Bond Without Moneypenny Is A Travesty

Moore Not LessMoore Not Less Posts: 1,095MI6 Agent
Original 007 secretary hits out(Lois doesn't think much to new man Daniel either)

By Julie McCaffrey

LOIS Maxwell peers at a picture of the new James Bond actor Daniel Craig and arches an eyebrow. "Hmm," she says, "He's not as handsome as Roger or Sean, is he? He has what you'd call an interesting face..."Perhaps the make-up girls could do something to him - maybe give him a wig."

Lois knows her Bonds. She played the original Miss Moneypenny in 14 Bond films as 007 mutated from Sean Connery via George Lazenby into Roger Moore. For the 23 years she was the classily sexy secretary who never quite scored with the dashing agent.

And news that film-makers have axed Moneypenny - most recently played by the aptly-named Samantha Bond - from the next movie Casino Royale has appalled Lois. "Bond without Moneypenny is a travesty," she says in her familiar baritone. "It's the end of an era. I don't wan't to sound immodest, but I don't suppose I can be replaced. It's hard for another actress to step into my shoes."

Lois actually created the sizzling chemistry between the secretary and the spy that endured for decades. She explains: "Sean and I agreed that we wanted to give Bond and Moneypenny a background. So over a cup of tea we agreed that they'd had a marvellous affair when she was in the typing pool. But it had to end when he became an agent and her heart was broken.

"And we never did get round to giving her a first name."

Despite only ever uttering 200 words and appearing on screen for a total of one hour, Lois's role as the poised PA - which began in 1962 with Dr No and lasted until View To A Kill in 1985 - has become the stuff of legend.

Now 78 and living in Freemantle, Australia, the grandmother-of-two is frquently recognised. "It's always nice and very flattering that someone can see my younger self in me now," she says.

Miss Moneypenny may have spent her lovelorn years stuck behind a typewriter, but Lois's real-life adventures would have made a Bond girl blanch. A few months shy of 16, the second daughter of a teacher and a nurse ran away from home in Toronto, lied about her age and joined the Canadian army. "My parents were furious," she grins. "I enrolled as a soldier but was part of the Army Entertainment Corps, doing music and dance shows. We toured all over Europe in the back of a truck."

Lois's real age was dicovered while she was in London and, to escape extradition, she knocked on the doors of Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) and begged to enrol. She was offered a scholarship to the prestigious drama school and became good friends with a classmate called Roger Moore. At 20 she won a Hollywood contract and made her screen debut opposite Ronald Reagan. "He was absolutely lovely," beams Lois. "A darling. One of the few people in Hollywood who was genuinely nice."

Lois won the Most Promising Newcomer Golden Globe award in 1947, and posed for Life magazine with other promising young starlets, including Marilyn Monroe. Three years later, tired of Hollywood Lois jumped on a cruise ship and ended up in Italy. "The next five years in Rome were the most perfect of my life," she says. She made a string of films with some of the top European actors and directors, became an amateur racing driver - and had her heart broken by a prince.

She met TV executive Peter Marriott at an airport in Paris and romance bloomed. They married in 1957. "He was wonderful, 6ft 6in tall with exquisite manners and good looks," smiles Lois. "We had a happy life."

They moved to Mayfair, London, and had daughter Melida, now 47, and son Christian, 46. But four years into their marriage, ill health shattered their idyll. "Peter had a massive double coronary," says Lois, sadly. "He was too ill to work, so that's when I became the breadwinner. I was destitute. So I desperately phoned all my director friends and said I needed to work."

Bond producer Cubby Broccoli offered her the Miss Moneypenny role. "I said I'd take the part but only if they didn't put my hair in a bun," she says. "My hair was my crowning glory and I didn't wan't it to be scraped back. I didn't wan't horn-rimmed glasses or a pencil behind my ear either."

