Pricing for Nintendo's Wii console and games confirmed

TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
edited September 2006 in James Bond Gaming
The Will will launch on November 19 at a price of $250. Games will sell for $50 each. That falls pretty much in line with what I'd been thinking all along, although I think it's a wii bit too high given that the visuals will probably be inferior (weaker processor and only standard def resolution) and there's no true 5.1 surround sound support. The peripherals also appear to be priced a little high.

Have a read for more info including what comes in the box with the console:


  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    Yeah, this will be my son's Christmas present this go round. I'd be lying if I won't play it as much as he will... ;%

    Wii looks to be the sleeper hit of the economic season IMO. It is just hard to envision too many well-to do households, much less paycheck to paycheck ones, spending copius amounts of money on the pretentious PS3.
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited September 2006
    The Pretentious PS3. I like the sound of that.

    Nintendo says that they expect to have 4 million units for sale by the end of the year. Unlike Sony, they've had the specs finalized for months and have been busily manufacturing units. As such, I don't think you'll have too much trouble getting one for your boy this holiday season.

    The Wii will also come with a pack-in game (Wii Sports) so that should make it a little more cost-effective and it should have networking capabilities right out of the box.

    But Rogue, does this mean your 360 is dead in the watter?
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    TonyDP wrote:
    But Rogue, does this mean your 360 is dead in the watter?

    No chance. It's even closer than you think... ;)
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    RogueAgent wrote:
    TonyDP wrote:
    But Rogue, does this mean your 360 is dead in the watter?

    No chance. It's even closer than you think... ;)

    Gooooooooood. Goooooooood!! :))

    My cousin's husband just got a 360 for his birthday. Even though he's playing it on a standard def TV he says it still looks awesome.
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    TonyDP wrote:
    Gooooooooood. Goooooooood!! :)) that has that weird Palpatine tone that I always felt was slightly pervertish in Episode 3. I was expecting Anakin, to do lewd acts, too unmentionable to bring up here behind that... :))

    Sorry to get off subject.
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited September 2006
    RogueAgent wrote:
    TonyDP wrote:
    Gooooooooood. Goooooooood!! :)) that has that weird Palpatine tone that I always felt was slightly pervertish in Episode 3. I was expecting Anakin, to do lewd acts, too unmentionable to bring up here behind that... :))

    Sorry to get off subject.

    I'll never be able to look at those scenes the same way again. Get your mind out of the gutter Rogue. :))

    Bringing this back on topic, from my perusal of some other boards it seems that many Nintendo fanboys are a bit PO'd that the price came in at $250; I guess they were all hoping for a $199 entry point. I very much doubt I'll be picking one up as the first batch of games that have been announced don't really interest me all that much.

    You...want this...don't you. :o :))
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    This is upsetting. I was hoping for a price of $179, or even $199. I won't be getting it until the price drops now. I guess I'll tide myself over with an HD DVD add on for the 360.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited September 2006
    This is upsetting. I was hoping for a price of $179, or even $199. I won't be getting it until the price drops now. I guess I'll tide myself over with an HD DVD add on for the 360.

    From what I've been reading, a lot of people share your disappointment and the backlash is quickly starting to get ugly.

    Personally, I don't think the Wii is much of a bargain given the prices they're charging. Asking $250 for a console that is basically a souped up GameCube with motion tracking is tough to swallow. The prices for the accessories are criminal ($70 for component cables??!!). And asking $50 for games that clearly have last-gen visuals and no 5.1 surround sound is also hard to swallow. The pack in (Wii Sports) is pretty ugly and looks to be more of a tech demo than a deep game.

    If the Wii came in at $199 (even without the non-game pack-in) and the games sold for $40 each, then I might give it a second look. But based on what Nintendo is asking now, I don't consider it a good value for the money. Looks like I'll be sticking with the 360 exclusively for a while as well.
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    TonyDP wrote:
    You...want this...don't you. :o :))

    Oh, is very tempting. I share Night's concern being that the price is a slight deterrant and escalating the total cost of mine and my son's consoles close to $800 in the next few months just for the juvenile indulgence of it all. Hey, I'm a big kid. ;%

    ...That is if I take this route.
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    RogueAgent wrote:
    TonyDP wrote:
    You...want this...don't you. :o :))

    Oh, is very tempting. I share Night's concern being that the price is a slight deterrant and escalating the total cost of mine and my son's consoles close to $800 in the next few months just for the juvenile indulgence of it all. Hey, I'm a big kid. ;%

    ...That is if I take this route.

