Bad dream

JarvioJarvio EnglandPosts: 4,241MI6 Agent
Last night I had a devastating dream where I met one of my favourite bond actors, Timothy Dalton, who was rude to me and told me my shirt was tacky. Also, I told him that I prefer Licence To Kill over The Living Daylights, and he went mental!
1 - LALD, 2 - AVTAK, 3 - LTK, 4 - OP, 5 - NTTD, 6 - FYEO, 7 - SF, 8 - DN, 9 - DAF, 10 - TSWLM, 11 - OHMSS, 12 - TMWTGG, 13 - GE, 14 - MR, 15 - TLD, 16 - YOLT, 17 - GF, 18 - DAD, 19 - TWINE, 20 - SP, 21 - TND, 22 - FRWL, 23 - TB, 24 - CR, 25 - QOS

1 - Moore, 2 - Dalton, 3 - Craig, 4 - Connery, 5 - Brosnan, 6 - Lazenby


  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,178MI6 Agent
    Are you absolutely sure it was only a dream? :o
  • HigginsHiggins GermanyPosts: 16,619MI6 Agent
    Was he in tears? :v
    President of the 'Misty Eyes Club'.

    Dalton - the weak and weepy Bond!
  • The Domino EffectThe Domino Effect Posts: 3,636MI6 Agent
    What shirt were you wearing?
  • JarvioJarvio EnglandPosts: 4,241MI6 Agent
    What shirt were you wearing?

    No idea, those details weren't made clear in the dream, however later on in the dream I realised I had crumbs/stains on it lol, dreams making full sense as always
    1 - LALD, 2 - AVTAK, 3 - LTK, 4 - OP, 5 - NTTD, 6 - FYEO, 7 - SF, 8 - DN, 9 - DAF, 10 - TSWLM, 11 - OHMSS, 12 - TMWTGG, 13 - GE, 14 - MR, 15 - TLD, 16 - YOLT, 17 - GF, 18 - DAD, 19 - TWINE, 20 - SP, 21 - TND, 22 - FRWL, 23 - TB, 24 - CR, 25 - QOS

    1 - Moore, 2 - Dalton, 3 - Craig, 4 - Connery, 5 - Brosnan, 6 - Lazenby
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,178MI6 Agent
    if it was a dream it was a fairly realistic one.
    Higgins: Falton showed emotion, so he did what you call "cry". :D
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 SwitzerlandPosts: 870MI6 Agent
    Naturally Dalton was rude and upset and even in tears.
    He saw that you have SF in your Top 10.
    Dalton Rulez™
  • Dirty PunkerDirty Punker ...Your Eyes Only, darling."Posts: 2,587MI6 Agent
    Naturally Dalton was rude and upset and even in tears.
    He saw that you have SF in your Top 10.
    Report to the burn unit, Jarvio.
    a reasonable rate of return
  • superadosuperado Regent's Park West (CaliforniaPosts: 2,654MI6 Agent
    Hmmm, why don’t you make yourself comfortable on the couch. Secretly, you hold TD in the highest esteem, higher than any fatherly, older brotherly or any other savior figure in your life. Yet, you feel inadequate in every way, including your wardrobe selection and up against the potential source of supreme approval, you fall short in even this minute regard and disappoint this critical authority figure. However, your feelings of inadequacies are further exacerbated by your wrong choice of your favorite TD Bond movie, a choice that has a 50/50 chance of success…yet you manage to screw up even that. The remedy for your most deep-seated woes? Write an flowery letter of praise to TD care of his publicist, stating that he is the most wonderful Bond ever and that your favorite movie of all time is TLD, along with chocolates, a manly selection of carnations, a carton of Marlboros and a £100 Starbucks gift card…which by the way you should do annually :))
    "...the purposeful slant of his striding figure looked dangerous, as if he was making quickly for something bad that was happening further down the street." -SMERSH on 007 dossier photo, Ch. 6 FRWL.....
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