Ranking the Connery Films

James SuzukiJames Suzuki New ZealandPosts: 2,406MI6 Agent
To coincide with the Ranking the Moore films thread I thought I would make a Connery one, ranking his 6 official Movies.
I just want to say this, I'm not the biggest Connery fan, I find him a bit overrated, but I do enjoy his movies a lot and I respect him for what he did to the franchise.

6. Diamonds Are Forever-
Now, it is not Connery's fault that I have trouble watching this movie, it is the plot. It is sleep-inducing, Charles Gray's Blofeld is awful, I keep on thinking he's about to say, "Just a jump to the left...!" The ending is a let down and the action scenes are dire except for the brief one in the elevator which I thought was quite well done. Not even the gorgeous Jill St John or the brilliant Barry score can save this film.

5. Goldfinger-
This movie, this low! Lower your crossbows. I've already expressed my opinion of this film in the Moore thread. I feel like it is super overrated. Pussy Galore seems non-attractive, the special effects seem worse then a home movie, the whole faking a gas attack scene and Pussy's flying circus is ridiclous, but much like in a Moore film, but it is played seriously which just makes it worse. I don't see what's great about the villain either, he doesn't do anything really ruthless. You don't see him paint the girl gold, he seems fat and pathetic. But I must admit, Connery's performance is fine here, even though his Bond seems to suck balls in this film, he gets captured half way thorugh the film and stays captured till the end! But the DB5 is my favourite Bond car and I love the Title song.

4. You Only LIve Twice-

Okay, just okay. The plot works, even though it is ridiclous, just have to accept it, that is what I feel. Connery is fine in the role, but the Japanese bit was weird! Blofeld was awesome and I loved how they handled the whole Bond dying at the start sequence.i
The girls are pretty cool, nice to see some Japanese woman for a change, very beautiful and the scenery is top-notch. Love the little-Nellie scene and the score has a nice airy, melody feel to it.

3. Thunderball-
I never really understood this movie. I use to not really like it. I found the action scenes in the water dull, the tension of the nuclear bomb threat almost nil and the plot confusing. But, I love the gadgets, the characters, the Bond girls ( :x :x hot :x :x ) the shark attack and the villain is interesting.
It holds itself up well as a piece of the 60's and the score and title song is perfect.

2. Dr. No-
Yes, the novel, DR No is my favourite Fleming novel, I love the action and suspense and the characters. The film adaption isn't perfect, but It is good. The songs, Underneath the mango tree, the Bond theme etc. are awesome and the characters come up from the novel. It drags a teeny weenie bit in the 1st quarter of the film but it picks up. Honey Rider is great and all.

1- From Russia with love-Love it. Yes, I like the Moore movies but this film is awesome. The Bond girl reeks with beauty and hotness (no Nude scene X-( ) the villains plot is credible, interesting and what brings the movie along. Bond is great in this and Red Grant is a terrfic villain played really well. It is a little dark, but most enjoyable and it does feel straight out of the Cold War era. I like how they show Instanbul, love the Orient Express scenes, the ending etc. The score by Barry has a real nice, spy feel to it and the song by Matt Monroe is a piece of history preserved.
“The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. "
-Casino Royale, Ian Fleming


  • JarvioJarvio EnglandPosts: 4,241MI6 Agent
    1 - DN - Always loved the feel to this one. A great introduction to the franchise, and Honey Rider is my all-time favourite girl.
    2 - YOLT - An underrated film. This one is fun, memorable, and all-round entertaining, with beautiful sets.
    3 - FRWL - It's all about the train scene. A great, defining bond moment.
    4 - DAF - I like it more than most other people do. It's very fun, and even if flawed, I still plain enjoy it.
    5 - GF - Highly overrated. That's not to say I don't like it. It's a good film, with great, defining moments.
    6 - TB - My least favourite Connery due to a lot of (IMO) boring content. Still has it's moments though. Fiona is great.

