Pricing for Nintendo's Wii console and games confirmed



  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    It doesn't cost anything to download most things. Videos, movie trailers, stuff like that, all free. Game demos are free, too. Only Arcade games and SOME game add-ons cost money.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    0064 wrote:
    It costs money to download right....hmmm...look at that nice PS3...hmmmm

    As Night said, most downloads for the 360 are free or cost a nominal fee (the Oblivion downloads have all cost less than $2.00 each; most arcade games go for $5 or $10 each).

    From what I've read, Nintendo will be charging $5, $10, and $15 respectively for their NES, SNES and N64 games being made available thru their virtual console.

    As for the PS3, there's still no hard data but their forthcoming Gran Tourismo HD will include NO CARS and NO TRACKS with the game and will force gamers to buy them INDIVIDUALLY, ONE BY ONE. Good value? I think not.
  • RogermooreseyebrowsRogermooreseyebrows Posts: 21MI6 Agent
    15 Doallars? for an N64 game? that's a good deal. i paid between 40-60 quid for mine on release dates, and there are some fantasic games to play around with {[]

    Well played Ninty~!
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    Why buy a new N64 game for 15 when you can buy an old one for 5? Unless of course they upgrade these games graphicall or otherwise- then it would be very, very cool, and a great price as well. Please, Nintendo?
  • RogermooreseyebrowsRogermooreseyebrows Posts: 21MI6 Agent
    Why buy a new N64 game for 15 when you can buy an old one for 5? Unless of course they upgrade these games graphicall or otherwise- then it would be very, very cool, and a great price as well. Please, Nintendo?

    Unfortunatly not everyone has the old consoles and are too lazy to go and buy one B-). Plus you can never fully guarentee a copy of a certain game.

    Paper Mario goes for loads on ebay 30-50 quid, so getting it for 7.50 is pretty good if you ask me ?:)?:)?:):s:s:s
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    Very true. Still, you can buy an N64 for $20, not $250.

    Still, I love the virtual console idea.
  • RogermooreseyebrowsRogermooreseyebrows Posts: 21MI6 Agent
    Very true. Still, you can buy an N64 for $20, not $250.

    Still, I love the virtual console idea.

    You paying for the whole new console, new games, idea's, controllers, Wifi, the lot!

    I can't wait for it personally, seen a few games that take my facy already! and James Bond games on this console will be unreal. I can imagine actually shoting people properly through aiming ;)

    Good luck Microsoft and Sony {:)
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    I'm not sure why you added your last comment. Nintendo THEMSELVES said that the Wii is NOT competing with the 360 and the PS3.
  • RogermooreseyebrowsRogermooreseyebrows Posts: 21MI6 Agent
    I'm not sure why you added your last comment. Nintendo THEMSELVES said that the Wii is NOT competing with the 360 and the PS3.

    Whether they SAY anything it will have to do well amoungst Xbox and PS3, otherwise they will lose money.....

    Fairly obvious I think :)):)):)):)):)):#:#:'(
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    No, not at all. Nintendo is placing itself so it can be the cheap(er) second consle that offers a different experience, making it necessary for true gamers and non gamers alike. Since the Wii is not comparable to the PS3 and 360, it is a whole other market.
  • RogermooreseyebrowsRogermooreseyebrows Posts: 21MI6 Agent
    No, not at all. Nintendo is placing itself so it can be the cheap(er) second consle that offers a different experience, making it necessary for true gamers and non gamers alike. Since the Wii is not comparable to the PS3 and 360, it is a whole other market.


    They are not aiming to be a second games console, thwy will want to sell as many as possible and keep it that way!

    Why the hell would anyone aim to be second best :)) :# :# :#

    It's not a completly different market, they are all games consoles and all need decent sales at the end of the day. To say they are not competing is total BS!. If they don't compete and advertise their console as the best around then it's stupidity! and they won't sell any!
  • The Sly FoxThe Sly Fox USAPosts: 467MI6 Agent
    edited October 2006
    Hmm, Nintendo did say that they would be charging less than $250. I was hoping for $200... :#

    But it's still not bad for that price. You get the cool new controller, backward compatibility with GameCube and the games are $50. You can even get old classics for $15. The console price may be a bit more expensive than expected, but it still seems like a fairly good deal. It may not have super-powerful-in-your-face graphics, but that's never bothered me before. Besides, from what I've seen, it actually looks quite nice.

    Since both DVD playback and Region-Free games are apparently out the window, it has lost some of the things that made it more appealing (not to mention that no DVD playback is kind of cheap), but when you see Sony and Microsoft stuff on the shelf for more than twice the price...