    As I said, I'm not sold on Wii but I accept that for some people it's a must have console. If you love Nintendo's first party stuff like Mario, Zelda and Metroid then you really don't have a choice. I never got into those franchises so I can look the other way.

    Since the console is 100% backward compatible with the Gamecube (just keep a few old controllers around) and will let you download old NES, SNES and N64 games for a small fee, there's some value there as well.

    From what I've read, a lot of people are really upset that Nintendo said the console would cost less than $250 and then they brought it out at $249.99. Technically they kept their word (and I thought it would debut at $250 all along), although it all was a bit sleazy on their part.

    And there's nothing wrong with being a big kid. I tell myself that all the time when I walk thru my museum. Still haven't found the special codpiece though. :p
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    I like how you can surf the web on it. I still want one...
    Tony, where did you hear that component cables will be $70?
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    I like how you can surf the web on it. I still want one...
    Tony, where did you hear that component cables will be $70?

    It was on the website and some gamers on another forum were complaining about the high price of the cables as well.

    Nintendo has also backed off on Wii supporting DVD playback and region-free games.
  • Bond_is_koolBond_is_kool Posts: 8MI6 Agent
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    Don't buy the Wii!!! I personally would now take the PS3 overthe wii and the 360 over the PS3. But, I would take the PC OVER ALL!!!

    This is very dissapointing as it now appears to me that they are pulling a sony on a smaller scale...oh well, the 360s departments are pulling themselves together while everyone else is falling apart...
  • JennyFlexFanJennyFlexFan Posts: 1,497MI6 Agent
    Plus, the controller, while innovative lacks the traditional controller feel we're all used to. I mean that's going to be WEIRD to play with that thing.

    One thing's for sure, if Namco makes Soul Calibur IV and they release it on the Wii and PS3 and not the 360, bad things will happen. Perhaps reactivation of the NSA... :o
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited September 2006
    Plus, the controller, while innovative lacks the traditional controller feel we're all used to. I mean that's going to be WEIRD to play with that thing.

    One thing's for sure, if Namco makes Soul Calibur IV and they release it on the Wii and PS3 and not the 360, bad things will happen. Perhaps reactivation of the NSA... :o

    Quakes in terror. But seriously, I don't see how you can play a fighting game with so many moves using that Wii controller. There are too many functions to map and given the precise timing required with that kind of game, something tells me the developers are going to just go straight to a traditional control pad methodology.

    Other than games with relatively simple movements like golf, baseball or tennis I still don't see the appeal of the Wiimote (and I still think that sounds like something Elmer Fudd would say). For a game like Metroid or football, you're still going to have to use the standard joystick on the nunchuk to control character movement. In these kinds of games, all the Wiimote can really do is act like a glorified pointing device, letting you choose where to shoot or throw a pass. Doesn't seem all that innovative (or fun) to me.
  • JennyFlexFanJennyFlexFan Posts: 1,497MI6 Agent
    TonyDP wrote:
    Plus, the controller, while innovative lacks the traditional controller feel we're all used to. I mean that's going to be WEIRD to play with that thing.

    One thing's for sure, if Namco makes Soul Calibur IV and they release it on the Wii and PS3 and not the 360, bad things will happen. Perhaps reactivation of the NSA... :o

    Quakes in terror. But seriously, I don't see how you can play a fighting game with so many moves using that Wii controller. There are too many functions to map and given the precise timing required with that kind of game, something tells me the developers are going to just go straight to a traditional control pad methodology.

    Other than games with relatively simple movements like golf, baseball or tennis I still don't see the appeal of the Wiimote (and I still think that sounds like something Elmer Fudd would say). For a game like Metroid or football, you're still going to have to use the standard joystick on the nunchuk to control character movement. In these kinds of games, all the Wiimote can really do is act like a glorified pointing device, letting you choose where to shoot or throw a pass. Doesn't seem all that innovative (or fun) to me.

    True, but I never play as Maxi, I'm more of a Cassandra/Ivy/Seung Mina person. ;)
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    TonyDP wrote:
    Plus, the controller, while innovative lacks the traditional controller feel we're all used to. I mean that's going to be WEIRD to play with that thing.

    One thing's for sure, if Namco makes Soul Calibur IV and they release it on the Wii and PS3 and not the 360, bad things will happen. Perhaps reactivation of the NSA... :o

    Quakes in terror. But seriously, I don't see how you can play a fighting game with so many moves using that Wii controller. There are too many functions to map and given the precise timing required with that kind of game, something tells me the developers are going to just go straight to a traditional control pad methodology.

