McQuarrie's STAR WARS portfolio was my favourite amongst all the collectible merchandising that came out the year after the movie, it hinted at earlier, alternate iterations of the plot, and his style just looked so damned cool
    Even in the more outrageous films, the stuff Bond does is hardly theme park worthy. He drives, he fights, he gambles....hardly something you can turn into a ride.
    I bet you could turn the entire Lotus Esprit chase into a ride, and the most general audience would recognise it ... including the onland chase with motorcycle, Jaws car, and Naomi's helicopter ... then the only question is do we really submerge our customers underwater for the second half, or just simulate it with a steep roller coaster plunge and lighting effects? that'd work just as well and reduce risk of lawsuits. it'd be a very good ride, substantial and varied, customers would get their money's worth on that one ... it could even end exactly as the film, with the Lotus shaped carriage emerging onto a beachfull of onlookers
    My vote would be real water in a Lotus sub and you have to time it right to fire the rocket at the helicopter hovering above.

    Many of the chases lend themselves to a ride like a Aston DBS ride in similar format to the Simpson's ride at Hollywood Studios (or is it Universal?)

    I thought my idea of 'lands' linked to each bond film like Epcot layout was pretty cool Inc rides to n ach and stunt show in the middle with boats and cars.

    Throw in Q branch and real spying section plus new tech ideas and hey presto - maybe a Spy school to earn you 00 status with laser range and tests

    Just need a few million to set it up :D

    Cheers :007)
    My name is Bond, Basildon Bond - I have letters after my name!
  • MrGoreMrGore Posts: 129MI6 Agent
    If I can't fly in a Thunderball jetpack, I'm not interested.
  • Mr_OsatoMr_Osato Posts: 398MI6 Agent
    interesting idea. Some thoughts are:

    - definitely do your own gun barrel
    - maybe like Disneyland has 6 different worlds, you can do the same for Bond world: 60's, 70's, 80's etc or based on actors: Connery, Moore, Dalton etc. Or based on location: Asia sets, American sets, EU sets etc...
    - You can make it as a sort of escape room style on different sets. Or like a computer game with missions, but then i real life: Gamble your way out of a casino, laser gun yourself out of a gun fight etc.

    Considering the popularity of the 50 years of Bond tour and the Bond in Motion, there is definitely a market for this. Should be fun!

    1. Connery 2. Craig 3. Brosnan 4. Dalton 5. Lazenby 6. Moore
  • Dirty PunkerDirty Punker ...Your Eyes Only, darling."Posts: 2,587MI6 Agent
    Moonraker themed lasertag is a must.
    a reasonable rate of return
  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,048MI6 Agent
    you know how in Disneyland they have employees wandering round dressed as Goofy or Snow White...
    which characters would be BondWorld's equivalent?

    personally I'd be happy to see Honey Rider lookalikes complete with iconic bikini. The hiring process for this job would be even more controversial than Hooters waitresses. Seriously, the deep tan and muscular physique are more important than the expected curviosity in replicating that character.

    and maybe instead of Goofy, it could be Jaws. We must pity the minimum wage employee who has to dress up as Jaws. Not only would children be kicking him because he's the bad guy and sticking live electrical wires in his teeth, but "tough" young men would be trying to show off to their girlfriends by winning a fight with Jaws. This would be a thankless role, but the experience would be incomplete without it.
  • Matt SMatt S Oh Cult Voodoo ShopPosts: 6,602MI6 Agent
    you know how in Disneyland they have employees wandering round dressed as Goofy or Snow White...
    which characters would be BondWorld's equivalent?

    personally I'd be happy to see Honey Rider lookalikes complete with iconic bikini. The hiring process for this job would be even more controversial than Hooters waitresses. Seriously, the deep tan and muscular physique are more important than the expected curviosity in replicating that character.

    and maybe instead of Goofy, it could be Jaws. We must pity the minimum wage employee who has to dress up as Jaws. Not only would children be kicking him because he's the bad guy and sticking live electrical wires in his teeth, but "tough" young men would be trying to show off to their girlfriends by winning a fight with Jaws. This would be a thankless role, but the experience would be incomplete without it.

    Bond girls would be almost impossible to do, but villains would be easy. Dr. No, Goldfinger and Oddjob, a bald Blofeld, Tee Hee, May Day and Xenia Onatopp would also be effective. They could go the DAF approach and have multiple Blofelds!
    Visit my blog, Bond Suits
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Disney world has its Princesses, so we could have
    Various Bond girls in costume. I would be willing to be
    Irma Bunt. ;)
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
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