    Those game prices aren't bad either. Overall, looks like a pretty good deal (as long as I can find a way around the $70 cable issue ;) ). Not sure if I'll be getting one on release date, but I'll definitely be looking into it--maybe I'll buy it in a few months when it drops to the price I expected to pay from the beginning. ;)
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    The price for the hardware is quite reasonable; and gamespot and other websites have backed off their assertions that the component cables would be so expensive (they'll be selling for the equivalent of $25 in Japan). The price is so low and the quantities should be so plentiful that I could see myself getting one as an impulse purchase at some point. And it's so small that I could fit it in my entertainment system without any problem.

    My problem with the Wii is that I'm a graphics junkie and after seeing the visuals that my 360 can pump out, most of the Wii's titles look prehistoric by comparison. Also, none of the launch titles interest me. I was never a fan of Nintendo's first party IP's like Mario or Pokemon. Zelda looks like an interesting RPG adventure and I'm always up for a good FPS game so Metroid looks interesting from that standpoint. But everything else available at or near launch leaves me cold or can be had on other systems, where it will no doubt look much more compelling.

    I'm still on the fence on this one.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    I've read that Wii kiosks have started popping up at electronics and video game outlets. They have Excite Truck playing on them and the initial word is that the visuals are quite disappointing, looking like little more than a souped up GameCube title. Nobody's commented on how it controls yet; hopefully they'll have a display set up in my next of the woods by the weekend.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited November 2006
    I got a chance to check out an actual Wii console today at EB Games; I was actually pretty impressed with what I saw. It was playing the Excite Truck demo and it actually looked pretty good. Only runs at 480p but it was in widescreen (albeit with a fisheye appearance) and the graphics looked nice and clean to me (don't know what other people were complaining about).

    The Wii itself is quite small and could easily fit into most entertainment centers with no problem. The Wiimote controller itself if quite small (smaller than the 360's $30 media remote) but it seems to work quite well.

    Overall I liked what I saw and I could see myself picking a Wii up if only for the 1st party games, which I expect will probably be the best software anyway. Definitely a better purchase than the PS3 at this time, IMHO.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited November 2006
    Here's an interesting article that explains how the Wii's sensor bar (which ostensibly controls the Wiimote) actually works.

    I particularly love the discovery that two candles placed on either side of your TV can accomplish the same result as the sensor bar. All of a sudden, the tech inside the Wii doesn't seem quite as impressive.
  • RogueAgentRogueAgent Speeding in the Tumbler...Posts: 3,676MI6 Agent
    edited November 2006
    As I predicted to my Cartooning students months ago, the Wii just might rival the overly-priced PS3; I read an article yesterday to back up that claim...
    If nothing more, then the Wii is cheaper escapism and they seem to be taking their gameline up a notch...


    Gamers say Wii has PS3 beaten By Mike Snider, USA TODAY
    Tue Nov 28, 6:38 AM ET

    Since their debuts more than a week ago, two new game systems earn good grades from consumers - but the underdog Nintendo Wii is the early favorite over the pricier, sexier Sony PlayStation3.

    Both sold out on Day 1: Nov. 19 for the $500-$600 PS3 and Nov. 21 for the $250 Wii. But Nintendo seems to be reaping the benefits of a better supply.

    Overall, Sony is estimated to have shipped between 125,000 and 175,000 PS3s to stores, says American Technology Research analyst P.J. McNealy; the target had been about 400,000. Nintendo shipped between 425,000 and 475,000, he says.

    Nintendo's launch "has been probably a little better than expected and Sony's has been a little bit more disappointing," McNealy says. "If you have to rank on who won this holiday so far, Microsoft is first, Nintendo a close second and Sony a distant third, which is a rare statement."

    Many gave up on getting a PS3 and opted for the Wii, according to New Media Strategies, a research firm that monitored Web activity related to the systems. And 38% who sought a PS3 and were subjected "to sleep deprivation, lost wages, missed classes, the elements and even muggings came away from the experience with a bitter taste in their mouths," the report says.

    About 49% of online discussions were favorable to Wii, compared with 27% for PS3. Says the firm's Sam Huxley: "The hype machine went too far."

    The Wii, says Bryan Clute, 26, of Silverdale, Wash., rates an A because the new remote-shaped wireless controller is "something I haven't been able to experience before. It really adds to gameplay" in the bowling game that is included with the system. Clute, who waited in line at a GameStop store to reserve a system, says, "It was well worth it."

    David Nieves, 26, of Philadelphia gives the Wii an A-. "Nintendo has definitely gotten it right." He and friends spent most of the first day golfing, boxing, bowling and playing baseball. The games "were a blast."