    (7 - NSNA - But I still don't hate it. It beats DAD and MR on my list of all bond films - just).
    1 - LALD, 2 - AVTAK, 3 - LTK, 4 - OP, 5 - NTTD, 6 - FYEO, 7 - SF, 8 - DN, 9 - DAF, 10 - TSWLM, 11 - OHMSS, 12 - TMWTGG, 13 - GE, 14 - MR, 15 - TLD, 16 - YOLT, 17 - GF, 18 - DAD, 19 - TWINE, 20 - SP, 21 - TND, 22 - FRWL, 23 - TB, 24 - CR, 25 - QOS

    1 - Moore, 2 - Dalton, 3 - Craig, 4 - Connery, 5 - Brosnan, 6 - Lazenby
  • MustonMuston Huncote, Leicestershire Posts: 228MI6 Agent
    1: FRWL - For me this was his most realistic Bond film and his grittiest. Also Red Grant makes it even more enjoyable.
    2: DN - Great because it was the first and just so much in there.
    3: TB - This has my favourite Connery PTS.
    4: DAF - So much wrong with this film but I think we see Connery at his most relaxed and confident which makes it a treat. Though I can't stand Charles Grey (Blofeld in drag?)
    5: GF - One of my least favourite out of the whole 23 films so far. Everyone loves it and I just can't get my head around it.
    6: YOLT - Little Nelly...need I say more.
    "Thank you very much. I was just out walking my RAT and seem to have lost my way... "
  • DEFIANT 74205DEFIANT 74205 Perth, AustraliaPosts: 1,881MI6 Agent
    As per rating the Moore films thread, here are my favourite Connery films. Number in brackets is how I'd rank them overall against all other official Bond films.

    1. From Russia With Love (1)
    2. Dr No (3)
    3. Goldfinger (4)
    4. Thunderball (5)
    5. You Only Live Twice (12)
    6. Diamons Are Forever (16)
    "Watch the birdie, you bastard!"
  • DutchfingerDutchfinger Holland With LovePosts: 1,240MI6 Agent
    I recognize FRWL as being a very solid Bond movie, great plot. One of the best Fleming novells as well! However, in terms of how much I seem to enjoy the Connery movies, the ranking would go as follows:

    1. Goldfinger
    2. You Only Live Twice
    3. Thunderball
    4. From Russia With Love
    5. Dr No
    6. Never Say Never Again (Yes I enjoy it more than DAF)
    7. Diamonds Are Forever
    Better known as DutchBondFan on YouTube. My 007 movie reviews: Recapping 007
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  • AllStarNemesisAllStarNemesis Posts: 12MI6 Agent
    My rank for the Connery films are

    1. Goldfinger
    2. You Only Live Twice
    3. From Russia With Love
    4. Thunderball
    5. Diamonds Are Forever
    6. Dr. No
    7. Never Say Never Again
  • FiremassFiremass AlaskaPosts: 1,910MI6 Agent
    "But the DB5 is my favourite Bond car and I love the Title song.

    James, 5.9 out of 6? that's a nearly perfect score! I assume you meant out of 10.

    I'll combine the two Ranking threads by doing a head-to-head comparison:

    Dr. No vs. LALD= Winner: DN by a score of 10 to 7
    FRWL vs. TMWTGG = Winner: FRWL by a score of 9.5 to 6.5
    Goldfinger vs. TSWLM = Winner: TSWLM by a score of 10 to 9
    Thunderball vs. Moonraker = Winner: Moonraker by a score of 9 to 6
    YOLT vs. FYEO Winner: You Only Live Twice by a score of 7.5 to 7
    DAF vs. Octopussy = Winner: Octopussy by a score of 7 to 6
    NSNA vs. A View to a Kill = Winner: A View to a Kill by a score of 9.5 to 7

    Total points for Connery: 55
    Total points for Moore: 56
    My current 10 favorite:

    1. GE 2. MR 3. OP 4. TMWTGG 5. TSWLM 6. TND 7. TWINE 8.DN 9. GF 10. AVTAK
  • James SuzukiJames Suzuki New ZealandPosts: 2,406MI6 Agent
    Whips, sorry, edited it. I wrote that at midnight and I was really tired.
    “The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. "
    -Casino Royale, Ian Fleming
  • NeverSayDieNeverSayDie Posts: 495MI6 Agent

    1. GF
    2. TB
    3. FRWL
    4. DN
    5. YOLT
    6. NSNA
    7. DAF
  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    edited November 2015
    1. Goldfinger - All of the elements of a great Bond film come together here. Connery gives an assured, confident performance, a sinister, meglomaniacal villain, a terrific fight with a very menacing and formidable henchman, clever gadgets, attractive Bond girls, classic one-liners.....it's all there.