She was guaranteed only two days work on each production and was paid a paltry daily rate of £100 for the films that became a phenomenon across the globe. "When my agent asked for an extra £50 a day, producers threatened to change the actress," says Lois, sniffily. "So when I read that Daniel Craig was getting £3.5 million for his first Bond, I thought Sean would be jumping up and down with rage under the palm trees in Barbados. I think he was paid £36,000 per film."

Connery has a special place in Lois's heart. "He is a marvellous man," she says. "He doesn't accept idiots gracefully, is fiercely loyal and immensely private. A unique man." Roger Moore is also a great friend. "We've known each other since I was 17, and I adore him. We did five episodes of The Saint together, so we know and like each other very much. He's super duper." However, she is hard pressed to choose which Bond she found most attractive. "I would have preferred to marry Roger, but have Sean as my weekend lover," she giggles.

The real love of Lois's life, her husband Peter, died in 1973 aged 51. "I never considered re-marrying. I just concentrated on bringing up my kids," she says. Lois returned to Toronto, where she wrote for a newspaper under the Miss Moneypenny pseudonym and became a businesswoman, importing fabrics and then, bizzarely, supplying crowd control barriers. In 1994 she returned to England to be near her daughter and settled into a cottage in the sleepy village of Frome, Somerset. "I loved my gorgeous house with its walled garden," she says. "And I consider England home."

But once again illness ruined her bliss. In 2001 she underwent surgery for bowel cancer and six months later left the UK to live with her son's family in Australia. Today she is working on an autobiography, which will doubtless be filled with sexual innuendo that would make Bond blush. Her first book was called I Was Born A Hooker - Hooker was her real name.

Over the years she has acquired a pilot's licence, gone on safari and sailed to Singapore armed with a machine gun to see off South China Sea pirates. But one thing she won't do is watch the James Bond films she appeared in. "They're too painful for me," she sighs. "It's quite upsetting to see myself when I was young and attractive with long blonde hair.

"Bond's success is all down to Daniel Craig now. And I wish him all the luck in the world."


  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    Thanks Moore not Less, very interesting read and an extremely interesting lady, what a life she has lead. As for no more Moneypenny, as I have stated before, I can live without her for one picture, but would like to see her brought back. I enjoy those little moments.

    As for her comments on Craig, I will let them stand on their own.
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    Great post, Moore! Now that's what I call a woman shooting from the hip! :))
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • yodboy007yodboy007 McMinn CountyPosts: 129MI6 Agent
    It's good to finally see a Bond alumnus speaking out against EON's drastic changes. I am so glad that she is not kissing ass like Sean and Roger did when they both said "I think Craig is perfect for the role and I wish him the best of luck blah blah blah". Give me a break! She is right. Bond without Moneypenny is a travesty.
  • Moore Not LessMoore Not Less Posts: 1,095MI6 Agent
    For me, it's not essential that Moneypenny has to appear in all the Bond films. However, I do say that it would be a travesty if she was written out of all the Bond films completely.

    I would be interested to know what picture of Daniel Craig the Mirror reporter gave to Lois. Was she given the official Eon picture, or was she given the most unflattering picture of Craig that the Mirror could find? :D

    I did find much of the article relating to Lois's acting career and her personal life interesting indeed, some of which I was previously unaware of.
  • The CatThe Cat Where Blofeld is!Posts: 711MI6 Agent
    Of course, the hilarious part of not having Moneypenny is not the breaking of the trend, but the made up reason how they reason why she is not in it. Apparently they leave out Miss Moneypenny, because she is not in the novel... Yes, another masterstroke of incompetence. I know they focus on the "second part of the novel" (the one with the drving around and skinnydipping), but they could have thumbed through at least the beginning chapters... 8-)
  • MBE_MBE_ USAPosts: 266MI6 Agent
    edited December 2005
    She was guaranteed only two days work on each production and was paid a paltry daily rate of £100 for the films that became a phenomenon across the globe. "When my agent asked for an extra £50 a day, producers threatened to change the actress," says Lois, sniffily.

