The not so short lived non argumentative political thread.



  • Bond44Bond44 Vauxhall CrossPosts: 1,581MI6 Agent
    edited April 2018
    Well I have packed my sun screen for the next overseas deployment - never been to Syria another place not on my bucket list (we never invade nice places like Bahamas or Maldives!) :D

    Never saw that I would end up in rather hit places after 9/11, so take nothing for granted on the world stage these days never know where you might end up!

    Cheers :007)
    My name is Bond, Basildon Bond - I have letters after my name!
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent
    Chriscoop wrote:
    Warning aircraft to alter flight paths away from Syria pretty much let's the cat out of the bag.

    Doing that doesn't mean the US will bomb Syria, it means they want the option. Trump gave them the time window pretty precisely. He doesn't have to tell them where - they will bomb air force bases and possibly chemical production facilities. There is a limited number of those.

    This is like all the times Trump said during the election how he would't wasted time golfing when he became president. Guess what happened? :))
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Gives the Russians time to move their people.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent

    Or Trump saw something on "Fox and friends" and just tweeted on impulse.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent
    Tonight the US, UK and France bombed one alleged Chemical weapons factory and one storage facility.
    It's claimed that Syria/Russia shot down a third of the missiles. Russia has threatened revenge, but nothing has happened yet.
  • ChriscoopChriscoop Belize Posts: 10,458MI6 Agent
    100 missiles were launched apparently, which means 66 hits. I'm wondering just how Putin will respond..... If at all? Maybe it's time to call him out and put his money where his mouth is.
    It was either that.....or the priesthood
  • ChriscoopChriscoop Belize Posts: 10,458MI6 Agent
    How's the new Norwegian fence to keep the Russians out coming on 24?
    It was either that.....or the priesthood
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent
    edited April 2018
    I think the Russians were warned to stay away, and the Russians of course warned the Syrian government..

    Chriscoop, there never was a fence hei to keep the Russians out, only a small fenget keep Syrian refugees away :#
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent
    It was smart to target Chemical targets. If the Russians keep claiming the gas attack was staged by British inteligence to get an excuse to help the resistance in Syria, they also admit the bombing targets were Chemical weapons facilities.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Chemical attack in Britain, Russia says Britain did it.
    Chemical attack in Syria, Russia says ... Britain did it !
    :)) :)) :))
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent
    As a James Bond fan I love it when foreign minister Lavrov said Britain is known for using their licence to kill. :007)
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent
    Russia admited that as far as they know no civilian lives were lost during the bombings tonight.
    The Syrian government still has the balls to say the bombings were "cruel and barbaric." :o
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent
    I still think they should have waited until the Organisation for the Prohibation of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) made their findings public.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent
    I think it wasn't smart by Trump to use the expression "Mission accomplished" about the recent bombings in Syria. After Bush jr used the expression after the invasion of Iraq "mission accomplished" has become the modern "peace in our time".
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent
    edited April 2018
    I do think it's impressive how Comey has created bi-partisan dislike towards himself.
    First he re-opened the case against Hillary days before the election, even though it turned out to be unnecessary. He no longer gets Christmas cards from the Clintons.
    Everything he did after that has made him an object of Twitter-hate from Trump.
    Way to go :D
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent
    More on Comey (this time from The Onion :)) )

    Nation’s Liberals Not Sure What To Think After Hearing Special Counsel Has Waterboarded Every Suspect In Trump Investigation
  • ChriscoopChriscoop Belize Posts: 10,458MI6 Agent
    It seems one of the UK's submarines is being hunted by 2 Russian black hole subs in the eastern Mediterranean. Not sure what they intended to do if they caught it??? The Royal Navy Sub is armed with cruise missiles for potential use in Syria.
    It was either that.....or the priesthood
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    Great to have the Russians back as the bad guys.
    " Christ I miss the cold war " ;) also I've read a few
    Articles that claim Russia doesn't have the best of
    Economies to fund a huge military war machine ?
    So like the Soviet Union, it too will collapse.
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent
    Russia's GDP is the size of Spain's. Russia has a population of 146.3 million, Spain has 46.5 million citizens and a low miitary budget.
  • ChriscoopChriscoop Belize Posts: 10,458MI6 Agent
    What Russia does excel at is propaganda, they would have us believe that they are the world's military superpower, yes they have some impressive new military tech but they also have a lot of ageing stuff too, including subs that leak, Un seaworthy frigates and Unmaintained slow tanks.
    It was either that.....or the priesthood
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent
    I'd say their strengths are the military (especially nuclear weapons), propaganda and petrolium (oil and natural gas). In all other areas they aren't in the league of the US, China and the EU.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    They have also cornered the Market in little dolls that fit
    inside other bigger dolls. ;)
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent
    I forgot about those dolls. They are obviously a product of great strategic importance.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy Behind you !Posts: 63,792MI6 Agent
    I think it's all research to hide smaller missiles inside
    Larger ones. ;)
    "I've been informed that there ARE a couple of QAnon supporters who are fairly regular posters in AJB."
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent
    Many of us saw Israeli PM Netanyahu making a presentation ment to prove that Iran is lying about their nuclear program and they are breaking the Iran Treaty. Israel should always be suspicions of Iran and monitor them closely, but I'm not convinced. The IAIA say they have no proof the Iranians are breaking the treaty.
    Not to mention that the general in command of the entire IDF supports the Iran Treaty.
    Netanyahu presentation is only days before Trump will decide if the US will pull out of the Iran Treaty and it was held in English. This makes me suspect the true reason behind the presentation is to push/help Trump pulling the US from the treaty.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent
    Donald Trump's doctor now claims Trump himself dictated the health report that was made public during the election. In that case it was unethical by the doctor to sign it.
    We don't know what the truth is, but the bill of health sure sounds a lot like Trump: ".... will be the healthiest individual ever to be elected to the Presidency. " :))
  • Silhouette ManSilhouette Man The last refuge of a scoundrelPosts: 8,825MI6 Agent
    He's certainly the oldest to be elected to the US presidency. That much we do know. :D
    "The tough man of the world. The Secret Agent. The man who was only a silhouette." - Ian Fleming, Moonraker (1955).
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent
    I wonder who was the most healthy president? My candidate is Bush jr. During the election the Secret Service visited him TP prepare. Word came back that very fit agents were needed because Bush often jogged in the hot Texas sun.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent
    Teddy Roosevelt was also very fit.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,157MI6 Agent
    I hope this Storm Daniels business doesn't blow out of proportion. There are more important issues regarding Trump than hush-money to a porn star. This is starting to remind me of the Monica Lewinsky affair. That reflected badly on most involved, especially US politics.
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