Memorabila Nov 06

Great show - loads of Bond girls signing - a good time had by all.

Lots of James Bond goodies were for sale -



  • Dell DeatonDell Deaton Posts: 159MI6 Agent
    Nice pictures, thanks.
  • KissyLoverKissyLover AustraliaPosts: 139MI6 Agent
    Nice pictures, thanks.

    You are soooo right...very nice pictures, I'll take that cabinet full stuff home with me now thanks. :D

    Cheers and thankyou ohm5s.{[]
  • Dell DeatonDell Deaton Posts: 159MI6 Agent
    Nice pictures, thanks.
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,402Chief of Staff
    Great pictures indeed !

    I take it that was the NEC Birmingham one, rather than the G-Mex Manchester one ?

    Have you got anymore pictures or stories to share from this event ?
    YNWA 97
  • ohm5sohm5s Posts: 52MI6 Agent
    Hi, This was Birmingham! Couldn't make the Manchester one due to a social event - I see you are about 5 miles up the road, Northern Fleming Appreciation Society by eck. Back to NEC, I must confess to not getting round to seeing the Bond girls as I was busy on the stall all weekend. We ran a competition to win the use of an XK Coupe for a weekend and that was very succesful. I thought I might have seen lots of Casino Royale items for sale but there was very little other than the Corgi stand and the hilarious guys from Carta Mundi. I have done Memorabilia since the first show back in the mid 1990's and the vintage toy element is very small now. I believe it is, however, the best event of its type in the UK. Years ago many US collectors used to make the leap over for the show but these days there is probably not enough different to attract them, same stuff I imagine is available State side.
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,402Chief of Staff
    ohm5s wrote:
    Hi, This was Birmingham! Couldn't make the Manchester one due to a social event - I see you are about 5 miles up the road, Northern Fleming Appreciation Society by eck.

    Yea, I noticed you are only a few miles from me - I have thought about finding your house and then finding out when you are away........ :)) but I reckon you don't keep all your gear at home :#

    You have some fantastic stuff, but then you don't need me to tell you that :D

    To my shame, I've never attended either the NEC or G-Mex when these functions have been on - I keep saying I will one day though.

    Thanks for info and pictures - please post more from this, or any other events you attend.
    YNWA 97
  • ohm5sohm5s Posts: 52MI6 Agent
    I notice from the your number of posts that you never leave the house!! ;)
  • Sir MilesSir Miles The Wrong Side Of The WardrobePosts: 27,402Chief of Staff
    ohm5s wrote:
    I notice from the your number of posts that you never leave the house!! ;)

    Only to watch Bond films - so your collection is safe for the time being :D
    YNWA 97
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