    That's actually rather sickening. I believe they did the same thing with Desmond (he made more money doing trade shows and appearances ect). I know they're only small parts but they became iconic elements of the films, and to pay day rates when they could easily pay just a bit more while they're raking in hundreds of millions is rather cheap and odious. She's wrong about Connery's salary though, it started low and ended up enormous. (good for him!)

    She's not the first Bond alumnus not to give Craig a glowing thumbs up though. Honor Blackman said she didn't care for the choice of Craig either, she preferred Sean and Pierce. But she tempered that with saying that maybe because as a blonde she didn't find blondes attractive.

    Interesting, Lois she mentions how hard it must be to replace her as Moneypenny when previous articles with her have had her heavily endorsing and complimenting Sam Bond.

    The background on her life is very interesting. There was an interview with her a few years ago that went over some of the same ground and had a marvelous anecdote of her working with a very frightening James Mason on Lolita. How frightening? When Mason was up for the Bond role Lois told Cubby that if he was cast she couldn't be Moneypenny, even though she needed the money desperately.

  • delon64delon64 RiyadhPosts: 176MI6 Agent
    another example of eons slightly miserly ways with maxwell was that she didnt get to keep any of her wardrobe used in the films...until daf...i can remember reading her joy at this change but it was shortlived as you can recall she only wears a police uniform in that picture...her ascot hat in avtak however cost a fortune and was kept as a parting gift
  • Lady RoseLady Rose London,UKPosts: 2,667MI6 Agent
    MBE_ wrote:
    Interesting, Lois she mentions how hard it must be to replace her as Moneypenny when previous articles with her have had her heavily endorsing and complimenting Sam Bond.

    Yes, that was a strange thing for her to say really as Sam Bond was widely accepted as Moneypenny and did an excellent job IMO.
  • glidroseglidrose Posts: 138MI6 Agent
    I couldn't really care if Moneypenny was never in it again. For me, she was never that essential to the films anyway, and her appearance often made it a very safe but tired formula.

    Q and M were more essential to the stories than she ever was. She was a mere bit-part, put in for comedy relief, something I despise in Bond films anyway!
  • Moore Not LessMoore Not Less Posts: 1,095MI6 Agent
    edited December 2005
    yodboy007 wrote:
    It's good to finally see a Bond alumnus speaking out against EON's drastic changes. I am so glad that she is not kissing ass like Sean and Roger did when they both said "I think Craig is perfect for the role and I wish him the best of luck blah blah blah". Give me a break! She is right. Bond without Moneypenny is a travesty.

    How can you dismiss anybody who says they like Craig? They are always "kissing ass"...lying?

    This isn't even a drastic change, it's not changing anything! It's one film, they have left Q out before, broken the routine a little. So Moneypenny isn't in this one film BIG F***ING DEAL, you're like moaning children grow up for pete's sake.

    WHOA! Steady on, blade. I perfectly understand that you have the right to disagree with the comments made by yodboy or any of the anti-Craig brigade. But please don't resort to personal or general insults. Fair, constructive and reasoned comments is the best way to make your point.
  • Barry NelsonBarry Nelson ChicagoPosts: 1,508MI6 Agent
    As I keep reading posts on this forum I believe we have three camps of Bond fans. The folks like Blade and Glidrose who seem to want no humor, just a deep, dark intense spy movie, some other folks want humor and lighter movie similar to the Moore films and then the third camp, which I would put myself in, that would like a mix of action, espionage, drama and humor, similar to a movie like GE or TWINE. Liking one or another does not make you an idiot, it just means you have different Bond tastes. It's a big Bond world out there.

    With the release of CR, I am pretty sure two camps are going to be disappointed to some degree. Realizing this, I would hope that we can argue our positions in a fun intellectual environment, rather than a schoolyard, sophmoric environment. So if someone is upset about no Q or Moneypenny that is their right. If you hate Q or Moneypenny that is your right. Just try to share your thoughts, without ridiculing the other side.
  • ant007ukant007uk Great BritainPosts: 67MI6 Agent
    Well said Barry Nelson, I believe I'll be in the 1st group you mentioned. As for no Moneypeny in CR, I could live without quite easily after all its a film about 007. Having said that, I would like to see her back for Bond 22.
  • superadosuperado Regent's Park West (CaliforniaPosts: 2,654MI6 Agent
    yodboy007 wrote:
    It's good to finally see a Bond alumnus speaking out against EON's drastic changes. I am so glad that she is not kissing ass like Sean and Roger did when they both said "I think Craig is perfect for the role and I wish him the best of luck blah blah blah". Give me a break! She is right. Bond without Moneypenny is a travesty.