    Other than games with relatively simple movements like golf, baseball or tennis I still don't see the appeal of the Wiimote (and I still think that sounds like something Elmer Fudd would say). For a game like Metroid or football, you're still going to have to use the standard joystick on the nunchuk to control character movement. In these kinds of games, all the Wiimote can really do is act like a glorified pointing device, letting you choose where to shoot or throw a pass. Doesn't seem all that innovative (or fun) to me.

    I must repectfully disagree here Tony, I think that the Wii remote is the only thing that the Wii has going for it. First of all, its two handed. Yes, I know you hold all of the other controllers with two hands, but this unconnected controller will make you think on the fly. In addition, some of the game nerds might actually get some exercise which some of them are severely lacking. I also think that the remote might actually make some of the Wii Sports games fun. In addition, red Steel is shaping up to be a really cool game which uses the Wii remotes features. all in all, this controller could be the selling point for the wii to casual gamers. Still, PC for me....
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    0064, I agree that the controller is the only thing the Wii has going for it, especially after having seen some of the graphics it pumps out. But as I said before, my question is how are you going to control certain games with it?

    How will a fighting game work where you have multiple punches, kicks, blocks, combos and movements? How about a football game where you must run, throw, block and do a bunch of other things? Same goes for hockey, soccer, basketball or similar sports titles. How about an FPS game? If Metroid is anything to go by, it looks like you'll still need to use the nunchuk's joystick to move around and all the Wiimote does is act as a pointer for where to fire the weapon. How about driving games? Do you rotate it left and right in open space? Do you hold it in both hands like a standard wireless controller and tilt it left and right?

    See what I mean? I agree that the controller can be useful for certain movements like swinging a bat, or a golf club, or smashing a tennis racket, or maybe as a sword or lightsaber. But take it out of that element and into more traditional styles of games and all of a sudden it's less obvious as to how well it might work. Indeed, it could actually feel very awkward. In fact, developers have already said that certain games (Super Smash Brothers was specifically mentioned) will not even be compatible with the Wiimote and will require the more traditional control pad, which by the way must be purchased separately.

    The way I see it, once the initial novelty wears off, all you're going to be getting is a lot of titles that are mini-game compilations (kind of like Wii Sports) rather than games with deep, invovled gameplay. Just my 2 cents; I could very easily be wrong. By the way, here's a link to an IGN FAQ with more info and pics on the Wii and all its components:
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    But Tony, you're not thinking about this the right way. Nintendo didn't create the Wii saying "Hmm... how can we make it difficult to play the same games we've been playing for years." They are going for a new type of game. So what that you can't play fighting games the way you used to? You have a PS2 for that. But with the Wii, you can experience new type of games with greater immersion factors. Imagine throwing a punch with the Wiimote in hand. How cool would that be? Yes, the timing would be rather difficult, but again, the purpose of the Wii is not to rehash old games in a more difficult way, but to create new types of gaming experiences.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    I agree that if the technology works properly there is the potential for some innovative gameplay. But I just fear developers will get lazy and drag out the same tired old stuff. I'm sure Nintendo's 1st party stuff will push the console; but after the initial hoopla I still feel 3rd party developers will give it about as much support as they gave the GameCube (in other words, not much) and Nintendo will be going it largely alone again.

    I guess I just take a more cynical view of these companies' ability to be creative Night; chalk it up to my advancing years.

    For what it's worth, I am curious about the Wii and I am looking forward to trying one out. And I could care less if they don't make fighting games or traditional sports games for it as I don't care much for either category. But I also hope they don't quickly degenerate to the point where every other game is either a Mario or Pokemon variation.
  • 00Goldeneye00Goldeneye Posts: 32MI6 Agent
    edited September 2006
    Well I'm Buying one, no matter what. Where I work at, Micro Center, we still do ?:) :s not know what we will sell The Wii for. Some of the plans are, We are told to sell high than $250, we are going to give the buyer 1 Free game of their choice, a 'Memory card' , and some other free widget, sometimes it's a $50-$75 Gift card. If it is lower, Basically the same, but just with a free game (and a 'Memory card'), it's something like we did with the 360, except it was the 'Basic' version that got the extra wigdets, because if you could buy the Premium or what the version was, you didn't need anything else! :))
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    Perhaps reactivation of the NSA... :o

    Oh, God, I'd rather watch worms drown... :#
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    RogueAgent wrote:
    Perhaps reactivation of the NSA... :o