    2. From Russia With Love - To me, this is Fleming's Bond terrifically translated to the screen. A great tale of espionage, and one of the best henchmen (Grant) and the best ally (Kerim Bey) in the series.

    3. Dr. No - A nice way to introduce the character to the screen. Classic Bond Girl (Honey Ryder) and a standout scene that has withstood the test of time (Bond killing Dent).

    4. You Only Live Twice - My most-watched Bond film. For pure enjoyment, this one tops my list. Unusual, exotic location, great action scenes, an absolutely beautiful title song and soundtrack, fantastic sets. Just an all around fun movie.

    5. Thunderball - Solid entertainment, this one has a nice PTS, one of the sexiest of all Bond Girls (Lucianna Paluzzo), and another outstanding performance by Connery. The movie is dragged down a bit by the slow-moving underwater scenes, but still an overall top line Bond film.

    6. Diamonds Are Forever - Hooray for the return of Connery! He gives an amusing performance, but the film is a decidedly mixed bag. Good humor, a nice, brutal fight in the elevator, a stunning Bond Girl (Plenty O'Toole), a good title song featuring Dame Shirley Bassey. On the con side, Charles Gray's awful Blofeld, a weak leading lady (Jill St. John), and some lackluster action scenes (the dune-buggy chase and the battle on the oil rig).

    7. Never Say Never Again - Great to see Connery as Bond again. Bernie Casey is my favorite Felix Leiter (obviously!), and I loved Barbara Carrera as Fatima Blush. The lack of Bond music really hurt, though.
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
  • raptors_887raptors_887 CanadaPosts: 215MI6 Agent
    1. Goldfinger - Much better the 2nd time around once I was more prepared for the horrible scene where the army guys pass out from the knockout gas.

    2. From Russia With Love - Just an okay movie until Bond gets onto the train and then its some of the greatest scenes in the whole series.

    3. You Only Live Twice - A really fun movie. Could have done away with a few ridiculous scenes though.

    4. Dr. No - Its only really good because its the first Bond film and it has a great feel to it.

    5. Diamonds Are Forever - Just an all around bad movie. Felt like it was thrown together as quickly as possible.

    6. Thunderball - My least favorite Bond film of them all.
    1: Casino Royale 2: Goldeneye 3: Skyfall 4: Octopussy 5: Goldfinger 6: Tomorrow Never Dies 7: The World Is Not Enough 8: The Living Daylights 9: From Russia With Love 10: The Spy Who Loved Me
  • FiremassFiremass AlaskaPosts: 1,910MI6 Agent
    Blackleiter, I'm surprised that NSNA is ranked 7th even with your favorite Felix Leiter. And how can you love YOLT so much, yet dislike similar Lewis Gilbert directed films like TSWLM and MR ? I probably know the answer, but still...
    My current 10 favorite:

    1. GE 2. MR 3. OP 4. TMWTGG 5. TSWLM 6. TND 7. TWINE 8.DN 9. GF 10. AVTAK
  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    As much as I enjoyed NSNA, the fact that some of the elements featured in the "official" Bond films (the music, the other cast members, the set designs) are missing really brings the film down a few notches for me. As for why I don't like TSWLM and MR as much as I do YOLT, yes, you know the answer! :))
    Firemass wrote:
    Blackleiter, I'm surprised that NSNA is ranked 7th even with your favorite Felix Leiter. And how can you love YOLT so much, yet dislike similar Lewis Gilbert directed films like TSWLM and MR ? I probably know the answer, but still...
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
  • Charmed & DangerousCharmed & Dangerous Posts: 7,358MI6 Agent
    1 Thunderball. I love that underwater stuff, Domino and Fiona are gorgeous, great fights, great villain.

    2 Goldfinger. Classic, the blueprint for Bond from that moment on.

    3 You only live twice. Spectacular? Check. Witty? Check. Villain residing in a volcano and firing rockets into space? Check. What more d'ya want?

    4 = Dr No. Ursula Andress looks magnificent, Sean looks like a tiger. The music is a bit hit and miss though.

    4 = From Russia with love. Robert SHaw makes a fantastic villain and the scene on the train are Nail biting, but it drags a little in parts.