    I believe there's a kernel of truth in your post, yodboy007. Unlike the famous others who've given sparkling endorsement for Craig, Maxwell really has nothing to lose to speak the truth. Hypothetically, let's take Connery and the rest and allot for them the pro and anti Craig positions, in approximate statistical proportion of public polls, lets say, 2/3rds againts or indifferent and 1/3 in favor; playing the devil's advocate, 2/3rds then would be lying. Why? Because they have a vested interest in their reputation and standing in the acting community (esp. the ex-Bonds), if not for their budding careers.

    You think David Arnold will say that Craig sucks? Or, how would it look to Connery and Moore to say that, as Blade's reaction against Maxwell's "pomposity" shows? Or, Zeta Jones, etc.?

    Like yodboy007, I applaud Maxwell for being honest and gutsy to make that statement...then again, she has nothing to loose.

    And Blade, stop acting superior like you have the most enlightened insight about Bond (am I the only one...) and stop preaching to others about posting etiquitte and making well reasoned posts.
    "...the purposeful slant of his striding figure looked dangerous, as if he was making quickly for something bad that was happening further down the street." -SMERSH on 007 dossier photo, Ch. 6 FRWL.....
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    edited December 2005
    Not again, guys. It's the new year. Please, not again. :s
  • yodboy007yodboy007 McMinn CountyPosts: 129MI6 Agent
    Even though I believe that my post was not out of line, I apologize. Blade, my opnion is that this change is indeed to drastic. Your opinion is different. I respect your opinion and I hope that you can respect mine.

    Anyways, I agree with you, superado. Lois had nothing to lose when she made that statement. I know that anyone who is involved with the film at any level will never speak out against Craig. Of course Roger had nothing but nice things to say because he is a good and classy gentleman. However, I was suprised to see that Sean praised Craig as well.

    Also, let me clear this up. I do NOT hate Daniel Craig. Please do not consider me part of the "I hate Daniel Craig" brigade. I simply do not think that he is right for the role of 007. He is a great actor. I had already seen him in Road To Perdition and I just saw him in Munich and he performed really well. Vince Vaughn is one of my favorite actors, but if he were cast as 007 I would not hate him, I would just disagree with him being cast because he is not right for Bond. Lastly, even if they had chosen an actor that was right for the role (like Clive Owen or Hugh Jackman) I would still be mad because Pierce's time was NOT up.
  • NAOMI_FAN 1NAOMI_FAN 1 Posts: 85MI6 Agent
    Alex wrote:
    Not again, guys. It's the new year. Please, not again. :s

    Yes, please, not again! :s
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    My attorney has advised me to point out that I am not involved with this in any way. :o
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • Moore Not LessMoore Not Less Posts: 1,095MI6 Agent
    My attorney has advised me to point out that I am not involved with this in any way. :o

    How much did you have to pay him? :D
  • Willie GarvinWillie Garvin Posts: 1,412MI6 Agent
    edited December 2005
    Much as I enjoy seeing Bond tease Moneypenny,Moneypenny isn't as important a character in a James Bond film as James Bond is himself.Moneypenny,Q and even M can be absent from a Bond film occasionally and they'll still be James Bond films.

    Obviously Eon/Sony are taking a risk with Casino Royale and the movie's intentional departure from the established routine set down in so many of the previous movies.If CR doesn't succeed they'll go back to the drawing board and restore all of the missing supporting characters--albeit played by actors other than those who came before them.