    Oh, God, I'd rather watch worms drown... :#

    Ahahahaha...I was waiting for that one...i dunno, i need to see JFF go on another insane mole hunt...
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    Well I'm Buying one, no matter what. Where I work at, Micro Center, we still do ?:) :s not know what we will sell The Wii for. Some of the plans are, We are told to sell high than $250, we are going to give the buyer 1 Free game of their choice, a 'Memory card' , and some other free widget, sometimes it's a $50-$75 Gift card. If it is lower, Basically the same, but just with a free game (and a 'Memory card'), it's something like we did with the 360, except it was the 'Basic' version that got the extra wigdets, because if you could buy the Premium or what the version was, you didn't need anything else! :))

    I don't know if the whole "bundling" thing will fly with Wii. Nintendo had the hardware finalized months ago and have been busily churning out units. The say they expect to have 4 million Wii's on store shelves by the end of the year and I believe them. With those kinds of numbers, outlets like Toys 'R Us and Best Buy will just sell them individually. I don't think people will be forced to get a bundle full of stuff they don't want this time around.
  • RogermooreseyebrowsRogermooreseyebrows Posts: 21MI6 Agent
    Technically speaking...

    I'm sick to death of just another console with upgraded graphics and a price tag to match!

    PS3- too expensive, no average Uk family can afford one, plus a delayed release date will cripple them. Sony have messed up big time!{[]

    Xbox360- Hasn't taken off at all! Nintendo DS systems are literally smashing this thing out the water. The games do not suit me, even a rubbish attempt at Perfect Dark can't tempt me to buy one (Rare are finished)

    Those two are in danger of making consoles unaffordable and more like a PC every second of every day!

    The Wii is a fantastic machine, looks good, plays good and has a very unique and fun looking controller. Finally we have something different to play with. It's the way forward gentlemen!. I think it will sell extremly well! what with the classic games and the DS doing well I'd say nintendo are the dominant force in gaming today!.

    If you are easily pleased by smooth graphics then you are a simpleton! I personally think the Xbox360's graphics looks so good they are rubbish! even the cars on Project Gotham look too shiney! just not realistic!. Xbox has never been that popular, and never will!
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    Xbox360- Hasn't taken off at all! Nintendo DS systems are literally smashing this thing out the water. The games do not suit me, even a rubbish attempt at Perfect Dark can't tempt me to buy one (Rare are finished)

    I don't know where you're getting your information but the last time I checked, the 360 was selling great everywhere except Japan (not surprising considering their cultural bias against western hardware and lack of software that fits their culture). And comparing the DS to the 360 is really pointless: they are two totally differnt pieces of hardware at drastically different pricepoints and aimed at entirely different markets.
    The Wii is a fantastic machine, looks good, plays good and has a very unique and fun looking controller. Finally we have something different to play with. It's the way forward gentlemen!. I think it will sell extremly well! what with the classic games and the DS doing well I'd say nintendo are the dominant force in gaming today!.

    Have you actually played one? Last I checked most games looked really inferior compared to software available on other consoles. 3rd party support looks to be weak at best. And a lot of people are raelly upset at Nintendo's pricing scheme (saying the console would sell for less than $250 and then pricing it as $249.99 is sleazy no matter how you look at it. Personally, I'd really be resentful paying $250 for what is essentially a Gamecube with a fancy controller.
    If you are easily pleased by smooth graphics then you are a simpleton! I personally think the Xbox360's graphics looks so good they are rubbish! even the cars on Project Gotham look too shiney! just not realistic!. Xbox has never been that popular, and never will!

    So I'm a simpleton for enjoying my 360? I vehemently disagree with your comments on PGR. There have already been a lot of deep, entertaining games released for the 360 with many more on the way. Criticizing games for having nice visuals sounds to me like a Nintendo fanboy trying to rationalize his favored console's inferior capabilities.

    You obviously like Nintendo's approach to games and that's great, but taking potshots at other consoles and trying to make their strengths look like weaknesses only shows you to be the Nintendo fanboy that you obviously are.
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    Um... the 360 has outsold the PS2 for the past number of months. And the games are selling incredibly well. And there have been millions of downloads on Xbox Live Marketplace. But... yeah... it is doing terribly. Riiiiiiggghhhhttt.
  • JennyFlexFanJennyFlexFan Posts: 1,497MI6 Agent
    So I say HA HA Namco! For making Soul Calibur III PS2 exclusive and now it's failing... I laugh in your faces! HA! :)) :))
  • 00640064 Somewhere out west...Posts: 1,083MI6 Agent
    Um... the 360 has outsold the PS2 for the past number of months. And the games are selling incredibly well. And there have been millions of downloads on Xbox Live Marketplace. But... yeah... it is doing terribly. Riiiiiiggghhhhttt.

    It costs money to download right....hmmm...look at that nice PS3...hmmmm
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