    6 Diamonds are forever. As BlackLeiter says, great to see Sean back, and it contains some great scenes, but it's just a bit too camp in places (Blofeld in drag, really? )

    7 Never say never again. Still a great film, like all of Sean's, but the lack on EON polish makes it look very dated now...
    "How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathises."
  • Jimmy BondJimmy Bond Posts: 324MI6 Agent
    1. From Russia With Love - The best spy thriller in the franchise (OHMSS is less spy-ish, but as good a film still). Connery truly inhabits Bond by this time, and Robert Shaw as Red Grant elevates what could (and would, nowadays) have been a henchman part. Best everything - atmosphere, look, feel, performances and directing. Pretty damn fantastic.

    2. Goldfinger - It doesn't get more fun than this. Bond loses none of his previously earned edge, but adds more charm and wit this time around. Best villain of the franchise - every other villain has aped him, in attitude and persona. Guy Hamilton's one solid good film, too (although LALD is also good, but less so).

    3. Dr. No - The series really started with a bang - a slow burning fuse, more specifically. Probably Connery's most hard-edged turn, and a surprising tour de force for such a low-budget film. Some of the best locales are here - and Ursula Andress is THE iconic Bond girl.

    4. Never Say Never Again - Connery's return to the role is a welcome one, and his performance is his most energetic since Thunderball - totally makes up for YOLT and DAF. The film's seeming lack of EON-like elements works for me, for the most part (I do miss the gunbarrel and the title sequence, as well as the occasional Bond theme reference), because it shows how Bond's world has changed, and with it, him as well. Its the first time Bond has been allowed to have aged, and the film's at its best when it aknowledges it. It also has powerhouse performances by Klaus Maria Brandauer and Barbara Carrera, the latter character whom EON stole wholesale for GE. And Kershner's direction is leisoury and spy-like... Sadly, all of that cannot avoid the film's obvious remake trappings. Still, a satisfactory ending for the best Bond of all time.

    5. Thunderball - Best locales, best action, fantastic henchwoman in Fionna Volpe, AND Connery at the apex of his characterization as Bond... However, there are problems. Adolfo Celi is the least bit memorable and convicing as Largo, and as a result he's not a match for Bond, whose charisma and screen persona clearly dominates him (both Gert Frobe and KLB managed to hold off their own against Conneyr, to great success). The underwater action is also rather lacklustre, mainly because it lacks suspence for a long time - and the underwater climax simply doesn't work. Still... this is a rolicking action film, and an enjoyable one at that.

    6. You Only Live Twice - This is where things started to go awry, with more focus on the plot and the gadgets, and the overall size of the film rather than story and characterization. Connery's clearly bored, but a bored Connery is always more preferable than, say, a bored Moore. Donald Pleasence's Blofeld is one of the biggest miscasts in the franchise's history... but at least he's menacing a figure, and memorable, so I'll give him that. And the locales of Japan are beautiful to behold, as is the score (Barry's second best score after OHMSS, probably), and the cinematography (with OHMSS, the best in the franchise's history until Skyfall) helps showcase that. Astonishingly good-looking film, but as a Bond thriller... one TB imitation too many.

    7. Diamonds Are Forever - At its first twenty minutes, it was an OK film about diamond smuggling - and then the film gave up. Connery is only slightly interested, as if to keep himself from spending more energy in the part (in his most unflattering appearence as Bond, too). Charles Gray as Blofeld is the worst miscast of the franchise, and following Telly Savalas is especially dissapointing. I don't know what else to say - its an almost completely dissapointing film, on almost every level (I can't believe Ken Adam worked on this). The only thing that comes out unscathed is John Barry's score, which is as great at it usually is. Bad Bond film, and a bad ending for Connery's Bond film for EON.

    Question: James Suzuki, DEFIANT 74205, Muston AND raptors_887 - why no NSNA reference?
  • KKwheelchairKKwheelchair BathurstPosts: 153MI6 Agent
    1 Thunderball, 2 Gold Finger 3 From Russia with love 4 Dr no 5 You only live twice 6 Diamonds are forever
    "You know what's great about you English Octopussy man I must seen that movie, Twice" -the simpsons
  • Jimmy BondJimmy Bond Posts: 324MI6 Agent
    1 Thunderball, 2 Gold Finger 3 From Russia with love 4 Dr no 5 You only live twice 6 Diamonds are forever
    Where's NSNA?
  • Rod SlaterRod Slater Posts: 41MI6 Agent
    1. Goldfinger - All of the elements of a great Bond film come together here. Connery gives an assured, confident performance, a sinister, meglomaniacal villain, a terrific fight with a very menacing and formidable henchman, clever gadgets, attractive Bond girls, classic one-liners.....it's all there.

