New member and Discord server!

[Edited by Barbel]

This isn't spam, just letting you know.

[Yes, it is. Barbel]


  • Enjoying DeathEnjoying Death Toronto, ON CANADAPosts: 1,245MI6 Agent
    Discord is a chat service for gamers. I see no reason nor need for that here.
    Pussy Galore: “My name is Pussy Galore.”
    Bond: “I must be dreaming.”
  • AssasingeAssasinge Posts: 4MI6 Agent
    Discord is a chat service for gamers. I see no reason nor need for that here.

    So just because it's advertised as for gamers, I'm not allowed to make a James Bond server? I mean, what do I do about my Beatles discord server and Knight Rider?...

    No offense man but...that's kind of a weak argument for not making a Discord server at all, and not joining it.
  • Enjoying DeathEnjoying Death Toronto, ON CANADAPosts: 1,245MI6 Agent
    Assasinge wrote:
    Discord is a chat service for gamers. I see no reason nor need for that here.

    So just because it's advertised as for gamers, I'm not allowed to make a James Bond server? I mean, what do I do about my Beatles discord server and Knight Rider?...

    No offense man but...that's kind of a weak argument for not making a Discord server at all, and not joining it.

    Do what you want man. I just don't believe there is any demand for it here. I've used many chat services in the past when I used to game and I can see the benefits there. Here...not so much.

    Maybe if you explained the benefits of why this chat service would even be interesting or beneficial to use for members here I'd change my mind. -{
    Pussy Galore: “My name is Pussy Galore.”
    Bond: “I must be dreaming.”
  • AssasingeAssasinge Posts: 4MI6 Agent
    Assasinge wrote:
    Discord is a chat service for gamers. I see no reason nor need for that here.

    So just because it's advertised as for gamers, I'm not allowed to make a James Bond server? I mean, what do I do about my Beatles discord server and Knight Rider?...

    No offense man but...that's kind of a weak argument for not making a Discord server at all, and not joining it.

    Do what you want man. I just don't believe there is any demand for it here. I've used many chat services in the past when I used to game and I can see the benefits there. Here...not so much.

    Maybe if you explained the benefits of why this chat service would even be interesting or beneficial to use for members here I'd change my mind. -{

    Well, supposedly you do have a point. I do already have people who have joined and besides talking about our favorite Bond and/or the movies, we often talk about Goldeneye Source, sometimes organzie gaming sessions for it, and talk about othet games in general. And the topic isn't always 007 24/7 of course, it can be anything else. So far i've observed many people talking about music from the past too in the Bond movies, or in general. But I know what you mean, it's a James Bond server. What much can you talk about? Well, so far the chat hasn't really stopped much, it's gone from movie talk to game talk to music talk to literally anything else talk etc.

    I doubt this convinced yoi, but that's all I had to report on since you asked for it. This server is fairly new to so as more members join the conversation topics will vary more, but for now, that's all.
  • Enjoying DeathEnjoying Death Toronto, ON CANADAPosts: 1,245MI6 Agent
    You're right. I'm not convinced. Sorry.

    Like I've said, I used to be an avid gamer and used lots of chat services in the past to assist with raids. For that application it's versatile and made things a lot easier and fun.

    To go into a "room" to chat about Bond, or whatever else the topic of discussion is that minute, without the added visuals or accompanying action, seems pointless and will quickly get boring.

    A forum to discuss as we have been successfully doing for years here is the best platform. Here we can post links and pics. You can't do that in chat.

    I wish you good luck and hope it's successful. -{
    Pussy Galore: “My name is Pussy Galore.”
    Bond: “I must be dreaming.”
  • AssasingeAssasinge Posts: 4MI6 Agent
    You're right. I'm not convinced. Sorry.

    Like I've said, I used to be an avid gamer and used lots of chat services in the past to assist with raids. For that application it's versatile and made things a lot easier and fun.

    To go into a "room" to chat about Bond, or whatever else the topic of discussion is that minute, without the added visuals or accompanying action, seems pointless and will quickly get boring.

    A forum to discuss as we have been successfully doing for years here is the best platform. Here we can post links and pics. You can't do that in chat.

    I wish you good luck and hope it's successful. -{

    Ah well I tried. I don't suppose our movie nights interest you either lol. But thanks anyway!
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    Imo - It IS spam!

    You find the forum cool, but you only sign up to advertise this rubbish?

    Takes a little more to convince me that your motives are better than that!
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
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