    Assessments were harsher for the PS3. Ray McLean, 34, of Brooklyn, N.Y., rates the PS3 an A but gives the games a B "because many of the launch titles were pushed back to later dates." He wanted to see aerial combat game Warhawk, for one, because it would take full advantage of the motion-sensitive controller. But connected to his 42-inch HDTV, "I'm surprised at how good (the games) look, given that they are first-generation games."

    Brett Conlon, 26, of Fairfax, Va., gives the PS3 a B- because of the system updates needed before playing games, going online and playing multiplayer games. "I will say, however, that Resistance: Fall of Man shows a lot of potential. The Blu-ray player has amazing clarity (compared with) a regular DVD."

    On its website, Entertainment Weekly gave the Wii a B+ and PS3 a B. "The Wii slightly edges out the PS3 in our head-to-head because it has a blockbuster Zelda game at launch and a very attractive price point," Geoff Keighley says. But in the long run, "the race will get even tighter."
    Mrs. Man Face: "You wouldn't hit a lady? Would you?"

    Batman: "The Hammer Of Justice is UNISEX!"
    -Batman: The Brave & The Bold -
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    RogueAgent wrote:
    As I predicted to my Cartooning students months ago, the Wii just might rival the overy-priced PS3; I read an article yesterday to back up that claim...

    They're selling like the proverbial hotcakes, around 600,000 last time I checked. Technically, there isn't a lot there. But some of the games are still fun and the Wiimote is innovative. I'm still leaning towards buying one as a secondary system.
  • s96024s96024 Posts: 1,519MI6 Agent
    Think i'll pick one up when they arrive in the UK. If I don't like it, I can always rely on the trusty bay to get rid of it.
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    I was at Toys 'R Us today looking for a copy of Rainbow Six: Vegas and by pure dumb luck, about 50 Wii's and 50 PS3's went on sale right as I was getting in line to pay for my game. I had both consoles literally in my hands and was sorely tempted to get both of them but decided to only get a Wii as I still think there's no software for the PS3 that's worth the $600 pricetag for the console.

    As to some first impressions:

    - The Wii is positively tiny; about the size of an external CD-ROM drive for a PC. It's also very quiet and incorporates a motorized DVD tray.

    - Setting it up is pretty much automatic: plug it into your TV, attach the sensor bar, power it up, it configures itself with your wireless network automatically and downloads some updates (again automatically) and you're good to go.

    - The Wiimote works quite well with games that consist of simple movements like swinging a club or tennis racket. It can also be quite sensitive to the degree of movement. While playing the Golf minigame, it was able to distinguish between long arcing swings and short putting movements (though it takes quite a bit of practice to get proficient). You can also get a pretty good workout flailing about with the Wiimote and nunchuck attachment. I played the boxing minigame for about 5 minutes and worked up a bit of a sweat. If nothing else, this might actually get people off their couches and moving around a bit.

    - The minigames on the enclosed Wii Sports DVD all control well but still have a measure of challenge to them. Still, they don't seem to hold my interest for long. After playing each game a few times, I quickly wanted to move on to try something else.

    - Graphically the games look OK at best; after playing around with the Wii for about an hour I popped in Rainbow 6: Vegas for the Xbox 360 and the difference in graphical quality, sharpness, and complexity was night and day.

    Overall I'm pleased with the hardware but I still think the Wiimote control scheme will only work with games that focus on pretty standard arm movements like tennis, golf or baseball. Mapping the control schemes of more traditional games to the Wiimote could complicate the gameplay and actually make it less fun.
  • NightshooterNightshooter In bed with SolitairePosts: 2,917MI6 Agent
    You lucky... How do you manage to accidentally find 50 Wiis and PS3s?
  • TonyDPTonyDP Inside the MonolithPosts: 4,303MI6 Agent
    edited December 2006
    You lucky... How do you manage to accidentally find 50 Wiis and PS3s?

    Like I said Night, it was pure dumb luck; right place at the right time. I wasn't looking for it and I wasn't even going to pick it up; my brother pushed me into getting it ( that way when he buys another expensive Bond collectible he'll have a clear conscience :) ).

    The hard part was walking away from the PS3. Even though I said I didn't want one and there's not much software for it and it costs $600 it's very tempting when you see that shiny box right in front of you. Besides, 0064 would have taken a nutty if I'd gotten it; it would have almost made the investment worthwhile. ;)

    Either way, I still think the Xbox 360 is the better console by far. It has the best range of fun software, fantastic graphics, and just good overall bang for the buck. The Wii is clearly a secondary system for me.
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