    2. From Russia With Love - To me, this is Fleming's Bond terrifically translated to the screen. A great tale of espionage, and one of best henchmen (Grant) and the best ally (Kerim Bey) in the series.

    3. Dr. No - A nice way to introduce the character to the screen. Classic Bond Girl (Honey Ryder) and a standout scene that has withstood the test of time (Bond killing Dent).

    4. You Only Live Twice - My most-watched Bond film. For pure enjoyment, this one tops my list. Unusual, exotic location, great action scenes, an absolutely beautiful title song and soundtrack, fantastic sets. Just an all around fun movie.

    5. Thunderball - Solid entertainment, this one has a nice PTS, one of the sexiest of all Bond Girls (Lucianna Paluzzo), and another outstanding performance by Connery. The movie is dragged down a bit by the slow-moving underwater scenes, but still an overall top line Bond film.

    6. Diamonds Are Forever - Hooray for the return of Connery! He gives an amusing performance, but the film is a decidedly mixed bag. Good humor, a nice, brutal fight in the elevator, a stunning Bond Girl (Plenty O'Toole), a good title song featuring Dame Shirley Bassey. On the con side, Charles Gray's awful Blofeld, a weak leading lady (Jill St. John), and some lackluster action scenes (the dune-buggy chase and the battle on the oil rig).

    7. Never Say Never Again - Great to see Connery as Bond again. Bernie Casey is my favorite Felix Leiter (obviously!), and I loved Barbara Carrera as Fatima Blush. The lack of Bond music really hurt, though.

    I think though that Blackleiter pretty much nails it here. I do wonder if I would swap 4 and 5, and maybe even 6 and 7 (DAF of course has the EON elements but I think Connery was better in NSNA). The one thing this has made clear is, I need to go back and watch the Connery movies! It's been a while and that makes picking some over others a bit tough!
  • 007bond007bond Posts: 71MI6 Agent
    FRWL- Connery's Masterpiece 10/10, Bond's a bit of a bastard in this one that wasn't ever shown again until Casino Royale, but thats why i love it so much. The Villians are great and that fight in the train still trills and helicopter shoot out is still great. Maybe not Connery's best performance as Bond but his most certainly his best film.

    Goldfinger 9/10- Connery last great Bond film.

    Dr No 8/10

    Thunderball 7/10

    DAF 5/10
    YOLT 4/10
  • Jimmy BondJimmy Bond Posts: 324MI6 Agent
    007bond wrote:
    FRWL- Connery's Masterpiece 10/10, Bond's a bit of a bastard in this one that wasn't ever shown again until Casino Royale, but thats why i love it so much. The Villians are great and that fight in the train still trills and helicopter shoot out is still great. Maybe not Connery's best performance as Bond but his most certainly his best film.

    Goldfinger 9/10- Connery last great Bond film.

    Dr No 8/10

    Thunderball 7/10

    DAF 5/10
    YOLT 4/10
  • 007bond007bond Posts: 71MI6 Agent
    Jimmy Bond wrote:
    007bond wrote:
    FRWL- Connery's Masterpiece 10/10, Bond's a bit of a bastard in this one that wasn't ever shown again until Casino Royale, but thats why i love it so much. The Villians are great and that fight in the train still trills and helicopter shoot out is still great. Maybe not Connery's best performance as Bond but his most certainly his best film.

    Goldfinger 9/10- Connery last great Bond film.

    Dr No 8/10

    Thunderball 7/10

    DAF 5/10
    YOLT 4/10

    I haven't seen it. Sky movies during the bond season usual put it on at crazy hours in the morning.
  • Shady TreeShady Tree London, UKPosts: 2,994MI6 Agent
    In reverse order:

    7. TB - strains under the weight of its own hardware
    6. NSNA - witty and good in parts, until Fatima's explosive exit; thereafter it drags
    5. GF - I never quite warmed to this as much as others do
    4. DN - establishes the genre; cogent plot
    3. YOLT - hokum, but breathtaking spectacle
    2. FRWL - Bond meets Hitchcock (via Terence Young) in a suspenseful thriller
    1. DAF - a masterpiece of self-reflexive camp
    Critics and material I don't need. I haven't changed my act in 53 years.
  • Mr_OsatoMr_Osato Posts: 398MI6 Agent
    1. Goldfinger - All of the elements of a great Bond film come together here. Connery gives an assured, confident performance, a sinister, meglomaniacal villain, a terrific fight with a very menacing and formidable henchman, clever gadgets, attractive Bond girls, classic one-liners.....it's all there.