    Lois was the best of all the Pennies and I'm happy to hear she's alive and well.It's also nice to see her opinion on Craig.

    As noted, she's no longer in the acting profession so her candid opinion isn't necessarily dictated by diplomacy or any thoughts of future employment.
  • wordswords Buckinghamshire, EnglandPosts: 249MI6 Agent
    I agree with WG. I am sure that the abscence of Moneypenny will not be an earth shattering disaster. A shame maybe, but if the film is any good it will be a minor omission.
  • Gassy ManGassy Man USAPosts: 2,972MI6 Agent
    edited December 2005
    Though it would be predictable, a way out is to introduce the Moneypenny character at the end -- perhaps not with an actual actress, but with M getting buzzed on the intercom that his/her new secretary has just transferred in. If, like "Batman Begins," the film is meant to lay the foundation for a universe closer to the one we already know, it could even fade out with a long shot of Bond stopping in the hallway of headquarters to chat up the new girl (with music playing and credits rolling, so we don't actually see her face or hear their conversation). I might roll my eyes at the moment, but if played correctly, it could be charming.

    EDIT: I still think a 1950s setting would be better than a contemporary one. . . that way, Bond might even do something acrobatic with his hat, the way Connery often did in the early Bonds.
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,871MI6 Agent
    No Moneypenny... I think I'll live. It is a 40 year old joke, after all.
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,871MI6 Agent
    High Guard wrote:
    I always enjoyed the little offtone moments Bond and Moneypenny's had. They gave the movies a little human touch...this cold-blooded assasin has a soft side too..he is human after all...he doesnt see every woman as someone to take advantage off. I enjoyed the classical moments Sean and her had especially in FRWL and same goes with Moore especially in SWLM. I also greatly enjoyed the bit of humor we had with Q and Bond toying arounds with the gadgets.

    Why do you assume that without these rather mechanical 'INSERT FUNNY BIT HERE' plot devices they can't insert a little humour in a slightly more flowing, less formulaic way?
  • royalmileroyalmile Station CPosts: 115MI6 Agent
    Gosh, where did he say that?
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,871MI6 Agent
    Um, right here:
    High Guard wrote:
    Unfortunately and for no apparent neccesity it looks like CR is going the path of another dark and murky bomb LTK.

    This is a thread about a lack of Moneypenny, ain't it?
  • royalmileroyalmile Station CPosts: 115MI6 Agent
    It's a bit of a leap and assumption to put words into the guy's mouth based on two seperate comments (the one quoted above plus the one directly preceding your former reply) - not unconnected, no, but neither - separately or in combination stating - simplistically and unequivocally that no Moneypenny equals NO humour.

    I'm sure he feels that a lack of Moneypenny does take something away from the feel of the film, but you seem to be twisting his words to make 2+2=5 there, mate.
  • emtiememtiem SurreyPosts: 5,871MI6 Agent
    I don't think so- he says they gave the movies a 'human touch' and that not having them will mean it is all 'doom and gloom'. That what he's saying.
  • ThunderballThunderball Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    I personaly am not to bothered about Moneypenny returning.
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    edited January 2006
    High Guard wrote:
    Trust me, we will have all the elements back soon enough :)

    Quite right. Moneypenny, Q, outlandish gadgets, double-taking pigeons, Bond in orbit...all of these things will return in their own time. ;)

    Everyone's 'personal Bond' tastes vary greatly from person to person. Everything is cyclical. I had to wait 14 years for Sir Roger to retire; those who dislike poor Danny probably won't have to wait this long, regardless of whether he is a success or not...
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    High Guard wrote:
    those who dislike poor Danny probably won't have to wait this long, regardless of whether he is a success or not...

    QFT :)
    {quoted for truth}

    I say this only because I don't think ANY Bond actor will serve as long a tenure as Sir Roger. Craig is a transitional Bond, even if he fulfills his three-picture deal.

    Now, Henry Cavill, on the other hand...if he takes the role at, say, 30-32 years of age, could go a full twenty years, if he can avoid becoming bored... :D

    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
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