    2. From Russia With Love - To me, this is Fleming's Bond terrifically translated to the screen. A great tale of espionage, and one of best henchmen (Grant) and the best ally (Kerim Bey) in the series.

    3. Dr. No - A nice way to introduce the character to the screen. Classic Bond Girl (Honey Ryder) and a standout scene that has withstood the test of time (Bond killing Dent).

    4. You Only Live Twice - My most-watched Bond film. For pure enjoyment, this one tops my list. Unusual, exotic location, great action scenes, an absolutely beautiful title song and soundtrack, fantastic sets. Just an all around fun movie.

    5. Thunderball - Solid entertainment, this one has a nice PTS, one of the sexiest of all Bond Girls (Lucianna Paluzzo), and another outstanding performance by Connery. The movie is dragged down a bit by the slow-moving underwater scenes, but still an overall top line Bond film.

    6. Diamonds Are Forever - Hooray for the return of Connery! He gives an amusing performance, but the film is a decidedly mixed bag. Good humor, a nice, brutal fight in the elevator, a stunning Bond Girl (Plenty O'Toole), a good title song featuring Dame Shirley Bassey. On the con side, Charles Gray's awful Blofeld, a weak leading lady (Jill St. John), and some lackluster action scenes (the dune-buggy chase and the battle on the oil rig).

    7. Never Say Never Again - Great to see Connery as Bond again. Bernie Casey is my favorite Felix Leiter (obviously!), and I loved Barbara Carrera as Fatima Blush. The lack of Bond music really hurt, though.

    This could have been my list. as well as for the arguments. Some minor changes for me:

    1. GF. Amazing, what a fun ride. Connery was at his finest here. The car, the clothes, the attitude.
    2. FRWL. A classic spy thriller. Excellent story, Bond girl, soundtrack, locations.
    3. Thunderbal. Great villain, Bond girl, location, soundtrack. But some scenes underwater drag too long.
    4. YOLT. My guilty pleasure. and also most watched Bond movie. Great locations, soundtrack and henchman Mr Osato :D Plot is rediculous, but who cares? This is fun at its purest.
    5. Dr No. Where it all began. Just not my favourite Connery.
    6. DAF. The only Connery movie I did not like much. Not because of Sean, but for everything else: silly plot, silly Blofeld, silly henchmen, terrible leading lady.
    7. NSNA. The TV movie version of Thunderball. Never felt like a Bond movie, even with Sean involved. Only highlight is Barbara Carrera.

    1. Connery 2. Craig 3. Brosnan 4. Dalton 5. Lazenby 6. Moore
  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    Mr_Osato wrote:
    1. Goldfinger - All of the elements of a great Bond film come together here. Connery gives an assured, confident performance, a sinister, meglomaniacal villain, a terrific fight with a very menacing and formidable henchman, clever gadgets, attractive Bond girls, classic one-liners.....it's all there.

    2. From Russia With Love - To me, this is Fleming's Bond terrifically translated to the screen. A great tale of espionage, and one of best henchmen (Grant) and the best ally (Kerim Bey) in the series.

    3. Dr. No - A nice way to introduce the character to the screen. Classic Bond Girl (Honey Ryder) and a standout scene that has withstood the test of time (Bond killing Dent).

    4. You Only Live Twice - My most-watched Bond film. For pure enjoyment, this one tops my list. Unusual, exotic location, great action scenes, an absolutely beautiful title song and soundtrack, fantastic sets. Just an all around fun movie.

    5. Thunderball - Solid entertainment, this one has a nice PTS, one of the sexiest of all Bond Girls (Lucianna Paluzzo), and another outstanding performance by Connery. The movie is dragged down a bit by the slow-moving underwater scenes, but still an overall top line Bond film.

    6. Diamonds Are Forever - Hooray for the return of Connery! He gives an amusing performance, but the film is a decidedly mixed bag. Good humor, a nice, brutal fight in the elevator, a stunning Bond Girl (Plenty O'Toole), a good title song featuring Dame Shirley Bassey. On the con side, Charles Gray's awful Blofeld, a weak leading lady (Jill St. John), and some lackluster action scenes (the dune-buggy chase and the battle on the oil rig).

    7. Never Say Never Again - Great to see Connery as Bond again. Bernie Casey is my favorite Felix Leiter (obviously!), and I loved Barbara Carrera as Fatima Blush. The lack of Bond music really hurt, though.

    This could have been my list. as well as for the arguments. Some minor changes for me:

    1. GF. Amazing, what a fun ride. Connery was at his finest here. The car, the clothes, the attitude.
    2. FRWL. A classic spy thriller. Excellent story, Bond girl, soundtrack, locations.
    3. Thunderbal. Great villain, Bond girl, location, soundtrack. But some scenes underwater drag too long.
    4. YOLT. My guilty pleasure. and also most watched Bond movie. Great locations, soundtrack and henchman Mr Osato :D Plot is rediculous, but who cares? This is fun at its purest.
    5. Dr No. Where it all began. Just not my favourite Connery.
    6. DAF. The only Connery movie I did not like much. Not because of Sean, but for everything else: silly plot, silly Blofeld, silly henchmen, terrible leading lady.
    7. NSNA. The TV movie version of Thunderball. Never felt like a Bond movie, even with Sean involved. Only highlight is Barbara Carrera.

    We're definitely on the same page when it comes to the Connery Bonds. -{
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
  • L JonesL Jones Posts: 131MI6 Agent
    1. "FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE" - Despite a flawed last half hour, this is the best of the Connery films for me.

    2. "THUNDERBALL" - Silly humor and underwater sequences aside, this movie has a first-rate plot and one of the best villains in Fiona Volpe.

    3. "YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE" - Japanese locations, a kick-ass battle scene in the finale and excellent support from Japanese cast members made this movie bearable for me.

    4. "DR. NO" - Well . . . I can tolerate it more than "GOLDFINGER", despite the crappy dialogue and schizophrenic genre.

    5. "GOLDFINGER" - Plot holes galore, a near rape scene and a childish Bond. No wonder I dislike this film so much.

    6. "DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER" - Very funny movie, but it's still pure and utter crap. Worst of the series.
  • FiremassFiremass AlaskaPosts: 1,910MI6 Agent
    L Jones wrote:
    1. "FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE" - Despite a flawed last half hour, this is the best of the Connery films for me.

    2. "THUNDERBALL" - Silly humor and underwater sequences aside, this movie has a first-rate plot and one of the best villains in Fiona Volpe.

    3. "YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE" - Japanese locations, a kick-ass battle scene in the finale and excellent support from Japanese cast members made this movie bearable for me.

    4. "DR. NO" - Well . . . I can tolerate it more than "GOLDFINGER", despite the crappy dialogue and schizophrenic genre.

    5. "GOLDFINGER" - Plot holes galore, a near rape scene and a childish Bond. No wonder I dislike this film so much.

    6. "DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER" - Very funny movie, but it's still pure and utter crap. Worst of the series.

    1. What do you consider flawed about the last half hour of FRWL?

    2. I agree. Thunderball had a lot of potential. Maybe that's why I like NSNA so much.

    3. Sounds like most Connery 007 films are unbearable for you?

    4. What is schizophrenic about Dr. No's genre ? Which dialog do you find crappy?

    5. Agree with the plot holes galore and rape scene. What do you find childish about Bond?

    6. Haha...poor DAF. :#
    My current 10 favorite:

    1. GE 2. MR 3. OP 4. TMWTGG 5. TSWLM 6. TND 7. TWINE 8.DN 9. GF 10. AVTAK
  • PeppermillPeppermill DelftPosts: 2,860MI6 Agent
    1. From Russia With Love. Great, great movie.
    2. You Only Live Twice. I know, I know, but I just really like this movie. Love the Japanese setting and when I was younger I was really interested in space travel. So yes, I know I rank this higher than most.
    3. Dr. No. A great start to the series that really set the tone for things to come. Terrence Young did a great job of translating the feel of the books to the big screen.
    4. Goldfinger. Never really took to this movie. It is a fun watch and I know it set the tone for what came after. A highlight to be sure, just not a favorite of mine.
    5. Thunderball. Too slow for my taste. However, it has some fantastic moments.
    6. Diamonds Are Forever. Not my favorite in terms of style.
    7. Never Say Never Again. As you can see I don’t really like Thunderball and this remake is even worse. The changes made in the plot don’t really work and this movie has by far the worst one-liners of any Bond films.
    1. Ohmss 2. Frwl 3. Op 4. Tswlm 5. Tld 6. Ge 7. Yolt 8. Lald 9. Cr 10. Ltk 11. Dn 12. Gf 13. Qos 14. Mr 15. Tmwtgg 16. Fyeo 17. Twine 18. Sf 19. Tb 20 Tnd 21. Spectre 22 Daf 23. Avtak 24. Dad
  • BlackleiterBlackleiter Washington, DCPosts: 5,615MI6 Agent
    Firemass wrote:
    3. Sounds like most Connery 007 films are unbearable for you?

    I think you've nailed it. Apparently L Jones is just not a fan of Sir Sean.
    "Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley."
  • Mr_Sable_BasiliskMr_Sable_Basilisk BerlinPosts: 50MI6 Agent
    1. Goldfinger - The Car, classic villain/henchman duo, Connery as a suave style icon, Shirley Eaton (I rate her higher than Honor Blackman) and a positively shocking PTS.

    2. From Russia with Love - Brilliant spy movie with a first class PTS, three fantastic villains/ henchman, the best ally by far, beautiful locations, some nice suits and the Orient Express including THE Fight. Not much of a fan of Daniela Bianchi though.

    3. Thunderball - Again a great PTS, a well crafted story, Connery at his most relaxed, beautiful locations and an array of beautiful women. Luciana Paluzzi has always been one of my favs. Ironically I found the leading lady the least attactive of the bunch. But still a beautiful woman which I prefer to most of RM leading ladies.

    4. Dr No - brilliant first glimpse of Bond, James Bond, again beautiful locations, good story, the killing of Prof Dent and of course the white bikini including its contents.

    5. You only live twice - Some great locations again, very good japanese supporting cast and interior design (love Osatos office) and a nice final battle. Has some length in the middle third, the first outing of Blofeld is mediocre and Sir Sean is fast loosing interest in the role.

    6. Never say never again - Sir Sean's return, a brilliant henchwoman, Kim Basinger is pure eye candy, my favorite Felix and the scenes at the health clinic. The rest is more or less forgettable. Edward Fox as M is really annoying. I prefer him as the jackal.

    7. Diamonds are forever - Again Sir Sean's return, Wint/Kidd and the elevator fight. The rest is a disaster, headed by Charles Gray and Jill St. John (and I really like red heads).
  • Jimmy BondJimmy Bond Posts: 324MI6 Agent
    Firemass wrote:
    L Jones wrote:
    1. "FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE" - Despite a flawed last half hour, this is the best of the Connery films for me.

    2. "THUNDERBALL" - Silly humor and underwater sequences aside, this movie has a first-rate plot and one of the best villains in Fiona Volpe.

    3. "YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE" - Japanese locations, a kick-ass battle scene in the finale and excellent support from Japanese cast members made this movie bearable for me.

    4. "DR. NO" - Well . . . I can tolerate it more than "GOLDFINGER", despite the crappy dialogue and schizophrenic genre.

    5. "GOLDFINGER" - Plot holes galore, a near rape scene and a childish Bond. No wonder I dislike this film so much.

    6. "DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER" - Very funny movie, but it's still pure and utter crap. Worst of the series.

    1. What do you consider flawed about the last half hour of FRWL?

    2. I agree. Thunderball had a lot of potential. Maybe that's why I like NSNA so much.

    3. Sounds like most Connery 007 films are unbearable for you?

    4. What is schizophrenic about Dr. No's genre ? Which dialog do you find crappy?

    5. Agree with the plot holes galore and rape scene. What do you find childish about Bond?

    6. Haha...poor DAF. :#
    Never Say Never Again?
  • L JonesL Jones Posts: 131MI6 Agent
    I agree. Thunderball had a lot of potential. Maybe that's why I like NSNA so much.

    I feel that THUNDERBALL fulfilled its potential, despite some of the silly humor. And I think that NSNA was a crappy remake.
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